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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. IIRC In the early days of the international space station, the astronauts use to sleep in any orientation that they liked. However it was disturbing to wake up and see a colleague sleeping on the wall. Therefore they agreed on which way was up even if this was artificial.
  2. Theatre would be a compliment. It is often boorish public school loutish behaviour. Incredible to think some people regard this as the correct way to conduct serious debate.
  3. If your cousin was standing on his head and able to wave at a spaceship at the same time then that would be impressive. Maybe he is standing on his head. I have never met him. I can't stand on my head but that is a different matter. I think what you mean to say is will he appear inverted compared to you. The answer is yes. Similarly if you were standing on the equator the man in the spaceship could watch you whiz around at 1,000 miles an hour.
  4. The layout of the House of Commons is confrontational. Not so for Holyrood.
  5. Watched "Time Lapse" on Amazon Prime. Basically it about three people who come across a camera that takes a photograph of tomorrow. Interesting premise. Very entertaining.
  6. I watched a youtube clip about films the lead actor expected to flop. His agent did not want him to do this film and he replied "don't worry. It will flop and nobody will remember that I did it".
  7. Yes. Corbyn was hampered by the fact he had been sceptical of the EU in the past and not entirely enthusiastic for it. Also a lot of his comrades were totally against it. He should have allowed the Labour campaign to be fronted by somebody less compromised - such as Alan Johnson. Unfortunately Corbyn would not allow that.
  8. Seriously. You want to work in a call centre in Manila?
  9. Get them to play some loud music and I will ask them to turn it down. Hey presto, I am a peacemaker. Problem solved.
  10. Do you seriously believe this paranoid crap? That Corbyn would have sailed to victory if only everyone got behind him? The Tories won 98 more seats than Labour. How was Labour ever going to win if it was so full of conspirators, traitors, saboteurs and non-believers? All this constant talk about enemies in our midst was a real turnoff for voters. What does it say about his leadership skills if so many are against him. The EU referendum was a disaster for Corbyn because he came across as two faced. Half heartedly campaigning for Remain when he had never been keen on the EU. The position in 2019 was one of absolute muddle. An obvious compromise that pleased nobody. The problem was not that he was hard left or extremist or his manifesto was all that bad. It was more that he seemed a weak leader who would have been a disastrous Prime Minister - even compared to May or Johnson.
  11. Ecuador and El Salvador both use the US dollar instead of their own currency.
  12. The name of the film is taken from the quote which in turn is now used to indicate a successful arrival. Presumably you can now easily solve the picture I posted at the bottom of page 33.
  13. "Houston Command. Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed." Also the name of the film. The film is supposed to be set in Norfolk because of the watermill they filmed it mainly in Mapledurham just outside of Reading and close to the M4. The watermill is just off to the right but not on Streetview. Behind the church is the River Thames.
  14. They are trying to discourage negativity!
  15. I read the book Spillover by David Quammen. It was about diseases such as Ebola. At one point a virologist is as asked "do you ever worry that something will come along and wipe the entire population of the world?" He calmly replies "No. With any disease 10% of the population will simply be immune. The population will thin but that will be it." For example 10% of the population are immune to HIV/Aids. Nobody will know that they are but they will be. I expect the same will be true for this. Not sure if it is precisely 10% though.
  16. I just checked my thesaurus. "Scintilla" and "Scurrilous" are on the same page!
  17. Bhopal and Chernobyl were also that decade.
  18. Since it was VE day recently, I watched an old war film. Seemed more appropriate than watching it at Christmas time. Actually it wasn't that old. I remember seeing it at the cinema and man had already been to the moon before it was made!
  19. You seem to have given up on this one. Do you remember the first time J.R. was shot? Okay I am cheating a little bit here.
  20. Yes that had been investigated. However it was never suggested this was arson. Anybody wanting to start a "chip pan fire"at the grounds could have done so when nobody was there and still collected the insurance. In another documentary they interviewed an Australian man who was fairly certain he was the one who dropped the cigarette end that started the whole thing going. He tried to do something about it but no luck. If not him then someone else. It was a death trap. Years of rubbish under the stand. An accident waiting to happen.
  21. I think those stretch limos will be just perfect for the task. Expect to see more of them every day. ☺
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