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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. Never mind Andromeda. There are between 100 and 400 billion stars in the Milky Way. Some of them only a few light years away. Distance is the biggest problem. Voyager 1 is the furthest man made object from here and it is not even a light day away. The moon is 1.3 light seconds away and it took a mammoth effort to get there.
  2. I don't understand your logic. Some of the nearest stars to us might have planets similar to Earth that started at a similar time and life might have started on those planets as well. That life might be just as intelligent as us or even more so. The big problem is that "nearest" star is still an unimaginable distance away.
  3. Okay. So it is not Richard Branson. I was on the wrong track there. Does look a little bit like him though what with the beard and all that.
  4. It seemed a very long film. I presume you have already seen the film Heat. If so, you might have spotted a gangster film etiquette. "Okay in this film your character whacks my character but in the next film it will be the other way around".
  5. If this is a place called Ucrovxc then you made a mistake loading the picture.
  6. The story of Robinson Crusoe was inspired by the real life story of Alexander Selkirk from Lower Largo in Fife. IIRC he was on a ship that went to visit this island. When it was time to leave, he refused to get back on board and so they left without him. The island is now part of Chile. Stupid idiot could have claimed ownership and we would have all sorts of fishing rights and all that. Oh well.
  7. I have provided two clues. Maybe you need help but today is only Monday.
  8. Yes. These islands are part of France and also part of the EU but there are restrictions on freedom of movement. Not sure how that is relevant in this day and age but there you go.
  9. Look at the second picture. Then google "Shop Hacala". Interesting story from the "Rise and Fall of Prohibition". It was discovered they could make a lot of money if they received whisky from Canada and then shipped it on to the USA. Initially they planned to build lots of warehouse to store the whisky but then they came up with a simpler solution. Simply rubber stamp a document that said "we received the whisky and now it is on its way again". No warehouses, no costly unloading and re-loading. Just an ink pad and a stamp. Easy.
  10. Occasionally I get one film confused with another but not as bad as you.
  11. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@46.1488246,33.6284346,3a,75y,131.81h,98.18t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNg24h3ihtvGKw3-ob2pl1vwsAHIll5KrxhKj9h!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNg24h3ihtvGKw3-ob2pl1vwsAHIll5KrxhKj9h%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi0-ya24.999996-ro-0-fo100!7i8192!8i4096
  12. Finally agreeing on the colour of the envelope was what helped.
  13. This was about 25 years ago. The person concerned has now retired and the company in question no longer exists. Nonetheless if somebody mentions this problem to me any time soon, I will be more than happy to pass on your suggestion.
  14. I suggest they use green screens all around the pitch and use CGI to add in a crowd that isn't really there. I am sure it would work. Maybe cartoon characters would do the trick.
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