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Posts posted by Raithie

  1. 49 minutes ago, clashcityrocker said:

    A word of caution to Raith fans before some of you get carried away - Arbroath were rotten last night, this was their worst performance of the season - if you can only score one goal in such circumstances, this is cause for concern.

    Equally concerning was that Raith were not much better - an awful match between two teams short of form, flair and creativity.

    But fair play for leaving with 3 points.

    As long as we score a goal more than the opposition I couldn't give a toss if it's 1-0 or 5-0, 3 points is 3 points. What's going in our favour is Arbroath and Cove (and to a lesser degree Hamilton) look like they might save our skin in the shiteyness department. 

  2. Just received our latest bill with revised DD. Between what our previous bill was, and what we've paid and what our charges are in this period it's put us into a small debit.....but the hoors have decided to ADD the £66 credit to the debit therefore increasing it rather than reducing it so we've seen no benefit of the £66. Just off the phone to them (EDF), they've agreed they've fucked up and will send out an amended bill. They've went a bit gung ho with their estimates on what our usage will be as well but that's an arguement for another day.

  3. 16 hours ago, oaksoft said:


    Rife with covid?

    Which Fife-based hospital is this?

    Vic in Kirkcaldy. Perhaps rife was the wrong choice of words as I was only on two wards however within those wards there were a number of patients who were COVID positive along with umpteen patients having to isolate as they were COVID contacts. I also know of a couple of community hospitals in Fife where wards are closed altogether due to COVID.


    16 hours ago, oaksoft said:

    You'd be as well wearing fishnet stockings over your head.

    That's an activity I leave to the weekend 😆


    10 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

    I was at St John's in Livingston at the weekend and on entering there was a big table giving away masks and asking people to sanitise. I did both. Everyone else I saw (which was not many, to be fair) was wearing a mask also. 

    I know of a few folk recently who have caught covid in hospital.  

    Funnily enough I'm back in the hospital today and the tables were back out with masks at the front door. Overhead the staff saying it was down to the people coming in to the hospital asking for masks. Still lots of people going about the hospital without masks until you're on a ward though.

  4. My job involves me being in and out of hospitals in Fife. Even when masks were ditched folk still wore them in the hospital settings with most hospitals having boxes of masks at the entrance and pretty much everyone adhering to wearing them. Today when I went in there was no tables at the main entrance and I didn't know why. Lots of people walking about maskless until you got onto the wards. Had no idea why or what was going on then bumped into a few of the nurses who said no longer need to wear masks if walking about the hospital and only expectation is you wear one when speaking to patients or on a ward. Anyway, the hospital I was in today was rife with COVID. 

  5. Speaking of woman and the washing.

    I've been given strict instructions not to do the wifes washing. I usually put everything on a mixed cycle so can do colours and whites on the same wash and have had heehaw bother (no colours running or that). Wife thinks this is too risky so has said she'll do her own washing. This is all fine and well however what invariably happens is she'll come home from work, have her tea, potter about and by about 10pm realises she's no work clothes for the morning. She'll stick a wash on and then fall asleep on the sofa and go to bed without hanging it up. On the off chance she does hang it up before bed she realises it won't be dry for the morning unless she puts the heating on or sticks it in the tumble in the morning. She's absolutely no concern when it comes to money/energy use at all. 

  6. 22 minutes ago, TxRover said:

