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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. What makes you think any flat-earther would risk going to Antarctica without a fully functioning set of gravity boots to stop them falling off and floating out into space?
  2. That's why they have to ask obscure questions such as: What do your prefer: Coca Cola or Pepsi? Snickers or Mars Bars Praseodymium or Neodymium Whose your favourite villian in Batman I knew someone from Glasgow who could find a differentiator with anything.
  3. So if you were in Mumbai train station in the middle of the night and there was nobody about then you could convince yourself you were in Finland.
  4. Sonia Maino was born in Veneto, Italy and her father fought against the Soviets in WW2. She now uses her married name which might explain a little why she is leader of the Indian National Congress Party as was her husband and as was his mother.
  5. Universal Studios have announced they will making a sequel to the 1977 sci fi thriller "Capricorn One". No further details are available but it is understood that the provisional name for the new film is "Capricorn Two".
  6. In the early episodes of "Who wants to be a Millionaire" Chris Tarrant got his former colleagues from Tiswas to come on stage and throw a whipped cream pie into the face of the slowest of the fastest finger contestants. Unfortunately the producers didn't like the idea. Oh well.
  7. People order a drink from the bar but just as it arrives they have to leave.
  8. Sally James is a direct descendant of the outlaw Jesse James. In fact all her descendants were outlaws. She herself was involved in a failed bank robbery. While evading capture she stumbled on to the set of a recording studio for children's television. They were so amused by her bank robber outfit that they hired her immediately. The police never did find that last robber. Hiding in plain sight.
  9. Trying to guess someone's nationality based on their appearance is by no means an exact science. Sometimes you can get it hopelessly wrong. I recall a World Cup match between Sweden and Brazil. The Swedish goalkeeper looked Brazilian and the Brazilian goalkeeper looked Swedish. IMO obviously.
  10. In the days before fridges and freezers, ice would be cut from a frozen river or loch and stored in an ice house or ice store. Typically this was used by the fishing industry to keep fish fresh.
  11. Killing people is my least favourite thing to do. Yikes. It's not on my list of things to do at all!
  12. If you are a renowned superhero confronting a criminal mastermind seeking world domination then strong language might not be enough. Apart from that self defence and defending the weak and vulnerable would be the best reasons. Anyway. Where's my cape? A busy night of crime busting awaits.
  13. Also he keeps writing its instead of it's. He did it for four times. Sort of thing that really annoys me.
  14. I recall reading a book by Robert Peston that seemed rather depressing. A brilliant biologist might make a decent living as a biologist but they could make more money working for a hedge fund as an advisor on all matters to do with biology. Similarly chemistry, physics and every other science you can think of.
  15. I thought about this too but you can't just build in the replicas in the middle of nowhere. Factors like wind speed, temperature and humidity could affect the result. No. It would have to be Lower Manhattan. You would also need to fill them with terrified office workers in case that is a factor. Then you would need to phone up whoever to fly in their B team to do the same thing. Even then they might strike a floor too high or a floor low and that could change everything. IMHO I can't see it happening.
  16. I saw the same "documentary" starring Ben Affleck in that role. Tora, Tora, Tora was better.
  17. Part of this theory is to take the cover of Magical Mystery Tour and look at it in the mirror. The word Beatles in reverse sort of looks like 531 7438 which just happens to be the number of a morgue in London. If there was any truth in this then Paul was dead before they chose the name Beatles. Incidentially another band are often accused of copying the Beatles. 51540. Any guesses?
  18. I am in no doubt that Al-Qaeda conspired to make 9/11 happen. They even boasted about it afterwards. The conspiracy theorists are those who think it was Israel or even the US government. I worked on the assumption that most conspiracies are carried out by people who don't care if the truth come out later. That eliminates certain ideas such as Lyndon Johnson bumping off his predecessor or George W Bush organising 9/11. If either was true, that is all they would be known for. Were the Russians behind the attack on Litvinenko or the Salisbury poisonings? Barely plausible denial and beyond that do they care? A deliberately clumsy attack in both cases IMO.
  19. Went along to my local building society and asked if they had a great flood memory. They said No.
  20. It might have suited their foreign policy but it certainly didn't suit their domestic policy. Quick Google search suggests it cost them about $40 billion. Certainly agree with the incompetence issue.
  21. I don't regard the Yeti or Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster as conspiracies. These are simply stories. Some people believe them. Some people don't. Conspiracy is when people don't believe what they are being told and that powerful people are deliberately trying to deceive them. Typical examples are JFK, the moon landings and 9/11.
  22. Can you think of a conspiracy that does not America? Have you ever heard of anyone being abducted by aliens who wasn't American. American culture is everywhere including conspiracy theorists.
  23. The military coup in Chile was a more obvious conspiracy. September 11th 1973. Also a Tuesday.
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