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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. So you think it was a man. I suppose that helps.
  2. Today's quiz is tough. I'm stuck. German dictator who died 75 years ago today. Any ideas?
  3. The other books to consider are Outposts by Simon Winchester, The Last Pink Bits by Harry Ritchie and The Teatime Islands by Ben Fogle. They all go to Tristan da Cunha and St Helena. They all have a dim view of St Helena, talk about the idea of an airport and wonder if it will ever happen. It did - obviously - and at huge expenses - but wind shear issues delayed it opening. I had no problem with the landing at all. Go on to YouTube and search for "Useful airport". There is a good documentary to watch. The interior of the island is very green and full of plant life. The contrast in only a few miles is staggering. There are many plants not found anywhere else. It is really nice. Also re Tristan da Cunha. More than half have Asthma. Do a YouTube search on "Asthma Island".
  4. Well done. If you check the Travel Forum you might spot a thread I started back in December after my return from St Helena. The site was for the people who built the new airport. It is visible in the background of this picture - the runway can be seen at the end of the path and much more of it to the right of the buildings. The site is now deserted. It is about 3 miles away from Longwood House where Napoleon lived in Exile. The alternate for this airport is Ascension Island which is 800 miles away.
  5. https://earth.google.com/web/@54.3131004,2.6205172,47.48175732a,0d,60y,22.57873586h,82.97707869t,0r/data=IjAKLEFGMVFpcE9tUjlJejAwQ3MzNmZua29YNXBpYXJBaFhsTTVhdV9nRnNIb0dMEAU
  6. I suspect the Democrats went for Biden as the best candidate for Trump versus Not Trump. I am not sure they are all that concerned about what he might do once elected - simply winning is the main focus.
  7. Looks a little bit offshore to me. Not sure what the big H is for. Hamburger? I will give it some thought.
  8. Okay. I am wandering around in the Far East of Russia, somewhere near the border with China and North Korea and I swear it looks like somewhere in Sutherland. https://earth.google.com/web/@42.42210199,130.64618919,11.24126434a,0d,59.9999896y,283.28858068h,76.89284623t,0r/data=IhoKFnhsMVVUY0ZMV0xQOTA0emxOOENYQncQAg
  9. Budapest House of Terror. https://earth.google.com/web/@47.50675673,19.06534033,106.3545468a,0d,60y,316.16938082h,148.48541935t,0r/data=IhoKFmpxT2dfRkYyb2lfRTR1MEZodVYxN1EQAg
  10. Looks like somewhere in Sutherland. I suspect the building in the distance is a lighthouse.
  11. It means the ambulance is in a hurry but there is no traffic or obstructions hindering their path. The siren is to instruct others to get out of the way. Why have lights and speed if the patient is dead?
  12. Customers are being encouraged to follow the one way system with the arrows on the floor, the staff doing the picking couldn't give two shits. Every aisle I went down this morning there was invariably a Tesco staff member going against the flow. The ones who were the worse at keeping 2 metres apart were the staff carrying the signs that say "keep 2 metres apart".
  13. Turnip = Swedes. Yes. It was all to do with chemical elements. Google "Plaque of Mine Sweden" and it shows you the plaque in question. It was a small village in Sweden called Ytterby which has a now disused mine where nine chemical elements were first discovered. Similarly the chemical element Strontium was discovered in the village of Strontian. IIRC it is the only place in the UK that has the distinction.
  14. Turnip is a clue. The post office itself is not a clue. My puzzles today are all clues
  15. I am surprised you haven't solved that puzzle of mine on page 26. I would have thought that plaque of mine would have made it very easy. Oh well. That is a turnip for the books. Actually, when I think about it, you should be able to solve my puzzle on page 27 as well.
  16. Looking across Loch Long to Coulport https://earth.google.com/web/@56.0387764,-4.9130554,89.76563742a,0d,60y,7.95909816h,80.19695522t,0r/data=IjAKLEFGMVFpcFBMeHpqVmlWVnNMZ3lMMW4yQnZ3QTlCdjVFWlhWenVJdVRxQkNtEAU
  17. Oh dear. It seems nobody has solved the famous picture of mine on page 26.
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