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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. Apparently there is rumour of some dispute about who gets to use the POTUS Twitter account. Some guy from Delaware. Don't know any more than that. Will let you know if I find out more.
  2. I am not an expert in this field but the idea is basically to get your immune system to recognise the enemy. For example, IIRC the vaccine for small pox was a dose of cow pox, which is similar but not harmful to humans. Your immune system spots it, destroys it and then when the real thing comes along, it gets destroyed as well. Watching the news it looks like all the vaccines are using the same approach for enemy recognition i.e. the same characteristic of the virus. This would suggest that taking all the different vaccines would not boost your immunity but I could be wrong.
  3. The immigration form that you fill in on the plane says "Warning: Death penalty for drug smugglers". I quickly discarded my packet of Lemsip just in case.
  4. Yes. A case of "I'm angry with the current situation. I want change". Then change is offered up by the very people that you are angry with. A masterclass in deflection.
  5. When I flew from Angola to Brazil I had to show them that I had my Yellow Fever jab before I was allowed to board the plane.
  6. Can't somebody build a toy White House in some remote location where he could pretend he was still president? Surround it with lots of the houses for the people who want to pretend he is still president too. Maybe that would work.
  7. The European part of Russia is larger than the next 19 countries combined.
  8. I think we should try Spain again. That brings back fond memories. We would have to plan it properly because I still like to go there on holiday. I suggest they invade Pitcairn Island. That would give our boys something to do and theirs as well! Also it would far enough away that we wouldn't have to see any of the gory stuff. Plus it would probably involve a few naval battles. Much better than all these land invasions that get awkward. Maybe do a bit of piracy as well. That would be fun. Not sure if the Spanish would be up for it. I suggest we offer them Gibraltar in return.
  9. Spare a thought for the Romanian farmer wondering why a dozen people are all wanting to camp in his cornfield for the next five years.
  10. Luxury. We use to dream of living in mid of motorway.
  11. The BBC did make a three part drama called "Five Daughters". It did not shy away from the sort of lives these women had but it did recognise that they were all somebody's daughter, as well as somebody's sister.
  12. I wrote the definitive A to Z of laziness ages ago. You go from the second letter of the word to the third and that's it. Job done.
  13. I don't think that is true. PMQs is the one time when opposition leaders can show if they are up to the task or not. A weak performance is seen as weak leadership. Repeated often enough and lots of people reach their own conclusions on whether someone is fit to be prime minister, regardless of whatever subjects are being debated.
  14. The police got involved with that one. There was a suggestion that Sweep (as in Sooty and Sweep) was implicated. The matter was investigated but eventually dropped due to a technicality. Witnesses were unsure whether his assailant had been male or female.
  15. The electoral college is rigged. The woman he beat actually got more votes but the system worked against her. The Dakotas (North and South) sends twice as many senators to Washington as California does. Why be impressed that a corrupt individual knows how to work a corrupt system. I am not.
  16. It is not really that impressive. The Republican Party itself did not care much for Donald Trump so he targeted their core support, identified their fears and prejudices, amplified them to the nth degree and claimed he was the only one who could do something about it. The Republican Party are fearful of his support amongst their own voters. Nigel Farage did the same thing with Conservative voters over here. Doesn't even have to get himself elected. He targets their voters, sets them off and sends the Tory Party into panic mode.
  17. It is easy to see how those people from Area 51 were able to rig the vote in Nevada and nearby Arizona. Surprised they were able to do it in Georgia and Pennsylvania too.
  18. No not that. The vaccines will be driven from Germany in January but bizarrely there will be a huge unforseen traffic jam in Kent and all the vaccines will be spoilt before they get any further.
  19. I think he missed his calling as an air traffic controller.
  20. Bad idea. Some crazy hotel owner now living there. Don't mention the war.
  21. Is that like being a shorter than average basketball player?
  22. Lots of attractive women asking me for my name and phone number.
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