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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. You have gone too far! https://earth.google.com/web/@51.97670756,5.90928785,13.00991249a,0d,59.99900831y,153.22575398h,88.41105981t,0r/data=IhoKFjNTNHF0M1kySzM0TzhSdkNNeFlpOGcQAg
  2. .. and. if anybody is feeling a little bit anti-German today. What day is it today? I will give you a small clue.
  3. Actually V.E. Day stands for "Victory IN Europe" Day. We didn't defeat Europe. We defeated Nazi Germany. IIRC The Americans and the Russians also played a part.
  4. Shane Black plays the first character to be killed by the Predator. The helicopter pilot at the end is played by Kevin Peter Hall. He also plays the title role.
  5. The best book to read on the Battle of Midway is "Shattered Sword" by Jonathan Parshall and Anthony Tully. It basically says that all previous books on the subject were wrong - and explains why. I found it interesting to read that American ships had a Captain (in charge of the ship) and an Admiral (in charge of the battle). The Admiral was not allowed to enter the bridge of the ship (where the captain was in charge) and similarly the captain was not allowed to enter the battle room. Also, America acquired the Midway Islands through the Guano Islands Act and the Battle of Midway was the turning point of the Pacific War. Never underestimate the importance of bird shit when it comes to historic events.
  6. The Lexington was sunk in the Battle of the Coral Sea. The Yorktown survived to fight another day in the decisive Battle of Midway - which it did not survive. Tradition has it that as soon as a ship with a famous name is sunk then a new ship is renamed to replace it. These are the replacements. The US navy changed their policy on fuel lines after the Lexington was lost at Coral Sea. Keep them full of CO2 when not in use. More importantly I now know how to make chocolate chip cookies for a 1,000 people should I ever wish to do so.
  7. I went on board the Yorktown when I went to Charlestown South Carolina. I found it very interesting. Years later I went on board this one. Very identical apart from the name. So right idea but wrong.
  8. I went to see the Stranglers in Dunfermline last year. Seen them several times. Alas no more. Dave Greenfield R.I.P.
  9. Hey simple! Go along to your local supermarket and ask to see their full range of squirrel repellant! Problem solved. Actually it might be easier to order some online.
  10. One day the TV scheduler indicated that he wanted a show that started at 12:45 and asked for ideas. Somebody thought this was a strange time to start a show and wrote back "Fifteen to One ?" The rest is history.
  11. There are several books written by defectors. "The girl with seven names" is a great book.
  12. https://earth.google.com/web/search/gunpowder+storage+room/@5.8879799,-55.0917524,6.61038269a,0d,60y,83.13010296h,99.40174587t,0r/data=CigiJgokCacrR7362BdAEW5sjzr1HhdAGUJb-SIId0vAIRdxTMQjqEvAIjAKLEFGMVFpcE5VREU5NTFoR25vYjNQdU1Wc2pOeTFYQmVmVno3VWhKY21CZ00wEAU
  13. You could be reading this wrong. Obviously people are supportive of the government during this crisis but still taking note. Once it is over they will be held to account. Not sure they will still be popular afterwards. A lot of ideology getting in the way of doing the right thing
  14. I don't think Corbyn was ever extreme. He was just useless. I can understand the appeal of Corbyn. I suspect I would agree with him on a lot of things. However he was a polarising figure. For every Corbyn supporter there was someone else who was totally against him. Not just neutral - totally against. I imagine these people would support many of his policies but not from him. He had a tainted past. A lot of it unfair but some of it not. Also he was very ineffective.
  15. In this time of national crisis it would not be popular for any opposition to openly criticise a government trying to deal with it. A better solution is to appear supportive but then point out deficiencies - again appearing to be supportive but actually not. I suspect a Tory opposition would be supportive of a Labour/SNP government in this scenario but they would also be pointing out how they would have handled it better.
  16. Thanks for that. No wonder I couldn't guess who it was.
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