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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. They wanted rid of Charles Kennedy beca use he had a drink problem - but don't tell anyone. The only time I ever saw him was in Victoria Wines in Inverness. Obviously only there to get change for the bus back to Fort William. In all fairness he probably had a better sense of how to entice voters to the Lib Dems cause then anyone who came after him. Nick Clegg joined the coalition in 2010 because it was in the national interest but quickly became Cameron's poodle if that was in the national interest too. I am using polite language here. The Lib Dems have great at pursuing the wishy washy vote - "I'm not for them or them or them - .. or them. 2010 wrecked that strategy. A long way to go before anyone cares to hear what they have to say about anything
  2. Yeah but I see the role of deputy leader is still vacant. I can see that dominating the headlines for the next few months. .. or maybe not.
  3. Only those who can remember his first name.
  4. I know of someone who had diptheria in childhood. Playing with friends on Saturday. Dead on Tuesday. We don't hear about that now because there is a vaccine. Similarly measles killed millions before there was a vaccine. Some people think a vaccine is simply an alternative to a few days sick in bed. It's not.
  5. Don't know why you are calling yourself a fruitcake. This sounds entirely plausible to me. I thought FDR infected himself with Polio to get the sympathy vote and win the election four times. Also that he sent a letter to Hitler that said "Joseph Stalin doesn't like sauerkraut and thinks it tastes like shit". Three days later Hitler invades the Soviet Union.
  6. Inverness is anywhere you can get rid of four houses and build a hotel.
  7. Polio is more or less eradicated apart from those places where they suspect the vaccine is being secretly used to sterilise the population.
  8. You obviously never visit the Music Forum.
  9. At the end of WW2, Korea was split in two. One was a puppet state of America and the other a puppet state of the Soviet Union. At that time it was questionable whether it was better to be in one half or the other. Both were police states. In both you could get in trouble for saying the wrong thing. Later there was the forgotten war. Maybe it would have been better if one side won and the other side lost but in the end it was stalemate. After that it was still uncertain which side was best. Easy to say the South was better but it was still a police state and the North was heavily subsidised by the Soviet Union and China. Then the Berlin Wall came down and the Soviet Union dissolved. At the same dictatorship ended in the South and elections took place. That changed everything. South Korea is a threat to North Korea without doing anything apart from simply existing. North Korea is a total shithole country that can't even feed its own people or give them any creature comforts without the incredibly serious risk that those in power will stop being those in power.
  10. He came up with the idea when his teacher asked him to "spell Czech". German humour I guess.
  11. I mentioned it to their Eternal Leader but, for some reason, he did not respond. His son didn't say much either.
  12. ... and job interviews too. Remember first impressions count. "Hey. Like your tie. Can you start on Monday?" Okay. It never happened to me but you never know.
  13. Years ago Donald Trump was sitting down having breakfast at Trump Tower when Melania mentioned that the twin towers spoilt her view of the Statue of Liberty. Later on he became president. .. and they say that Americans don't understand irony.
  14. The drummer is a glorified metronome! A drummer with bad timing is a bad drummer. You might be playing open handed when using the high hat for your timer but if you can still do that well then it doesn't matter. You will be cross handed when using the ride as a timer. Presumably you are left footed too. Using your foot on the high hat for a timer will be different to someone who is right footed. I found "Art of the Drummer" to be a good book for the rudiments. The Rock School books with CD were also good. Six songs per book.
  15. Roy's appearance in "Doctor Who and the Daleks" won him an Oscar nomination for best supporting actor in 1964. I made that up. It was 1965.
  16. His other son Urquhart worked at Tourist Information in Drumnadrochit.
  17. I am not aware of any jokes about Lebanon. I think it was horrific. Very similar to the Halifax explosion a century ago. However people do make jokes about serious things over time to desensitise the issue. I have done so on here regarding the Titanic. On some subjects I never will.
  18. Actually yes. Not too soon though. That would be callous but over time people will make jokes about most of these things not because they don't care but as a way to come to terms with it.
  19. In all fairness, if a train derailed in Albania, I would like to think that people here would like to know why and could it happen here. Thus the whole union versus independence issue is not entirely relevant.
  20. If they were 100% accurate then they would not be estimates. HTH
  21. If it was because you had used a naughty word then that would count as an Act of God and you would get nothing.
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