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Central Belt Caley

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Everything posted by Central Belt Caley

  1. It’s always confused me how Bartley’s past misdemeanour seems to be glossed over and he gets constant media gigs?
  2. They’ll be sitting calling you a maniac for having the gall to overtake safely too. Could probably count on one hand the number of times I’ve seen a campervan/lorry/etc pull in to let the traffic move. Couple of times I’ve had lorry drivers indicate to let me it’s know safe but that seems to happen less and less these days
  3. If we had a minutes silence for every mass shooting in the USA the teams would be coming out the tunnel at half 2 every week
  4. One of the Raith fans said Kevin Thomson turned them due to budgets allegedly, can’t see us having more cash than them right now. Darren Young is an interesting shout, Stirling seem to be doing well so wouldnt be the worst idea. Tam Courts done well at Dundee United I think so wouldn’t be averse to him. I’m hoping the Gary Locke shouts are a wind up but with those in charge nothing would surprise me. Ideally someone who can recruit well, plays decent football and isn’t a w****r, not too much to ask I think.
  5. Would need to be an ex-Rangers man with Scott Gardiner involved. He’d probably headhunt Barry Ferguson for the job or something similarly daft
  6. I think you might be right, I’m half cut so can’t confirm or deny though. Think if you’re in a group it would definitely be easier to speak up but it shows how much power/influence Brand had that a full group of people (if there was a group) didn’t want to do anything
  7. I’m not sure how I’d feel as a woman if a guy said to me that he’d heard my screams and he’d decided to do nothing about. Would you feel worse if you knew there was someone that could’ve done something about it but didn’t? Would it make the initial trauma worse? I think you’re totally right though, I’ve never been in that situation and hopefully never will be. But who knows how you’d react til you’re placed in that situation. Taking into account the career aspect too
  8. Obviously people can freeze in the moment etc but I like to think most people would intervene in such situations. Baffling that the guy has stood out there and done f**k all then had the nerve to say to her that’s what he done
  9. I reckon that as more of the celebrities that were big in the 70s/80s/90s start to die off then we’ll see more people come forward
  10. This is one of the problems with many of the roads in Scotland. Folk sit nose to tail doing 40mph behind campervans/lorries etc and have no intention of overtaking (no problem with this) but then it makes it far more difficult for folk who do want to make progress. Means having to overtake 2/3 cars and a lorry/campervan in one manoeuvre rather than 1 car at a time I’ve never had a problem with folk speeding up to close the gap though.
  11. Quick google and turns out he was creative director and spent 20 years there before leaving in 2020…
  12. I read the full article earlier and him being in a relationship with a 16 year old at 30 made my skin crawl. Sending taxis to her school to pick her up etc. Some of his stand up bits spliced into this doc are horrific. How anyone found him funny is astounding
  13. That’s incredible, can’t be more than 50 odd there. Went back and found this from the January game last season I live about half an hour away and didn’t bother. Fair play to anyone in Inverness that came down
  14. Will be sad to see the record go but if this is the straw that sees Dodds sacked then I thank you all
  15. Vine shows the problem with a lot of road users pretty well, a lot of people don’t know what’s happening past 10 feet in front of their bonnet/front wheel/etc. Hazard perception is lacking with a lot of folk which you can see from the numerous dashcam clips on YouTube where instead of slowing down, people end up in collisions that were easily avoidable. Anyway, I had a c**t on the road on the M80 yesterday who took great umbrage with the fact I was braking as the traffic in front had started braking. Started flashing his lights and all sorts, then pulled into the inside lane and started flashing his lights at some random jeep on foreign plates. He eventually past me as I took the turn off for the Kincardine bridge and he looked like he was about to explode. Very angry gammon
  16. He was terrible, him and Mcginn could’ve been hooked at half time and had 0 complaints
  17. Many others were poor too I agree, the post I was replying to was someone replying to a post claiming Mcgregor was one of the best tbf
  18. McGregor was up there as one of the worst players on the park tonight IMO
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