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Richey Edwards

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Everything posted by Richey Edwards

  1. if you ever need self-validation just meet me in the alley by the railway station!

  2. Too much Easter bullshit and buttfuckery already.
  3. The independence referendum was rigged by the SNP so they could get into the position to take over the UK using a puppet Labour government. Apparently.
  4. You're just like me, just like me, and your life has not even begun!

  5. And when you slam down the hammer, can you see it in your heart?

  6. World peace is none of your business.

    1. Bigmouth Strikes Again

      Bigmouth Strikes Again

      Police will stun you with their stun guns.

  7. ^Agreed! I'd waited a long time for the chance to see him and wasn't disappointed.
  8. Shyness can stop you from doing all the things in life you'd like to.

    1. Bigmouth Strikes Again

      Bigmouth Strikes Again

      its the bomb that will bring us together.

  9. I didn't think Kendrick Lamar's new album would even come close to being as good as GKMC but it's really good, I'm enjoying it.
  10. People posting vague passive aggressive statuses about "keyboard warriors".
  11. You'd think if Gordon Brown was a real fan of Raith Rovers he would use his influence to bring them Champions League glory.
  12. One of my colleagues told me that the guy who founded Scientology gave birth to rats.
  13. I'm looking forward to getting my life back. I work nights so every other aspect of my life is dead.
  14. Fallout 3 Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater Hitman Blood Money Medievil Skyrim
  15. I have decided that I am resigning from my job next monday. I've written my resignation letter and now I can't wait to get away from the place. I don't have another job to go to yet but hey-ho. The only thing worse than being unemployed is having a job that makes you wish you were.
  16. I've never seen that episode of The Thick Of It but I laughed at the comparison to that line. Well done! Keep it going. If you're benefiting from staying sober then there's no reason why you shouldn't keep it going. If you ever "slip" don't fall into the trap of catastrophising it though. I've been there before, feel free to PM me if you want.
  17. Rangers are as dead as Maggie Thatcher.

    1. SodjesSixteenIncher


      but what if Thatcher is not kill?

    2. D.A.F.C


      xxx_Craigwhyte_xxx hardscoper is confirm?

  18. I'm planning on going back to the GP once my current run of nightshifts ends at the end of the month and I have a few days off to return to normality. I have quite a stressful and demanding job in healthcare and working keeps me busy and I basically just sleep when I'm off. I've often thought that I would be a lot better if I just chucked it and never had to worry about it again but it's the only profession I have any real experience in. I don't really have a social life because I only have one real friend. I get on well with my colleagues and socialise with them at work but I'm not really close to anyone. I've had a few tearful moments in recent weeks because I felt particularly awful but they passed and I was able to continue with my day. I know depression is temporary but sometimes it seems eternal.
  19. I've been suffering from depression again recently. I am 24 years old and feel alone most of the time even when I'm with other people. I have a low paid job but not a career or any savings to speak of, and I still live with my parents. Everyone I know my own age goes travelling abroad and stuff and I've done none of these. I have a girlfriend but tbh I'm terrible company and I make her feel miserable. She's a lovely girl but she would be better off without me. I have considered taking my own life and have attempted to do so in the past but last time I tried I realised how many people I'd hurt if I did. Fortunately my desire to not inflict pain on them is currently stronger than my desire to end everything. I have a university interview soon and should be looking forward to this but I'm not really sure what I want from life. I've tried doing the things I thought I wanted to do but they have all turned out to not be for me. I also suffer from anxiety and hate social occasions and busy places like trains, going shopping etc. I feel self conscious and awkward. I have been on escitalopram and received CBT in the past and these helped to an extent but it was only temporary.
  20. So damn easy to cave in. Man kills everything!

  21. You don't like me but you love me, either way you're wrong. You're gonna miss me when I'm gone!

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