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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. When someone rewinds a tape recorder to replay something, they always hit the right spot. This can even be done repeatedly.
  2. Is this one of those Cash versus Czech jokes!
  3. Before the pyramids were built, Ancient Egypt was full of large stones that were just lying around. It was impossible to get anything done. The stones were always in the way. New road - no. Stones blocking the way. New houses. New bridges. New aqueducts. Forget it. The stones were everywhere. Eventually a decision was made to move all the stones to one location or maybe a few and place them in such a way that they would not fall down and get in the way again. That's it. I don't know everybody is making such a big thing about it.
  4. No. Slovenia has been mentioned. Canada too. Colombia has not been mentioned so you are okay with that.
  5. This thread has been hijacked by people who just want to talk about pyramids. Who is behind that?
  6. Things the Americans are proud of The flag Pledge of Allegiance (to the flag) National anthem (song about the flag) Iwo Jima statue (again the flag) Landing on the moon (and putting up the flag) They really have a thing about that flag!
  7. As you probably know in North Korea every household is required to have portraits of the Kim on prominent display. There are stories of people rushing back into burning buildings to rescue the portraits while others have got into serious trouble for not doing so. Sounds a bit similar to the film you watched.
  8. Good point. Also the human decision to take the time the Earth takes to rotate once on its axis divide it by 24 then 60 and then 60 again. Anyway I bet you are annoyed these Aliens chose Egypt instead of Western Australia.
  9. IIRC The pyramids were built only a few weeks after Noah's flood. Therefore, at most there would have been two slaves. I presume.
  10. Maybe aliens were really massive creatures. They came to Earth for a family picnic and left their child to play in the sand. Later when it was time to leave they said "Very good Junior but it is time to go." Just a thought.
  11. He spoke fluent French. In the European parliament when Ian Paisley spoke he would put on his headphones and listened to the nice female who translated it into French instead.
  12. Oh come on. You didn't get any presents last Christmas because you hadn't been a good boy and now you are trying to make out that it is all a con and a lie and not your fault at all. Get real and sort yourself out or it will be no presents next Christmas too!
  13. JFK suffered from chronic back pain and wore a girdle to ease the pain. This prevented him ducking for cover prior to the third shot which was fatal.
  14. Also the Boston Marathon bombing happened on April 15th as did the sinking of the Titanic, the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, the death of Kenneth Williams, Tommy Cooper and Arthur Lowe as well as Greta Garbo, Joey Ramone and R Lee Ermey .. and Pol Pot. Nobody is going to tell me that is just a coincidence.
  15. Chile. Lithuania. South Korea. Malaysia. Japan. New Zealand. St Helena. Angola. Namibia. Tunisia. Egypt. Bahrain. USA. Canada.
  16. The book "Four Days in November" says that he was appalled that someone could shoot "our president" and also that shooting Oswald meant that Jackie would not have to return to Dallas for a trial and relive the event.
  17. I once saw it on a grassy knoll in Dallas. I think it was 1963. The rest is a bit hazy. Could have been Bigfoot. I'm not sure.
  18. If you asked any American to name one thing they know about Scotland, there are millions who would mention the Loch Ness Monster. I think that must be proof enough.
  19. If it wasn't for the Loch Ness Monster we would not have the word "Happiness". .. or is that facts I just made up!
  20. Exactly. There is a Peppa Pig story book where she and her family go on a boat on Loch Ness and eventually encounter the monster. Can't see how they could have made that up if the monster wasn't real.
  21. In some films that can include the bride or the groom.
  22. I have just found another thread about real conspiracies that are of real concern. This thread is a decoy.
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