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Posts posted by Raithie

  1. Just now, The Derry said:

    Wrong @ my brother, but still I'm here for you.  I reckon we just have the ruckus at Beveridge Park 2 mins up the road.  Haven't had any PMs from this mob yet sadly.  

    I recommend the glorious sands of Kirkcaldy beach for the scuffle. There's a wee cafe at the end of it where we could relax with a coffee and some bacon rolls afterwards. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

    I use some whey protein here and there as well.  I had some in my porridge this morning.  I'm not a massive fan of it but it does the job.

    It's just a case of making sure there's enough protein in each meal.  So for my breakfast today I had a bowl of porridge with a scoop of whey, that's about 25g of protein in total.  For lunch I had two mackerel fillets with some salad, that's 50g and then a bowl of Skyr and blueberries, another 17g.

    Dunno what I'm having for dinner, will see how it goes.

    Do you know how much protein you should be taking in a day? 

    I've tried some whey in my porridge but find it utterly rank so generally have a shake and toast and eggs for breakfast. My morning whey equates to 38g and on top of the eggs it's a hefty hit first thing in the morning. Peanut butter and an apple is my go to snack or some beef jerky however the latter I could take or leave depending on the brand. Lunch will be a chicken breast and some rice (cliche muscle building meal I know but the chicken breast alone is about 30g) or a Pot of Gold (a bit pricey though but helluva convenient - https://www.mygsn.co.uk/collections/bundles/). Whilst I know protein bars can be filled with sugar I might have one later in the afternoon, some of them have a decent amount of protein if you believe the labels. I'll take a post training 'all in one' shake which has about 30g protein and 5g creatine and 3g Leucine in it. Tea will be either another chicken breast/steak/fish or something meat related and before bed I'll usually have some cottage cheese due to it's casein content so I'm getting a good slow release of protein during the night. I did used to take ZMA's before bed however you can't take anything dairy related on top of this so had to stop the cottage cheese for a while. ZMA's though are the dugs if you want a deep sleep to help with recovery. 

  3. 19 minutes ago, stevoraith said:

    Why pick a random seat then sit somewhere else?
    Why not just pick the seat you fancy sitting in in the first place?

    For the league cup games (Stirling specifically) me and my son bought our sesaon ticket seats as they were free. Just before kick off he fancied sitting up the back so up the back we trudged, mid way through the first half he saw some pals from school so went to sit with them, at the end of the game he dragged me down the front to sit during the penalties....

  4. 21 hours ago, ICTChris said:

    I have always thought I ate enough protein but I decided to measure how much I was eating and I was actually eating a bit less than I'd thought, so I've started tracking how much I eat.  Anyone got good practical tips for getting more protein into the diet?  

    Are you trying to hit your daily protein targets via food alone? If so kudos to you, I should be taking in about 165g of protein a day which would cost me a fooking fortune in food so I have no alternative but to throw in some protein powders here and there throughout the day.

  5. 9 hours ago, Hadji said:

    You have to treat a recoving ACL injury with extreme caution, you don't just come back from an injury like that at 100% its a very slow and gradual process.

    So he has the op, goes through his rehab, gets signed off by the physio as being able to return to training. Then what? Whatever happens from there on in he could f**k his knee again a minute into training, 5 minutes into a game, tripping over his feet walking down the street...

  6. 21 minutes ago, Always next quarter said:

    Not really a biggie more trying to see where the complaint of secrecy could come from. 

    The person in question talking about secrecy is someone who needs his hand held being a football fan and would like to know what the 'Emperor' had for his tea before being able to settle for the evening. Failure to know this results in recurrent meltdowns on here unfortunately.

  7. 1 hour ago, baillieinleeds said:

    The most secretive club in Scotland it would seem. 

    That's a bit unfair. Murray had stated umpteen times he was on the look out for players and, probably naively, gave rough ideas on how many (at that point) and timescales for signing. Granted it didn't always pan out to the timeframes he gave but ultimately he's started to get bodies in and I've no doubt the factors that delayed/scuppered some players coming in were all external and not down to Murray sitting with his thumb up his erse. All he pretty much left out when questioned about signings were the players names. I really don't know how much more info Murray and/or the club need to divulge and honestly don't know any other club that does that sort of thing anyway. It really feels some posters are a post away from basically saying Murray has been sitting twiddling his thumbs waiting for the season to start. 

  8. Not getting my knickers wet just yet. We looked fantastic against Peterhead, keech against Stirling Albion, mediocre against Dumbarton and for as much as the scoreline suggested it was a pumping against Aberdeen there were periods in that game we looked not too bad. With a couple of new signings flung into the starting 11 on Saturday without much notice I wasn't expecting miracles but thought we'd maybe fair a bit better than the scoreline suggested. Does this mean our season is over and we're destined for the drop? Absolutely not, I'll reserve judgement until we've played a few more games and even then we've got some big players due to return to the squad which will bolster it a bit. Hopefully Murray is continuing to look at options to strengthen the squad in the meantime. Again Murray saying all the right things post match and rightly so was angry and frustrated at the performance/result however this needs to translate onto the pitch. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, mealsonwheels said:

    I believe so, He was on loan at Airdrie previously scoring 6 goals in 22 games.

    I also believe there may be another player to come too.

    I've heard Lee Johnson is dicking about re the McLelland deal. Wonder if we've given up on Pops. Was telt Murray wanted Pops to come over for Murray to have a look at him and his agent telt him to bolt. 

  10. We could debate this til the cows come home but we have a quote from Berra pretty much stating he's stepped down to allow the club to bring in additional players and take the club forward. I know I know, Berra isn't exactly going to come out and say "the managers a fud and we had a fawoot so am offski" but his statement on the official site is as much as we can go on. If true then fair fucks to the man, brave decision and all that and he might know himself it'll free up a hefty wage. If it is nonsense then hopefully the issue is more down to the fact that during pre season Berra has looked fairly average and realises himself that he's starting to toil and/or he's announced his 'retirement' knowing we have additional players lined up so it's not all as doom and gloom as being made out (however you'd think if that was the case he'd have stayed on as a coach). I'd have much rathered we announced a couple new centre backs along with the Berra retirement or even better announced some newbies and maybe told a wee white lie that he was injured and when the newbies are fully bedded in then said he was retiring.

  11. 39 minutes ago, Against The Machine said:

    Slightly more seriously, see this new arrival that was scuppered by Covid - does anyone have any more information on the parameters there? Is it a case of the new player self-isolating so the deal can't be finalised, or something beyond that? Short of being able to attend a medical, I'm coming up short on reasons why Covid would prevent a new signing. 

    Was wondering that myself. In this day and age you'd think an electronic signature would suffice to get the deal done if it's just a case they are self isolating at the moment so can't come into Starks to sign the contract in person. 

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