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Posts posted by Raithie

  1. 29 minutes ago, RRFC_Liam said:

    Still no word if there’s any incomings, I know he can’t anything about big John incase if the work permit doesn’t come through, but would’ve liked to of heard if he was working on something 

    Murray was in The Courier last week saying we're awaiting a work permit so that's probably as much as he can say at this time. No point him repeating it in every interview.

    3 minutes ago, grumswall said:

    I'd be surprised if we see anyone other than frederiksen in before January (assuming his wp comes through before then). Not itk at all but I think he'll be happy enough to see how we do to till then and then use what budget he has left then.

    Agree, if Big John comes in that'll be it for now.

  2. Kinda felt all Connoll was needing was a goal. Hopefully that's him up and running and we'll see similar performances going forward. If we can get him performing to that level along with the return of Gullan and the arrival of Big John (fingers crossed...and fingers crossed he's decent) then things are looking better up top. Spencer and Matthews returning further strengthens what is probably the strongest midfield in the league (imo). Brown is clearly capable at this level, his pass to Connolly which led to the first goal was sublime and Stanton has looked a completely different player lately. 

  3. 20 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

    In the past decade, how many seasons have you lads got out of him?

    I know the respectable thing is to stick by injured players but it's taking the piss a bit now, surely? 

    One I believe, 2017/18 season where he made 35 appearances. 2013/14 and 2014/15 were the only other seasons we got over 15 games out of him with 21 appearances in each season. He's played less than 15 games in every other season. Our medical costs towards Vaughan alone must be mental.

  4. Just now, Ding Dang Doo said:

    If our new 6ft8 striker gets his work permit then I'd given him a start along side Gullan

    Looking at the size of him one stride will take him from one goalmouth to the other. Not played since July though.

    Re Musonda. I always got the vibe he thought he was better than he was when with us and that we were a good stepping stone to a bigger club, possibly to the prem. In the end he's taken a side ways step to a team in the same league, of similar size and similar sized fan base. However there's no doubt Ayr are looking a much better team than us at the minute so maybe it was the right decision. I've no doubt if he does well at Ayr he might get the step up he wants. 

  5. In light of the fact some folk are getting on at Murray due to lack of signing activity, and if it's true about Big John, then hopefully he can announce this in his pre match interview and that we're just awaiting clearance. If it goes tits up at least it's something out with our control (denied a work permit being main one) so there is an excuse if need be.

  6. 16 minutes ago, raith1974 said:

    There are some absolute p***ks on here. I have nothing buy concern for the club and fear where we are going this season. 

    Go back to your source that told you there's no money and ask them why is IM publically saying he's trying to sign players and lying to fans in light of what you're being told about our finances. 

  7. 26 minutes ago, raith1974 said:

    Look at the facts Berra left saying he was happy to give up his wage

    You missed out the very big fact that Berra also came out publically to explain his reasoning on retiring, are you saying the club/player got together to come up with an elaborate story to hide the fact the reason for him leaving was down to us not being able to afford his wages?

    37 minutes ago, raith1974 said:

    many other players with experience were let go and released without a fight to keep them. Instead we sign either 1st Div players, young loan players or  players that are not good enough.  

    I'm guessing you're hinting at Musonda/Bene? Personally I think Nolan and O'Riordan are a decent pairing for this level, the latter in particular looks a good find. Tumilty, we were never going to be able to keep hold of him and it was well known he was leaving at the end of the reason. The signing of Millen though certainly looks to have been a poor decision so I'll give you that.

    41 minutes ago, raith1974 said:

    We now have also let Zanatta go 

    No problems with that unless you're saying the club/player got together to come up with an elaborate story to hide the fact the reason for him leaving was down to us not being able to afford his wages?

    42 minutes ago, raith1974 said:

    Young and Arnott have also gone on loan 

    Usually what happens with youngsters, it'll do them good to get minutes/experience when out on loan.

    42 minutes ago, raith1974 said:

    Bow has given up.

    Yeah he really should have just done the simple thing and not get injured. Boys given up his footballing career due to injuries not down to money. Unless there's some big conspiracy where Bow and IM sat down and conversation went something like this "Bow, we canny afford you, can we just say you're injured? in fact can we just say you're retiring so we don't have to pay you?"

    44 minutes ago, raith1974 said:

    If you are happy with the depth and quality of this squad then great

    I'd certainly prefer some additional players, particularly up top, do you think Murray isn't trying to find someone? If you feel the fans are being lied to on the back of what you've been told re our finances you should be going back to your source asking what is going on.

    50 minutes ago, raith1974 said:

    I'm not convinced in anyway we ever had players lined up from Norway. 

    Neither am I, probably because IM (or anyone else for that matter) never said that.

  8. Goalkeeper: McNeil, bench warmer at best. Unless MacDonald or Thomson get injured he'll probably not get a look in.

    Defence: Nolan and O'Riordan look fine, people freaking out that O'Riordan will be away in January is pure speculation. Potentially could have Lang back by then but even then I'd be surprised if he does go back to Crewe in January. Millen, hmm. Ngwenya, has he had the opportunity to play in his natural position yet? 

    Midfield: Brown and Easton look fine for this level. Easton in particular has shown some real flashes of being a good player and has caused some teams problems. 

    Strikers: Connell, probably needs a goal to get him going. Has squandered a couple of decent chances. McBride, too early to tell. In desperate need of another striker which Murray has promised he is on the look out for.....as is the bulk of teams in Scotland though.

  9. Meh, was hoping we'd have heard something about a striker coming in but heehaw updates thus far. On top of that no idea if Gullan will be fit and probably won't hear much about that until Murray does his pre-match interview later in the week. If you have anyone that can put our fullbacks under pressure you'll be laughing. On top of that I've no doubt Dipo will give our defence in general a torrid time. So yeah, lack of firepower up front and some diddiness at the back will probably cost us over the 90 minutes.

  10. 2 minutes ago, raith1974 said:

    Information can always be given about a manner of issues, however you look at the person telling you there association to the club any other relevant knowledge and take it from there. I have no reason to disbelieve what I've been told but won't disclose who it came from. 

    Look though at the players released and replacements. Bene, Berra Tumilty,  Poplatnik even Zanatta all replaced with cheaper options or kids. 

    You can't go about berating Murray for lack of signings if you're believing your source that we have no money. If your source is correct then questions would need to be raised with Murray/Sim telling fibs in their interviews. When you see the fact that many other clubs are in the same boat regarding bringing in players I'd suspect it's not down to lack of money but lack of options out there. 

  11. 11 minutes ago, virginton said:

    Of course there are benefits. You no longer pay the wages of a player who is no longer part of your plans

    the wage saving alone is worth more than any amount of money that you'll actually get in a transfer fee

    Agreed and I'd hazard a guess pretty much our clubs mindset when we offloaded Zanatta to Hamilton with no dramas or dummy spitting during the process.

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