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Posts posted by Raithie

  1. Last time I was at Ibrox to see the Rovers was back when we were in the Prem and we were sitting where their main singing section sit just now with an empty seat beside us and a bit of tape separating the fans. As a 9 year old I have abiding memories of their arsehole support so I'm not exactly chomping at the bit to take my son there....and there's no way he'll let me go without him 😆. If push comes to shove I'll save myself for the semi final. 

  2. Fancied us today however will not lie I was bricking it when it went 2-1. This team though just don't give up and Murray has really instilled this 'don't give up' mentality the last few weeks. Chuffed for Isma putting the game to bed after reading Livi fans rip him to bits. Great support and atmosphere from both sets of fans in the ground albeit daft idea letting both sets of fans pass eachother at the bottom of the ramp at full time. Jubilant Rovers fans on the wind up and despondent pished Motherwell fans was only going to result in one thing. 

  3. 38 minutes ago, TxRover said:

    How many do we realistically see wanting to attend?

    Think we took about 2500 to the cup final last season and even then the stand that runs the length of the pitch at Airdrie wasn't full. I'd envisage we'll be looking at a similar number, maybe slightly more if we're still on a decent run of form. Hamilton, who knows. Wherever it is (Livi, Airdrie, Falkirk, McDermid) is more than big enough for both sets of fans. Can't see it being played in Perth. Livi or Falkirk would be my best bet. Would rather it wasn't Airdrie.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Paco said:

    You can walk from the town centre pubs to the ground in Airdrie in about fifteen minutes. Night and day compared to a Wetherspoons in a shopping centre. 

    The Old Firm situation was unfortunate. Just a Scotland match on the Saturday to contend with this time. Really is incredible how badly the SPFL manage this tournament. 

    Wasn't aware the pubs were that close in Airdrie, thought it was a good bit away from the ground. Scotland game is day before cup final however a dear weekend for folk that want to do both.

  5. That fookin sensational. My laddie went on and on about wanting to go tonight and if he hadn't twisted my arm I probably would have just watched it in the house. So glad we went. Some atmosphere in our end and the scenes at the end were tremendous, just folk bombing down the stairs to celebrate. Absolute limbs at the equaliser. My voice is gone. 

  6. When we moved house during lockdown I converted my garage into a little gym (squat rack, bench, barbell, some plates and my only set of 22.5kg dumbbells). Over time I added a couple of extra bits - tricep bar and EZ bar. My barbell was a standard 1 inch bar and plates were vinyl with encased concrete. The website I bought a lot of the stuff from said the bar was 10kg and my plates are quite wide meaning the maximum weight I could put on the bar was 120kg, and that's with the last plate pretty much clinging on by a thread. Over time I was able to hit triple figures in weight on the main lifts (bench, deadlift and squat - overhead press well off) but I was finding myself getting bored in a pokey balltic garage albeit convenient to nip out into during my lunch breaks or in the evenings with no monthly cost. I've relented and decided to join a proper gym. Been going 4 days a week for last 3 weeks and absolutely loving having better equipment, olympic barbells, machines, cables etc to train with. One things for sure there is no way my little set up at home was anywhere near the weight I thought it was. However my numbers are going up each week and managed a 170kg deadlift for a double last week which I was chuffed with. Great to have a range of dumbbells instead of my only 22.5kg dumbbells at home. I'm now in a pickle as to what to do with my set up in the garage, tempted to sell some stuff as it's in good nick albeit some of the concrete is starting to crumble inside the plates but I suspect my son might end up getting into lifting so might be a nice thing for him to have when he's old enough.

  7. A bit apprehensive about this game in all honesty. Appreciate there's no pressure on us but with the players we have unavailable on top of who 'might' be unavailable after Saturday's game I reckon we'll need to conjure the spirits of Aberdeen away in the Scottish Cup if we're to get anything from this match. Motherwell, for as poor as they might have been lately in the league, will probably have enough about them to see them into the next round I'd suspect. It's been a bit of an up and down season for us with some good games/wins and some poor performances/results - a win here would be absolutely massive for us not just financially but going into the latter parts of the season with a bit of form and confidence.

  8. On 03/02/2023 at 14:08, clashcityrocker said:

    Raith fans take note - you are playing a much improved Arbroath than the first half of the season in 2022.



    On 03/02/2023 at 16:47, 1320Lichtie said:

    And then probably should’ve beaten Ayr and then beat Morton. Same amount of wins in 4 games as we had the previous 19. What he is saying is not incorrect he is not having a go at Raith Rovers, but how do you respond to this stuff again…


    Raith fans taking this well, I see.


    Is that right? 



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