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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. I heard about someone who used to go to the football matches and got very upset when the other team had the ball. "Oh no, oh no, oh no". His nickname was Yoko.
  2. Disgraceful. Edited just now by Fullerene.
  3. In Philadelphia they have various sites where they talk about American Independence. One place mentioned that American democracy was demonstrated when George Washington stopped being president, John Adams took over, nobody made a fuss about it and so it continued. I imagine a lot of asterisks (as in "* - Except for Trump") are being add at all these historic sites. His legacy will be "The Sore Loser President".
  4. I recall one clan book that was amusing. The first chief of the clan was mortally wounded leading his men into battle. The second chief died from an infection from some horrendous battle wound. The third and fourth also died in battle. The fifth emigrated to Brooklyn and became a fireman. The sixth owned a grocery store in Queens. The seventh worked as a Office Clerk in a small law firm in Lower Manhattan. Sort of gave the impression that America was safer.
  5. Even several years on, I can still recall dedicated hard working colleagues who thought taking a day off meant coming to work wearing jeans.
  6. I recall one job application many many years ago. They were looking for a dedicated hard worker. The interviewer told me of the time he had to sleep at his desk. He had to stay there all night watching a computer that might go beep. They were having difficulty finding anyone who might be interested.
  7. It is called Presenteeism. The belief that work is about attending office and not about actually doing anything. I have met plenty of people like that. Bizarrely if they leave the company to "work" somewhere else they are not replaced.
  8. The big concern about Christmas is people ignoring all the precautions we have gotten used to on the basis of "oh come on, it's Christmas" as if the virus has taken the day off as well.
  9. The ship is the only one of its kind in Starfleet and yet every episode seems to be "Okay Burnham. Where do you want to go?"
  10. If the UK and Ireland had a joint referendum to decide if the UK and Ireland should both leave the EU. A narrow win for leave in the UK combined with a large win for remain in Ireland (i.e. ROI) would have resulted in a combined result that was for Remain.
  11. An interview with Ian Paisley Junior MP. He said the whole issue was simple. If Ireland leaves the EU as well then there would be no need for a hard border.
  12. They also firmly believed that Ireland would also decide to leave the EU simply because the UK had decided to do so. I doubt any politician in Ireland would dare to suggest doing this. If the EU referendum had been carried out simultaneously in both countries and was then based on the combined vote - we would not be leaving.
  13. The biggest problem with the mirror universe is that I don't care what happens there. It might be the same actors playing the same roles but in reality they are not the same roles, I know nothing about them and even when a main character is killed off it has no effect on me at all. (Exceptions would be Lorca who we got to know in the Prime universe first, Georghiu who came into the prime universe, the Mirror Spock and some characters in DS9 who were nasty in the Prime universe but really nice in the Mirror universe - such as Brunt). I felt the same with the JJ Abrahms reboot films.
  14. Yes they will keep blaming foreigners for everything but eventually they will ask what is the point of taking back control if you cannot control anything.
  15. This is mentioned in the book Pinochet in Piccalilli by Andy Beckett.
  16. The EU will buckle under when their population struggle to get hold of their regular supplies of Melton Mowbray pies.
  17. "Covid 19 is just the latest fiendous plot by those filthy capitalist pigs to undermine the glorious revolution inspired by our magnanimous leaders who seek to create the most desirable place on earth." "Anyone who wilfully allows themselves to be infected by such a heinous foreign entity has failed in their patriotic duty to protect our glorious revolution from foreign invaders large and small - even incredibly small." "Such treachery cannot go unpunished." So yes, I can imagine the latest vox pop on the streets of Pyongyang will indicate that no one is infected or has ever been infected.
  18. You would still want to ensure it was all being done in a safe and healthy environment that abides with the restrictions such as everybody wearing the correct PPE and a proper track and trace arrangement in place.
  19. Technically speaking this is the border between two neighbouring countries but I am unable to find out what the Covid 19 rules are for going back and forth across the border. Any ideas?
  20. The North Wales road with two different sets of lockdown rules - North Wales Live (dailypost.co.uk)
  21. I recall years ago some reporter talking to Brian Taylor. "I have it from an anonymous source in the Conservative Party that this will not get approval". BT: "Yes. Teddy said the same thing to me".
  22. Before Die Hard, Bruce Willis was best known for comedy in programmes such as Moonlighting. As a precaution, the early publicity for the film did not include his picture in case people thought it was a comedy!
  23. Looks like she was a fan of the Bay City Rollers. How intimidating.
  24. I wonder if the term "Australia Deal" will start to be used in the same way as Shanks' pony. "You were at the match? How did it go?" "We got an Australia Deal." "Oh dear. How bad?" "5 nil. We played crap."
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