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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. IIRC For every ton of bombs that were dropped on the UK, 315 tons of bombs were dropped on Germany. The bombing of Coventry led to 451 deaths. The bombing of Dresden was more than 22,000.
  2. Because "Nicola Sturgeon roared ..." might be a bit excessive for the BBC.
  3. Almost every Vietnam War film that I can think of involves a traumatised American soldier trying to make sense of a brutal conflict in a foreign land. I seriously doubt that WW2 was any less brutal or traumatic but because we ended up on the winning side, there seems to be this idea that it was actually jolly good fun.
  4. That is part of the problem. A century ago somebody might say "those savages will be forever grateful that we taught them how to read and write". I doubt anyone would try that now. So if the empire is nothing to be proud of - what else? Most other countries involved regard WW2 as a traumatic experience that they would rather forget about. Britain is fairly unique in having fond memories of the whole thing.
  5. In a couple of months it will be Christmas and we will asked to think of peace and goodwill to all men. Totally off message the TV schedule will be full of classic war films demonstrating a total lack of peace and goodwill towards anyone.
  6. He's not answering. Maybe the presentation has been postponed.
  7. What exactly is this logo suppose to be anyway? A house with lots of windows on one side but none on the other, that is taller than the mountains but not as tall as a tree and with some sort of tidal wave in front of it. Does that house actually exist anywhere in Dunfermline?Apparently at one time yes and it won the Ideal Homes Competition in 1933. Unfortunately it was destroyed during the war. No evidence of it now.
  8. It also has more red squirrels than Suriname, Burkina Faso and Cambodia combined and almost as many grey squirrels as Mauritania, Paraguay and Lesotho combined. I learnt all this at the international squirrel convention in Kirkcaldy last year. I guess that is where you got your information too.
  9. Bigger part than he had in "Revenge of the creature". Oops sorry I thought you were replying to something I had just posted.
  10. No. Quite the reverse. "I was suppose to bullshit there but I accidentally told you the truth. Sorry."
  11. This reminds me of video rental shops. Most of business was new releases while other shelves had videos sorted by category and gathering dust. Occasionally I would try a dusty video but 9 times out of 10 I would regret it. Alien and Predator did a great job of a convincing monster but I can think of plenty that were let down when the monster finally appears. "It, the terror from outer space" predates "Alien". "The thing from another world" predates "The Thing". "The creature from the black lagoon" was better before the creature shows up. "Revenge of the creature" is famous for the bit part of an actor more famous now.
  12. In what famous film in 1975 does the monster only get 4 minutes of screen time? In what famous film in 1979 does the monster only get 4 minutes of screen time?
  13. Yeah, yeah and when I suggest Donald Trump's infected advisor should have swapped places with the pilot on Air Force One - well - they didn't like that idea either.
  14. She should have swapped places with the train driver and kept the cabin door shut. At the end of the journey she gets off and he sanitises his cabin to use again himself. Problem solved!
  15. "Ocean View Hotel" doesn't sound very original. Then again "Anthrax Island View Hotel" might not be good for business either!
  16. There are about 17 million Azeri living in Iran which has provinces called West Azerbaijan and East Azerbaijan, so Iran has always had concerns about territorial claims by Azerbaijan. Thought I would add that in just in case anyone thought the situation in the region was totally straightforward.
  17. Thanks for that. I guess I was right about the sense of menace.
  18. It was a dark and stormy night. I could hear the wind blowing through the trees. A dog barking in the distance. There was a sense of menace in the air, difficult to describe. The smell of overcooked bacon came from next door. Somehow I knew it would be a night like no other. So I signed up for P&B and the rest is history. What song was number 1 at that time. How the hell should I know.
  19. When I have shown my knowledge about a specific subject people have described me as "a natural reservoir of information". I guess "data lake" is similar.
  20. Following the demise of Olivia de Havilland, Eve Marie Saint is now the oldest winner of an Oscar. The making of this film is also interesting. The actress who played his mother was only 7 years older. Also when he walks through the hotel lobby Hitchcock offered no direction. Hitchcock was questioned on this. He replied "Cary Grant has been coming to this hotel for years. Do you think I need to tell him how to walk through the lobby?"
  21. You are missing the red racing stripes on the diagonals.
  22. For these Team meetings I have a light behind me that is voice activated. Every time somebody says "idea" it switches on. For some reason I don't get invited to these meetings anymore.
  23. The food is nothing to do with it. Historically the dams were not so good, there was lots of flooding and all the short ones drowned!
  24. That's me finished this today! Sigh. Truly excellent. Not a single weak episode. Sorely tempted to start again.
  25. "Hello. Is that the police? This is Morag at number 32. That's some bubble they've got at number 38. Think you better send in one of your zeppelin spotters there."
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