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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. It was originally called Kirkcaldy Calling and the Bay City Rollers did have go at it but it didn't really work for them. When it was passed on to the Clash they had no idea where Kirkcaldy was so they changed it to London.
  2. Why does Scotland celebrate Gary Lineker's birthday?
  3. Delicate question. I watched a YouTube clip that suggested window cleaning was the preferred occupation for Jehovah Witness. I am not religious and don't give a shit but it might provide context.
  4. Historically Ireland was wee compared to the UK. Whatever the UK decided to do, Ireland would do as well. The Irish punt was pegged to the pound throughout its entire existence. The assumption was that if the UK decided to leave the EU then Ireland would do so as well. However with Brexit, Ireland saw the EU as an opportunity to ditch its colonial status for good and that changed everything. Just my opinion.
  5. It was Scrabster where they gaffer taped that Canadian woman to her office chair for a laugh. Caithness is a strange place. Only two roads in. Caithness is an island.
  6. I read about the Vietnam War where it was very easy to spot the enemy. They would run away as soon as you started shooting at them.
  7. The Jackson Five had great success with the song ABC. Not so for follow up songs DEF, GHI or JKL.
  8. .. nor is there ever a suggestion that those that can should put more money into the household kitty. The household analogy only seems to go one way.
  9. I posted same on Coronavirus thread. It is actually an exclave. Campobello Island in New Brunswick is the reverse. You can only get to it via Lubec, Maine (the most easterly point of the USA and the closest point to Africa).
  10. It is not just an automatic. It is a variomatic with a continuously variable transmission. A friend of mine had one of those once. In theory you can do 70 mph in reverse. Maybe a good selling point if you aim for right market. Just an idea. HTH.
  11. I predict the most common expression next year will be "This isn't the Brexit that I voted for". None of these spineless people will break rank until their voters turn against the idea first. Not sure when that will happen.
  12. Both are populist leaders who identify some "other" as responsible for everything that is going wrong. For Boris it is the EU, for Trump it is the Washington swamp. For both it is the liberal elite (as opposed to the more powerful conservative elite) and of course immigrants. Both are privileged white males who think poverty if when you are not a Millionaire. In no way do they have similar lives to the people who vote for them but as long as they stay vague and talk mainly of grievances then there are people who think they are on the same page. There are other populist leaders in Brazil, Hungary and Poland.
  13. Do you have any idea how disturbing it is for the Tory government that they are being told to give this advice. "It is safer to play a game where you ask me questions and I have to give the correct answers than a game where I try to make as much money as possible and if I have all of it then I win."
  14. Oh good. Can I mention the Typhoid epidemic in Aberdeen back in 1964 caused by contaminated corned beef from Argentina? Not sure if it is appropriate or relevant.
  15. I must accept the election result. I must accept the election result. I must accept the rigged election result. I must accept the election result. I must accept the election result. I must accept the cheater’s election result. I must accept the election result. I must accept the election result.
  16. Zlatan Ibrahimović is famous for scoring with a sensational overhead kick from way out that ended up in the net. Can't recall who the opposing team was. It doesn't matter. Also, it is not the only time he did anything amazing but it was spectacular - regardless of who else was there to make up the numbers. Maradona played in a memorable World Cup game that included the "Hand of God" goal and another goal regarded by many as "the Goal of the Century". It would have been just as memorable and noteworthy if the opposing team had been Denmark, Spain or Brazil. Yes, Maradona had a great career at Napoli and Barcelona but neither of these were on the World Stage in the same way as the World Cup. You are all trying to up the importance of England. They weren't that important. In other parts of the world, people will talk about those two famous World Cup goals he scored even if they can't remember who Argentina were playing on the day.
  17. Eric Cantona is probably most famous for a kung fu kick on a fan. That does mean it was the only thing he ever did and he would still be regarded as famous if it had not happened. Lots of footballers have goals or games or other things that they are most famous for without it being the only thing they ever did. Ask most people what they remember about Diego Maradona and see if any forget to mention that game against England.
  18. Trump made Brexit part of his business and declared he was a fan. Yet another case where Biden has to declare he is not Trump and he is not a fan.
  19. He would have had everything to lose if he had been caught on camera watering the steps. That was the point I was making.
  20. Four American Presidents have been assassinated and all of them by disgruntled individuals who would not stand out from the crowd. That is where the main threat lies. If it had been some other entity behind the JFK shooting then how would they have survived the backlash if the conspiracy had been blown? Johnson would have been known as the guy who bumped off his predecessor. Cuba would have been invaded. The CIA or the FBI would have been purged. Numerous Mafia bosses would have been rounded up and imprisoned for life. Who had the most to gain and the least to lose? That is how I look at it.
  21. "Chronic alcoholic recovers from addiction and goes on crime spree across the country! The latest."
  22. You do realise I am joking. If you stop people dying of one thing then there will obviously be an increase on everything else. Statistically speaking that is!
  23. Yup. We are now seeing a slight increase in people dying from everything else!
  24. Imperialism involves control of other countries. Colonialism involves the same but also includes settlements to enforce this control. Thus you can talk of American imperialism even if there are no American settlements. Compare that to British settlements in former countries that Britain controlled.
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