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Central Belt Caley

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Everything posted by Central Belt Caley

  1. Thank f**k Dundee got promoted or we’d have to endure this shite another 4 times this season
  2. Bit surprised by that (not just saying that as a caley fan), he seemed the sort not to get too big for hit boots I’ve met Mick Mccarthy, got his autograph when he was playing at the golf course I was a member at. Seemed sound enough in the 30 secs I spoke to him I went to uni at Heriot Watt and Hearts trained there (still do I think) and wouldn’t say I “met him” but Callum Paterson genuinely looks about 8 foot tall in person up close Not really met anyone else that I can remember, my sister used to work for Sainsburys and she served Darren Fletcher…and had no idea who he was
  3. Saturday night boredom led me to this @54_and_counting Basil looks a cracker, keep us posted with how he settles in!
  4. Dodds wasn’t getting sacked at any point last season, the season before we didn’t win a game from the beginning of December until about March I think. He had the excuse of the injury situation last season when we weren’t winning and the board dug in and backed him. Only way he gets sacked this season is if something off the field happens or we’re bottom of the league by Christmas imo and even then that’s a stretch with the pish he’s served up so far and still here.
  5. The massive black mark is for not sacking him sooner when it was obvious we were doomed. Fun fact: We were still paying his 4 year contract off in 2020
  6. Dodds won’t get sacked, unless something off the park happens, past 2 seasons we’ve had separate long winless spells and he’s not gone so wouldn’t expect us to pay to sack him after giving him another 2 year deal
  7. Never realised this thread existed until recently. Working my way through the Star Wars Thrawn trilogy just now, the first book Thrawn was brilliant. The second, Alliances, wasn’t as good but still a good read. Onto the last book Treason now.
  8. I think it’s easy for people to get caught up in the emotion especially in the cases like Amber Gibson. It’s an utterly horrific crime and he deserves to spend the rest of his days in jail but I certainly wouldn’t agree with killing him. I’m not sure how I would feel if I was on a jury, found someone guilty and they are then sentenced to the death penalty. Would you then feel responsible for their death? There’s no place for it in a civilised society imo
  9. Seen a similar thread in the Premiership forum and thought I’d do the same for the Championship. Sacked or mutual consent only, doesn’t count if poached by another club.
  10. He came on in the Dumbarton game last week and looked very positive, was unlucky with a shot and I’m sure he won the header that lead to Billy’s goal. Couple of times he got bullied off the ball due to still being a laddie really but good to hear he’s impressed again tonight
  11. Wasn’t at the game so can’t comment on performances etc but good to see Billy Mckay becoming the all time top goalscorer. After the way the club messed him about in the summer, I’m glad he’s back and hopefully he can keep adding to the tally over the next 2 years. Fantastic servant to the club
  12. Think I’ve posted this before but one of my lecturers at uni took a register mainly for the benefit of if someone complained about their grade and had only been to 3 lectures then she could show that. I went to all her lectures and my mate went to all bar one and we got the highest marks in the class. I would say it depends on the quality of the lecturer too, few of the lecturers I had weren’t the best and you struggled to stay focused the full time so were better off just reading the slides at home
  13. When people post a “before & after” picture but the after is on the left
  14. Could they be including Parkrun as part of their longer run? When my brother in law was marathon training we done parkrun together then he ran back to my flat to pick his car up afterwards. It’s not common but some people do it
  15. Was coming on here to post this Just wait until your next medal and someone in the group in the front decides to copy him
  16. Make the blue a bit lighter and change the orange to red and it would be a cracking Caley top tbf
  17. I feel absolutely minging saying this but that Rangers kit is lovely. Unrelated, does anyone have the number for a good therapist?
  18. “Shortly before the season ended” the post you quoted was January, don’t know about you but I’d say that’s not shortly before the season ended. At the point he posted about Harper being shite, well he wasn’t great at left back. You can see this from Dodds changing to a back 5 in the first leg of the playoff final that he didn’t trust Harper playing left back. Harper went back into playing left back from January onwards last season iirc after periods of playing centre mid or as a number 10. The Scarf posted saying Harper was shite in September and the player of the year awards are handed out in May, lot of time between those 2 months for someone to improve, wouldn’t you say? The point about Deas (a centre back) playing left back over Harper (a left back) is that if even the management team who you so love very dearly didn’t rate Harper to play there for 2 seasons then why should the fans think he’s any good/up to it?
  19. Didn’t we play Deas at left back for two seasons because Harper wasn’t up to it? Many of us on here thought he wouldn’t make it but I, like all of you, am glad that Harper’s kicked on massively and would even say he’s one of our better players now. I’m sure I could go back to 2011 and 2012 when Billy Mckay and David Raven made their debuts and I’m sure the comments wouldn’t be overly positive. Players get worse, players get better, that’s how football is. Singling out one or two comments of the general consensus at the time isn’t the “gotcha” that @NorthStand10 thinks it is
  20. Just wait, my sister works for Royal Mail and said there was initial plans to stop offering this at the local sorting office and all parcels would be sent back to a central depot for collection. No idea how far they got with it though
  21. Did anyone else see the “Insiders” tweet before the signing was announced? Something like “Welcome to Inverness Harry Lodovica” The account is now deleted
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