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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. I think the best revenge is no revenge. Go into work like it is a normal working day. Do all the things she would normally do. If anyone comes over to talk say "I'm sorry, I need to get on with my work", regardless of whether she is doing anything useful or not. After 45 minutes just get up and leave. Don't say Goodbye to anyone. After all she has already left apart from this petty 45 minutes. After that they will have no hold over her at all and that will probably frustrate them enormously. Maybe say "Okay that's me. I am off to Spain!" That will confuse them completely. "What did she mean. I am off to Spain. You're not allowed to travel anywhere just now"
  2. Tell here to take in a big cake as a sort of final farewell. It will be so disruptive, they will wonder why they bothered.
  3. This is an entertaining mini-series set in New York. It is a crime drama, with a teenager accused of a murder, a dead beat lawyer defending him, various police investigating things, some prison scenes and some court room scenes. There are 8 episodes. It was supposed to star James Galdofini as the lawyer but then he died. Robert de Niro was going to replace him but could not fit it into his schedule. Eventually John Tarturro took the part and was excellent. The actor playing the teenager won an Emmy for his role.
  4. This one is also from Russia and I suspect it is also completely in the wrong place - although on this one I might be wrong. Obviously nobody can be expected to locate any of these three pictures from the picture alone but if you go on to Google Maps, they are located in the least likely places.
  5. At just the wrong moment, my self scanner said "Please scan your Club card to win extra Club Card Points". Then it said "Please remember your change. Especially notes". I reported this to the Store Manager and hopefully it will be replaced with a more respectful and servile self scanner fairly soon. ☺
  6. Okay. You meant Sermitsiaq. In any case, Google Maps does place it in Greenland but I really seriously think it is a mistake.
  7. I assume you are referring to Sanikiluaq. In any case, one benefit of this thread is that people are getting to know about places with Inuit names. Presumably this picture is one of Inuit Graffiti but seriously I think that Google Maps have simply put it in the wrong place.
  8. Yes. The nearest galaxy is 25,000 light years away so I suspect you are right. In the meantime there are more than 100 billion stars in this galaxy so I guess that is where all the aliens come from.
  9. Er .. what about when you're not angry?
  10. She was married in 2007. Maybe gives you some dea how old the two children are. Meanwhile the nation goes into mourning over the death of a man 47 years older. Strange world.
  11. If you started with a piece of A4 paper, it is about 210mm wide and length 297mm. After you had folded it about 50 times, it would be about 50 atoms wide and length 70 atoms. Useful to know.
  12. "It. The Terror from Outer Space" was a little bit silly and especially the monster. The remake was a lot better. Better known as "Alien".
  13. How appropriate. Today is the anniversary of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
  14. I have been to all four places. This is probably the least scenic. Still struggling with your recent one - maybe a mine in Linlithgow or Leadhills?
  15. If you look at the crane to the right of the ship, you are seeing it end on. That suggests to me that the view is almost directly West. If so, then it is too far south to be Ben Lomond but not that far off. Maybe Beinn Dubh.
  16. You were trying to be funny there. Close but no cigar.
  17. At least you're not the poor assistant at B& Q being asked "Can I have new one of these? As you can see, this one is getting too turdy".
  18. If he steps through a wormhole there is no time travel involved. I am surprised you don't already know that.
  19. Personally I think Bairnardo is getting overly paranoid about all this. Aliens from a planet 10 light years away are checking up on him and are going to do him in if he steps out of line. Not very likely! For a start, that some telescope they've got. Also I can't see them going to all that bother. In any case, my own research finds they are generally only interested in Americans that live in those nowhere places where there is not much to do and everything is black and white. Even then the local sheriff and the local professor (or scientist) is always able to sort thing out and save the day. Seriously I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.
  20. I would be tempted to reply "you haven't filled it in correctly" and leave it at that.
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