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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. .. and if you ordered it in a fancy restaurant it would come with a "garnish". Actually just a dried out piece of parsley that didn't smell or taste of anything.
  2. Oh good. I was concerned that there might be left chirality deniers in America who believe it was all part of a devious plot to turn America into a socialist state. I can stop looking at pictures of those rioters in Washington to see if any were carrying a sign saying "Stop Left Chirality now."
  3. I was also going to ask: Is this left chirality some sort of conspiracy? If so, can you explain further.
  4. IIRC you asked this once before on the Quick Questions thread but didn't get any answers. Better luck this time.
  5. I get your point but previous presidents have done what they thought was best for the country whether it was a crime or not. The incitement to riot against the state itself could be considered treason which is not a charge you could easily apply to other presidents.
  6. I would suggest that given enough time and the right conditions, that life can start anywhere. If that were true, then it probably didn't start on Earth in just one place and spread to the rest of the planet. Instead it started in various places around the globe. It might even have been wiped out many times but returned when the conditions were right again. Given that there more than a hundred thousand millions stars in this galaxy and maybe some with suitable planets, I would suspect the right conditions would exist on some other planets too. Not sure how I could prove any of this. I will have to give it some thought.
  7. Great Britain refers to the island that includes most of England, Scotland and Wales. Politically it also includes various islands located nearby. "Great" is used to distinguish from Lesser Britain which is more commonly known as Brittany. The people in NI who like to call themselves British are descended from settlers who did not want to identify with the people who were already there before.
  8. As Carl Sagan said "there are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on planet Earth". Even if there are billions of Earth-like planets without life - that still leaves plenty that possibly do."
  9. Probably find he always dresses that way even when he is sitting at home eating popcorn and watching the TV.
  10. It also stops him getting the privileges of being an ex-president such as secret service detail for life, and ongoing security briefings.
  11. The Trump presidency will be ending soon. No doubt he will want it to be the most memorable presidential exit ever and will be looking for ideas. Something like this might work.
  12. You could still use them to make marmalade. That is how marmalade came about in the first place.
  13. I climbed Mount Fuji. Long time ago. You climb it overnight so you can see the sunrise at the top. It basically consists of following the person in front of you. You start at around 8,000 feet and the top is around 13,000 feet. There are numerous stations along the way where you get food and water. Even in August it is cold. At the top there are shops, a post office and an observatory. Everybody is yawning and nobody is running.
  14. Oh dear. You have obviously never been to the Work Colleagues thread.
  15. In WW2, America lost about 300,000 people. D-Day had the most casualties but that was understandable. The Battle of the Bulge came next. Then Okinawa - again understandable. If the Battle of the Bulge had been an Allied trap, it was as stupid as the Charge of the Light Brigade.
  16. Is Abbie Richards a real person? I have never heard of her.
  17. I would agree with that. During the Cold War, any country that wanted more teachers and more nurses was perceived as a communist threat. In America, some people will call you a communist if you want to improve the life of anyone poor. At the same time I recognise that virtually every communist country was seen as awful. A lot of that was to do with suspicion and paranoia that was on the go all the time. If the Labour Party spends all its time saying "we could great things if only millions of people weren't against us"- well that is what the communists kept saying. I am simply saying tone down the paranoia even if some of it is valid.
  18. Maybe he has got some really good dirt on each of them. Would be interesting to know.
  19. No. They declared independence since then. Then again, we did build the railways that they will probably use to move these vaccines about the place. Therefore not only should we not pay them but I am sure there is a clause that states they should pay us the transport costs of getting these vaccines to us. Worth investigating I think.
  20. In 2005, the Lib Dems got votes from Labour supporters who opposed the Iraq War. Maybe they got votes from Tory voters who opposed the Iraq War as well. You are right. In 2010, they could have done to David Cameron what the DUP did to Theresa May. The DUP continued to sit on the opposition benches throughout while Nick Clegg was quite happy to sit on David Cameron's knee. Nothing about the coalition benefitted the Lib Dems at all. They were seen as too cosy with the Tories while David Cameron was quite happy to undermine them, such as his attack on any change to the voting system. IMO whenever somebody is asked how they will vote, they will answer as if the next question is "why?" At the moment, I can't think of a possible answer to that one.
  21. Yes, it is easy to claim that it is not as bad as some people claimed but then again it wasn't suppose to be bad at all. It was supposed to be brilliant. It is like somebody trying to sell me a package holiday - "Oh go on, it will be the holiday of a lifetime". Then when I get there and quickly discover it is not "the holiday of a lifetime", they quickly back pedal and say "It's not that bad. What did you expect?" I wonder when some of the people who voted Leave to improve their lives are going to say "Okay then, where is the improvement?"
  22. Why do people claim Brexit is a success if it turns out to be not as bad as some people feared? Brexit was sold as a massive improvement. More money for the NHS. Everything gets better. I will wait to see the big Brexit bonus when the UK obviously benefits from being outside of the EU. Might be a long wait.
  23. The word Tenet is a palindrome. That is the only thing I understood about this film.
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