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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. Cape Horn in South America is the same distance from the Equator as Edinburgh. Apart from Antarctica (and maybe some obscure uninhabited islands) that is as far south as you can go without getting your feet wet.
  2. Now we are out of the EU they don't even have to be cubes anymore! Yippee. Still have no need to buy any. You also mentioned essential medicines to NI. Is that important?
  3. Except for the basic question "why should I care about the length of bananas or the weight of sugar cubes?" I am not sure if I have ever bought sugar cubes. If they are same size in all countries or not - I couldn't care less.
  4. I suspect the game is Gin Rummy where the player who gets rid of their cards usually wins, and the player still holding all their cards loses. Now it makes more sense.
  5. I think you seriously overestimate the business potential here. I have been to New York and not once did I encounter any of the supernatural phenomena that occur in the film. I suspect they have exaggerated it a bit. Also you would probably need financial assistance getting started here. I am not sure how Egon managed it but I doubt my bank manager would take it seriously. After all there are recognised experts in the field whereas I am a total unknown. I don't know how I could calculate business growth and profit let alone the time it would take to pay back any loan. Also I am not sure it was all that lucrative for Egon and the others. Maybe that is why.
  6. I once asked someone "D'you know the capital of Alaska?" Suddenly they remembered.
  7. Okay. I have three cats called Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Mars is 5 years older than Jupiter who in 2 years time will be twice as old as Saturn. How old is Mars? HTH
  8. I have three cats. Mary is 5 years older than Jane who in 2 years time will be twice as old as Sally. Okay, Doctor Dolittle. How old is Mary?
  9. It's to your money in that you devised this straightforward approach. I guess we owe you a money out of thanks for that.
  10. I have been to Frankfort. The trams are something else.
  11. Hopefully you can guess the capitol of Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Massachusetts, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Utah.
  12. I once started a shite thread. "Should my SatNav be tied in to my star sign?". For example if my horoscope says today is a good day to visit an old friend then it will take me to an old friend. I thought it might get some amusing replies but instead everybody hated it. Horoscopes are crap - don't you know? Actually yes I do. Anyway you don't get anywhere unless you try. I prefer new threads as opposed to those that are more than 1,000 pages long. Often they don't last but I don't care. I am not going to criticise a shite thread. I will simply ignore it.
  13. Nothing wrong with shite threads. Maybe they are only shite for some people. If they are really bad they won't last anyway.
  14. Some people don't even know how many states there are. Fortunately, the 50th and last state has a TV show named after it Good thing they changed the name of the islands.
  15. I suspect you can name some of the states. Somebody else might know some others (but maybe not all the ones that you know). Within a group of 100 people I suspect each state is known by at least one person even if nobody in the group knows all of them.
  16. Not really. I have seen these sort of questions on Pointless - States that have a coastline, States that don't have a coastline, West of the Mississippi, East of the Mississippi, that border Canada, border Mexico, end with a vowel, don't end with a vowel. Always someone that knows one of them. I feel sorry for the guy who appeared on Pointless and said his special subject was Middlesbrough Football Club. He reached the final and was asked to name a former captain of the Scotland team. He failed. He was then asked if he knew of a player called Stephen McManus. He replied "My Dad is going to kill me."
  17. More people die taking a selfie than are killed by sharks.
  18. Obviously one of the ones where most people think it is somewhere else. Salem. I would not expect to win. Even if nobody in the audience knows all of them, at least one person will know each of them
  19. Must be frustrating when someone asks for the square root of 22.
  20. Not entirely true. I recall one night out where I mentioned that I knew all the US states and their capitols as well. This one bore then asked "okay, what is the capitol of New Hampshire?" "Concord", I replied. "Okay then, what about South Dakota?" You can see where this is going. Despite me saying repeatedly that I knew all of them, he just kept asking one after another. Everybody else was thoroughly bored.
  21. Combining your two comments, I know Pi to ten decimal points because it was something I learnt at school and I doubt I will ever unlearn it. Some people use a nmemonic such as "How I wish I could recollect Pi easily today". (I wish I could always remember how to spell "nmemonic"). However I find 3.14 is usually close enough on most occasions. Like you, I see little point knowing more decimals for Pi. I can name the 50 states of America because I once made an effort to do this and again I am not likely to unlearn them. Not much use unless you also know where they are, how big they are, rivers, cities and so on. Occasionally I try to learn the elements of the periodic table. Not so good. Not much use unless you learn something about them. For example in one part of the table the sequence is not toxic, very toxic, very very toxic, extremely toxic, not toxic, toxic, and toxic.
  22. I thought it was a quote from one of those plays by Shakespeare. Othello, maybe.
  23. I recall a display at Gairloch of a stuffed bird. The caption was from Osgood Mackenzie and read: "Walking over the muir I came across this beautiful bird. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen so I shot it". I wonder what his wife had to say about that.
  24. I think it is pretty smart to make people think it is anonymous.
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