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Posts posted by Raithie

  1. 41 minutes ago, Ro Sham Bo said:

    There is a boy on fantalk who seems ITK re Poplatnik saying that we have now decided to make him a signing offer. 

    If true its really disappointing that having faffed about all summer we've now been reduced to making an offer to Poplatnik after all. 


    Raith2020? If so he's either Poplatnik himself or a close friend/relative. Would only post about Pops and seemed to know everything that was going on with him. If he's saying we've made Poplatnik an offer then I'll take that as being true. 

  2. 1 hour ago, grumswall said:

    Aye I'm all for that. I can't remember if someone said that the cottage sponsorship wasn't on the back of the top they got today though? That seems a bit strange unless it's just this batch and the deal was done too late for them to be featured on this lot. 

    I believe Andys Man Club and Family Cottege Centre are only on the back of the first team playing tops. 

  3. 4 hours ago, Jackie Myles said:

    Kennedy surely has to be punted back to sevco and the deal looked at again come January. As has been said we can't afford to have a squad position used up by a guy that won't be fit for weeks maybe months. You've got to wonder how the hell he managed to pass his medical if he has a bloody hernia. 


    Between that article and the issue re Kennedy you'd think McGlynn would be triple checking everything. We signed Tom Lang who was also injured when he signed on the dotted line and a couple of players (Matthews and Spencer) who required ops that were never done due to the insistence they played, in Matthews case masking it with painkiller injections, and that's them only just getting the ops now McGlynn is away. 

  4. 4 hours ago, WATTOO said:

    Did he seem a bit casual / risky when on the ball with you ?

    He did when he got an extended run in the team after Berra got injured imo. As much as we wanted to play it across the back 4 I always used to shit myself when he got the ball as there were a few times he'd dilly dally and whilst he'd pull it off he was one mistake away from putting us under severe pressure. He also had an absolute nightmare away to Dunfermline after we won the diddy cup. This is in stark contrast to his 1st season where he looked the real deal, cool, calm, played the correct ball with precision and aggressive when he wanted/needed to be. Went through a bad injury period and didn't seem the same player after that. I think finding himself out the team didn't help. Whilst he never came across as someone with an attitude problem I'd heard some murmerings that he wasn't best pleased that he wasn't getting games. I really think at that stage he felt he was better than he was and would waltz into a much bigger team up a level. As much as I'm maybe being negative I think us having a new manager and a decent pre-season under his belt might have seen him in contention of being a first pick at centre back. Alas he's went for a, no disrespect, sideways move to a team of similar size all for what seems an extra years contract.  

  5. 1 hour ago, Nelson said:

    Don’t know much about Musonda but I’ll admit to being a bit worried that he struggled to get a game for Raith. 

    I think it was more down to McGlynn having his favourites which was Berra and Bene at centre back and Tumilty at right back (a position Musonda had filled here and there). Think he notched up about 13 games for us last season. He played pretty much every game after Berra got injured so about 9 games on the bounce. Bene could have a nightmare and would invariably never get dropped so Musonda was always going to be behind both him and Berra and cover for injuries. Think Musonda was resigned to moving on at the end of the season due to lack of game time so we never really got to see the Musonda who looked every bit a player who might have made it to the Premier League in his 1st season with us. He's a player I would have absolutely kept if he could have gotten a decent pre-season under him especially now that we're in desperate need of some additional players in defence. 

  6. 7 minutes ago, raith1974 said:

    Very good overall performance from everyone. I thought Easton was brilliant tonight, his touches, passing, runs and goals were something we've missed for a while. Brown also looks a very strong player and Millen looked good. Some decent play and good goals albeit against a poor Peterhead side. Stanton was very good especially in the 2nd half with at least 3 Diagonal passes that were 1st class. 

    Aye thought Stanton in 2nd half was tremendous, much more like it from him. Thought Millen got forward well and into good spaces but his crossing at times was poor. His first touch and ability to control the ball is fantastic I've noticed. Brown looks so cool and calm on the ball and really versatile. 

  7. First competitive game and no farting about. An absolute complete performance if ever I've seen one. So many standouts and some ridiculous goals to boot. Berra going off is a bit of a worry as he looked to take a sore one in the first half. Impressed with Mitchell, can see there's a player there and he's absolutely rapid. Easton was terrific if somewhat casual with his passing at times and trying cheeky flicks when not needed however he turned many a Peterhead player inside out and scored an absolute worldy. Great tempo, gave Peterhead no time on the ball and Murray wasn't exaggerating when he said he'd have our work rate as being a key feature of our team. 

  8. 4 minutes ago, Beastie Russell said:

    Need to find photos of the 1980/1 Bukta top 💙💙💙

    If you can somehow make the pics on http://www.historicalkits.co.uk/Scottish_Football_League/Raith_Rovers/Raith_Rovers.htm bigger that might be worth a try. The guy was very prompt at replying and making sure top was exactly what I wanted. Think it was only £35 as well. I've been desperate for the 94 away top however worry that reproducing that with the spray paint design might flag up some issues, might see if it's possible.

  9. 31 minutes ago, Beastie Russell said:

    Not bad reproductions, but horrific badges

    Oft no, avoid at all costs. Just type in Raith Rovers and look at the Rovers top he's touting as our new strip this season. I used Dunnottar for a couple of tops and what I got was quite frankly a disgrace, and it took well over 6 months to arrive. The pictures on his site look nothing like what I got. Only way of contacting the guy was via some form on the website and got zero replies. A wee read of some reviews tells you everything https://uk.trustpilot.com/review/www.dunnottar.scot

    I've used this site a couple of times https://world-retro.com/ You basically give them a picture of the top you want from any era, they'll reproduce it but send you a photo of it beforehand so you can ask for any tweaks/adjustments. The only thing they can't put on the tops is the original kit manufacture but sponsors are fine. Quality is superb, very much like a modern top from today in terms of material and badge reproduction is to the exact detail. 

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