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Central Belt Caley

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Everything posted by Central Belt Caley

  1. Bray starts, and only 6 players on the bench…start as we mean to go on I suppose
  2. Not surprised by this, I live close by and for about 2-3 weeks anytime I drove past there was at least 5-6 transits fully loaded with coppers playing on their phones
  3. Ooft, not good. Pretty frightening really. Fingers crossed those in power see sense, but can’t see that happening.
  4. Surely can’t be much left to cut? My local station covers a ridiculous area. Much appreciated. I didn’t fight two world wars, for this nonsense
  5. I hope all of the Hibs players run at their maximum tonight and don’t do something crazy like running at only 82%
  6. Wouldn’t have happened in my day, bring back national service etc etc
  7. I reckon Rangers might regret not scoring a third tonight
  8. If everyone could cross their fingers for a Barasic booking that would be great, thx
  9. Been weakened by help from the UK government denying their star player a Visa imo
  10. If that’s true then it’s fucking wild, should’ve called his bluff imo Get Charles Mulgrew in, he got rid of 2 United Managers last season. Dodds would be out the door before the international break
  11. Yeah usually try that but if it’s a smaller or new ish company then Glassdoor info is a bit scarce. Was mainly just frustrated because I’m not actively looking but if I see a job I fancy I’ll apply and see what happens. Suppose it does give the opportunity to go wild when they ask your salary expectations
  12. Job postings that don’t list any sort of salary or range. Typically puts me off rather than wanting to apply
  13. How will you do? Probably worse than last season, lost Deas and Allardice and haven’t even attempted to replace the former. Thinking 7th or 8th possibly. Best moment of last season? The Cup semi against Falkirk didn’t feel at any point they would have enough to beat us and was as comfortable a semi final you could ask for. Special mention to the cup game against Livi where we cuffed them 3-0, Worst moment of last season? Too many to mention but losing 4-0 to Partick, 4-0 to Morton, 5-1 to Partick and the QP game in November where we had something like 18% possession are particular lows. What would I do if I was chairman? Buy a giant cannon and fire Scott Gardiner out of it Who would be ideal shirt sponsors? Harry Gows and they could take over the club catering while they’re at it
  14. Tragic news reported today from Glencoe https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-66427686.amp Really sorry to hear this and brings into focus just how dangerous mountains can be even in summer
  15. Reckon we should sign more Cove players tbh, would be funny to see the collective blood pressure of our support rise a bit higher
  16. I *think* they got relegated the season after, the Covid season which was only 27 games or something.
  17. Totally agree. Using us as an example, Ian Black got snapped up by Hearts (might’ve been a pre-contract but point stands) the season we got relegated. Can’t remember if we had anyone decent leave from the 16/17 relegation squad, been trying my best to forgot about them. One player doesn’t make a team.
  18. Don’t think anyones saying replace him like for like, just that we haven’t even attempted to replace him. We were going to chuck money at Lafferty why not focus that on signing a good, recognised centre half at this level? Rather than going after Gardiners wet dream
  19. Was listening in the car earlier and some of the patter was horrendous. ”Willie did you see that there was an Edinburgh City boy on Love Island?” Not like there’s games on the go we could be getting updates on. The whole format needs ripped up and starting again. Surely there needs to be a better system for letting other members of the team know that there’s been a goal/chance/red card rather than screaming “CHANCE” when someone else is giving an update
  20. I totally missed this and only seen Swello’s post and wish I had seen this now, the bog was brutal but I had a podcast on and head down and powered through. Was dry the whole morning til I got to the summit of Càrn nan Gabhar, took the obligatory selfie at the summit and then stuck the jacket on and rained the whole way back to the car. Was 4 hours to do all the summits and 3 hours purely slogging back to the car. Think my boots will take a week to dry out
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