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Posts posted by Raithie

  1. I don't know where people are reading/hearing folk still talking about DG saga other than on here. I never hear folk mentioning it at games or in the streets, I've got a lot of non Raith Rovers supporting pals who are all into football and they never mention it. A quick swatch at our Twitter and we don't really have people wading in to stick the boot in. Away fans aren't giving it to us tight during games. Vals clearly gotten bored of harping on about it. If there's folk still staying away because of it this must equate to a very small minority - it certainly doesn't feel like there's been a massive reduction/impact on our crowds anyway. I have no idea what the uptake is with hospitality these days but money is tight for a lot of people at the moment, whilst the DG situation probably had some effect (at the time) to assume that's the main factor at this present moment I don't think that's quite the case.

  2. Linlithgow started the game as I suspected, came out all guns blazing and put us under immediate pressure. Can't really remember MacDonald having a save to make throughout the game though and apart from a couple of balls flashed across goal from us we didn't really cause them any huge issues in the 1st half. Fortunate as well that their boy couldn't finish his tea with that glorious chance. 2nd half it was one way traffic and probably a combination of Linlithgow players getting tired and our full time status/additional quality got us through the tie. 

    Whilst there was never any danger of their being any bother I'd have much rathered segregation was in place so all the Rovers fans were together, was zero atmosphere having everyone spread about the stadium.

  3. The fact Fredericksen scores our winner against QP and finds himself on the bench for the next game tells it's own story. Pretty sure Murray said after the QP game there was still aspects of his play against QP he wasn't happy with. His decision making when he came on against Cove won't have done him any favours and I've no doubt Murray is starting to lose patience with him resulting in his comments post match. Will he come good? who knows but my gut feeling at the moment is it's a signing that hasn't worked out. 

  4. 31 minutes ago, R.R.FC said:

    FWIW there are still paper tickets on sale from Linlithgow direct

    The Linlithgow fans on the match thread are saying there won't be any segregation and if I remember correctly from the last cup game there you can walk around the entire stadium if you want. Got option for folk to think about if they are desperate to go.

  5. 32 minutes ago, Bring Your Own Socks said:

    didn’t look very diddy the way your fans celebrated. 

    I think a combination of Big John getting his first goal (a bit of a cult hero amongst some of our fans even if he's not had much game time) and the fact we're the cup holders grinding out a win with the squad we had available.  

  6. 4 hours ago, ICTChris said:

    Going for some lunchtime bench presses today.  Had some time off in January and squatted for the first time in two weeks on Monday night, had a touch of DOMs since.

    I know the feeling. Took two weeks off the gym during the festive period. Squatted last Friday, took until today for DOMs to subside

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