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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. Yes. The original post for this thread asked if anyone on here had been part of a global pandemic. You would think the question has been answered by now and yet this thread keeps going. Amazing.
  2. Terbium Erbium Europium Samarium Praseodymium/Neodymium (Joint fifth)
  3. In 2009 Jensen Button finally overcame his hostile reaction to criticism of any kind and found the motivation to win the F1 championship Other factors included not being able to access the Internet as well as a horrible Christmas on Gruinard Island, although he refused to explain why he had gone there. ... or maybe not!
  4. Don't be silly. He works for the Royal Navy. He is the Munitions Officer at Rosyth Dockyard. Always complaining about his work and saying he is going to do something about it. I doubt it. Don't expect any fireworks from him. ☺
  5. Eye for talent? Not sure if that is in good taste or not. Enjoyed the Undertones appearance. They found a looky likey for Feargal Sharkey but didn't bother so much with the rest. Also an appearance by the current Doctor Who.
  6. I have had good bosses and bad bosses. The most important factor is whether or not they understand the work I do. If not then do they have the honesty to admit it. With a bad boss I could be working hard and they would not know it. Accusations of messing about. Inevitably they prefer somebody more familiar and somebody who makes the right noises. Not sure why DAFC stays there. Sounds like some people have taken against him regardless of what he does. In my experience that sort of problem never gets fixed.
  7. Where are you going to be in ten years time? Still in the same job complaining about the interview process or complaining about something else? Maybe you will manage to say the right thing to the right person and the whole place will be transformed and it will suddenly be the best job in the world. Seriously. On this occasion you mention the interview process. Just another symptom of what is wrong. You and the job are a bad fit - even if you pretend otherwise. I walked out my first job and my second. Instantly got my sense of humour back. On reflection, neither offered any career path or long term future I would care to be part of. You need to stop thinking about your job (and the incompatible difficult people that you work with) and start thinking about your career.
  8. Not a good idea. The original South Korean anthem was sung to the music of Auld Lang Syne. Could be a misunderstanding and suddenly you have an anti-tank missile being pointed in your direction.
  9. He has this bizarre habit of repeating things, as if his brain is desperately buying time. That could get him into trouble if he ever says 'Hello' in parts of the West of Scotland. If I have said it before I will say it again. I am always suspicious of people who repeat themselves.
  10. .. or that other guy. The religious one. Tim somebody or other. ☺
  11. I can imagine a typical conversation. Force Majeure? Force Majeure? What are you talking about? Speak English. Even the auto correct on my phone refuses to recognise this term.
  12. Her backing band was called "The Four Letter Words". Self deprecation at its best.
  13. Oh well. I guess I lose half a point for that. In any case, some people will be wondering about this. Vera Lynn and Hawkwind? Very well. I guess there is no harm telling you now. Lemmy was a big fan! He loved how she was behind the entire Punk Rock scene in the 1970s. All those bands - the Sex Pistols, the Clash, the Damned, the Skids and the rest. Everyone of them was on the phone: "Vera. I am really struggling. I don't know how to do this angry routine." So she helped them out with the lyrics, the music, the attitude and everything - and took no credit for it. I don't know about you but it won't be the same without her.
  14. Vera Lynn is a massive fan of Thrash Metal. Guitar in hand - she's away. Her initial rendition of "We'll meet again" was rejected and she was told to tone it down.
  15. I know someone who, back in the days of desktops, wondered why his screen was blank until someone pointed out his computer was missing.
  16. My favourite was a colleague called Bill. On one occasion he had to type in his name. He searched the keyboard for the letter B. Then the letter I. Then the letter L. Then the letter L again.
  17. Glen Campbell died of Alzheimer's disease in 2017. This might explain the time he wrote a strongly worded letter to the West Highland Gazette demanding to know how it could possibly be the fault of his family that there was not a McDonald's restaurant in Glencoe.
  18. His song "Wichita Linesman" was originally written about a match official from Wishaw.
  19. The Highwaymen with Kevin Costner and Woody Harrelson as two over the hill bounty hunters on the trail of Bonny and Clyde. I can relate to it totally and realise my bounty hunter days are behind me Sigh
  20. Don't be silly. He is a urinologist. If you've got a leak then he knows how to fix it.
  21. The other film you need to see is "The Seven Ups" with Roy Shneider. Bill Hickman is the driver in Bullitt, Seven Ups and French Connection - and the Love Bug! You should also google the route of the car chase in Bullitt. Obviously a cheat and totally ridiculous.
  22. The latest controversy with this thread are all to do with some post concerning a giraffe. That post has now been removed. Please continue to use this thread as before but avoid any mention of giraffes. Thank you.
  23. Some parts of the southern hemisphere are currently as cold just now as what it like here in December. For example the southern parts of Chile and Argentina.
  24. In the southern hemisphere it is winter. Presumably we would expect to see things getting worse down there.
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