    It’s a conundrum. Nolan is signed by us and O’Riordan is loaned to us, both are benefiting from the playing time, and both look capable at this level, although O’Riordan seems the superior of the two right now. When Lang returns, at first he will be playing a limited amount, so we can play him for the last 15-25 minutes with either one to assess chemistry. After that, we have to decide on either aiding the development of a loanee or a signing. The natural move would be to sideline O’Riordan, unless Crewe offer him to us for the remainder of the season. However, then we’re left with having a partially developed Nolan, who is out of contract in May, that we have to decide on re-signing or not for next year despite having handicapped his evaluation and development (consider Big Dave…he was always hanging just behind the starters, mainly because he wasn’t getting enough playing time). Also, would Nolan happily re-sign with us If he gets sidelined from January on to allow O’Riordan to start…or will he look afield like MacKay did? Nolan is 23, and needs to become a regular starter if he wants to advance in the game…the same age as MacKay last year. It’s not impossible that, with a poor decision, we could start the offseason with Lang and Masson at CB going forward, so a year would have been wasted. I think we need to thank O’Riordan, and ship him home, unless they’ll sell him to us…but could we even afford that?

    f**k me, I'm surprised your brain hasn't exploded the amount of overthinking you do. It's pretty simple, you play your strongest starting 11 and if that's O'Riordan and Lang then so be it. 

  7. We took the plunge in July and got a smart meter installed (we're with EDF). Whilst it's nice to see at a glance what we're spending I get the fear when I see it going over £4.50 😆. The app has been handy to see the breakdown and we've been averaging about £110 to £120 a month since it got installed. Thankfully we're in credit by about £360 but we've no idea what our bills are going to go up by, the app saying our next bill won't be generated until 2nd November so it's a waiting game at our end just now. 

  8. 9 minutes ago, pub car king said:

    Thing is Starks park is a fucking nightmare to upgrade. As well as being a strange looking ground it is between a main road and a railway line meaning there is only limited space and accessing the railway side to do anything substantial has the added bonus of closing the east coast mainline at a horrendous cost. Sim has spoken of developing it but ultimately we need to find a way of making whatever is put in to pay for itself. I think his long term aim would be premier league football and kitting it out with hospitality boxes. 

    The main stand is a relic and if it wasn't listed I think it would have been pulled down and something more suitable that uses the space better installed. So we have the 4 storey hub presumably to pick up a lot of the space we just don't have. I don't see how it can line up to the back of the North stand due to the f**k off steels holding the roof up on both new stands.





    Granted I clearly have too much time on my hands to come up with this but if I had infinite cash this is what I'd do to Starks Park. Obviously I'd make the team an unbeatable powerhouse of Scottish football first and foremost.

    * From that picture above - excavate and flatten the area next to the stairs and build a club shop that actually resembles a shop.

    * Across the road take ownership of the two billboards and use this to put up Rovers related information such as season tickets being on sale/pictures of the new strips etc. Go one further and make the boards digital so that multiple different Rovers related adverts can be shown throughout the day.

    * On the lamposts stick up flags on lead up to the ground from the traffic lights at the bottom of the road saying 'Welcome to Starks Park' or 'RRFC'.

    * Some Rovers related graffiti wall art on the brick wall running up Pratt Street towards to the North Stand. 

    * Big Rovers art covering all of the windshields within the South Stand. A collage of historical moments as an example.

    * A big f**k off LED score board in the corner beween the South and Railway Stand. All singing and dancing with graphics, crowd shots, goal replays etc.

    * Fill the entire white panel at the back of the South stand with Rovers flags or some sort of artwork.

    * If the Railway Stand isn't going to be used anytime soon fill it with giant flags to fill up the space and make it a bit more colourful. In the long run demolish it and build a terrace.

    I can visualise it already min!!!!

  9. Maybe I'm just being dense but from reading the article I still can't fathom out what this Hub is actually for and what it's use will be. Is it for folk utilising the pitch throughout the day/evenings to get changed, for parents to sit and have a coffee waiting on their bairns finishing a game/training class, office space for staff? Or all of the above? Looks nice none the less but when Sim is telling us the stadium in general requires thousands of £'s a season in maintenance you have to wonder if this is really something that's needed right now.

  10. These seem to be all the rage at my bairns school. He was constantly asking for a packet and couldn't find them anywhere, eventually found them at a small Nisa store but the big supermarkets don't seem to stock them....and I can see why. Absolutely rank. 



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