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Frank Quitely

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Everything posted by Frank Quitely

  1. I'm afraid you have a malfunctioning board that got shafted for 35 grand in sponsorship by the club owner. But good luck to Joe, he's got a low bar to beat
  2. You may be underestimating the innate political conservatism of a great swathe of the English electorate, whether they stay in England, Scotland or Wales. NI is its own basket-case. The only thing which will shake their Tory conviction is if they themselves begin to experience financial hardship, as they traditionally don't give a flying f**k about others as long as they are all right Jack. Not all certainly, but not a few either.
  3. UKIP and their ilk are the foot-soldiers. The much more decisive influence over Tory policy in recent years has come from once-niche libertarian economic organisations like the Institute Of Economic Affairs and the Taxpayers Alliance. And whilst a lot has involved private lobbying, they owe a debt of gratitude to the BBC in particular, with the likes of Mark Littlewood of the IEA appearing so often on TV and radio that the public gains the impression that he represents mainstream political opinion. With their philosophy now stalled at Government level it will be interesting to see the next moves from these creeps. They won't be going away that's for sure.
  4. 'We've had great chances' and 'didn't give up a lot of chances'. Really ? Other than Ross McLean sidefooting past the post in the first half I'm struggling to think of another clear cut chance from ourselves. Rovers cracked the post in the first minute, then scored from open play and were denied both by a manic goalmouth scramble and a fantastic second-hand reaction save by Brett Long. Was I at a different game ?
  5. Success is judged in May so the answer to your question is no.
  6. Well we're basically talking about one Director from a Board of three, and my gut feeling is that based on what I'm now watching, events on the park will begin to overtake whatever sentiment, hope or wishful thinking is in play. We have been going backwards recently and there is little to suggest that anything is going to change radically under the current set-up. Kicking the can down the road is a very poor option IMO.
  7. I wouldn't be so sure. His position will be under scrutiny precisely because we were relegated and there is an expectation that we will at the least be in the mix for promotion. That is now looking weaker by the week and in case anyone noticed we are no longer top of the league. A cup-tie this Friday at Cumnock has gone from a novelty away day to a potential fright night. With two points from twelve we have lost our way and the Manager has resorted to selection and substitute bingo. At the moment I have no other ambition other than to avoid being sucked towards the lower end of this division - folk can quote stats all they like but I'll trust what I'm watching.
  8. Achilles tear apparently. Which sounds serious at any age.
  9. If I was Truss I would beware being driven through any tunnels at high speed by a half-cut driver.
  10. I agree that being hard to beat got us to the top of the league. The trouble is teams are now working us out and we're shipping goals without very much to offer in attack.
  11. Aye, you wonder how much Kwarteng has cleaned up in his bet with Crispin Odey.
  12. What a three days in Europe for the cream of Scottish football. As for tonight, Fiorentina are 13th in Serie A with two wins from nine, and were humped 4-0 at home by Lazio last weekend. Desperate stuff.
  13. McNiff wasn't struggling due to lack of cover, he was 'torn to shreds' by a chronic lack of pace, and Love or anyone else can't alter that. IIRC Rovers had a speed merchant on the right wing so that's a worry. I agree on McKee, provided he turns up, but whilst Orsi will do more working deep than McLean we are at home in a game we want to win so we need some sort of goal threat. I also agree on Declan Byrne but the boy Haaland would be fecked in our team by 'passes' 60 yards long by 15 feet high. Stevie Farrell should be hammering that message.
  14. You really have to chuckle. For a shower whose bampot of a leader urged ignoring Sturgeon a few weeks ago they are sure getting in a lather today.
  15. Fine. Over to Stevie Farrell and his squad.
  16. There seems to be a bit of you're not at the game so you can't have an opinion going on here. Bbpf is entitled to have an opinion no matter how he's consuming each game. Watching highlights is certainly much better than when I lived overseas and had a Dumbarton Reporter delivered every Thursday. Don't criticise folk if personal circumstances mean they can't attend games. I've been there and I've always been a committed Dumbarton supporter. I'm not questioning anyone's support or commitment but what I am suggesting is that seeing highlights of games is literally not the full picture. As for criticism, I think that's healthy debate, but abuse like calling a fellow supporter a 'knicker-wetting loonball' or an 'absolute fanny' because you don't agree with their opinion isn't. Or do you disagree ?
  17. So your opinion is based on weekly highlights, thanks for confirming that. I welcome your take on the highlights of today's debacle. As for Farrell, I fear that he has more belief in his abilities than several of his players do. And as for the cliche about the league table not lying, that normally applies at the end of the season - the only time that actually counts.
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