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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. In all fairness this is a solidarity thing - letting those in the disaster zone know that the rest of the country is aware of their plight and ready to help where possible. The Prime minister/President/other recognised person is just a figurehead.
  2. Labour lost Sedgefield because they allowed the Tories to define patriotism (in England at least) as "getting Brexit done". Apparently the EU were as bad as the Nazis or something like that and Labour were a bunch of appeasers. It was less about Labour's position during the election than about Labour's ambivalence during the EU referendum itself that destroyed Labour. As an individual I am allowed to be unsure whether the EU is a good thing or a bad thing. As a political party that is there to assess these things 24/7 it was totally unacceptable for the Labour Party to be ambivalent about the issue. If leaving the EU was such a bad idea then why did they not say so at the time and forcefully at that. Clumsy dithering and indecision became a hallmark of the party.
  3. If United are away then that usually means Dundee are at home. On that day home to Queen of the South. So no.
  4. Here in Inverness we have lots of warehouses in the city centre. They are not too big but are full of stuff and include an area where members of the public can inspect the inventory and maybe purchase some of it. Also. We just call them "shops".
  5. Fair enough but if Harold Wilson said "a week is a long time in politics" then 20 years is an eternity. Personally I think it better to say "not going to change anytime soon" than state an actual number of years. Anyway I suggest we meet up in 2040 to discuss whether or not you were right.
  6. You forgot to mention St Helena. They were fairly nice to Napoleon and he was an enemy of the state. They are also still nice to Jonathan the Tortoise aged 187. I suspect there are numerous other islands around the world that have never harmed anyone.
  7. All further away. All take longer to get to. All requiring UK tourists to join the Rest of the World passport queue. If your prediction is true then gone are the days of a quick flight, a speedy trip through the airport and on to the start of the holiday. EU countries and especially Spain are by far the biggest tourist destination from the UK. The USA is in fourth place but most of the rest are in the EU.
  8. Because Brexit was all about "take back control". So when you are in an airport and the people at passport control say "let me see your passport" you can now say "no. Let me see yours" and then you march straight through. ..or maybe I got that wrong.
  9. I wonder if the EU will make it easy for blue passports to go through passport control, lure them into false sense of security and then hit them when they go through customs. "Excuse me. Can we check your bags? Ensure you haven't got any chlorinated chickens or anything like that." "We're on our way to the beach. Do you seriously think we brought some dead birds with us?" "Maybe not but you are not in the Customs Union any more so we need to check." Should be fun.
  10. Oh dear. I can see this thread turning all the posters into a bunch of tossers.
  11. If this is you wanting to become a professional referee then I would suggest you have over practiced the start of the game and you need to do more work on everything else.
  12. I have been there twice. Stanley Park, Gastown and along the waterfront are obvious tourist locations. The smallest building in the world is located in Gastown. I also went over to Vancouver Island and stayed the night in Victoria. That was followed by a trip to Butchart Gardens - easily the prettiest quarry I have ever been to - now a major tourist attraction. I took my bags down to the harbour in Victoria. They took me by bus to the Gardens and later I wandered down to the pier where a boat collected me and took me back to Vancouver (along with my bags which had already been transfered to the boat). I also went to Point Roberts which is a small suburb of Vancouver located below the 49th parallel and therefore in the USA. Since I had already been to the USA two months earlier the guy at passport control said "hey your previous visit is still valid so I don't need to ask you any questions apart from 'do you need a map?'".
  13. It suddenly occurred to me that some posters on here are left handed. And some might have red hair. And maybe some know how to play the accordion. Bit of a scary thought. You have no idea what the other posters are really like
  14. I especially liked the "and you could almost guess what happened next". Apparently nothing to do with a walrus, a giraffe and a chimpanzee so my guess was obviously wrong.
  15. I recall one place where you got a bollocking for arriving five minutes late but not if you phoned in to say you were working from home because of the weather. Some places are obsessed with what time did you start but don't give a shit about what you do after you get in.
  16. The Labour Party was never going to out-Brexit the Tory Party. Anybody who was obsessed with leaving the EU was always going to vote Tory. If Labour swung behind the Leave vote, they would have lost lots of Remain voters while Leave voters would still not have trusted them on the matter. Labour never had anything to gain by supporting Brexit but it had too many useful idiots amongst its ranks - including the leader.
  17. What do you mean "his invention"? I am suing him for breach of copyright. It was my idea all along.
  18. How relevant is that question now that we have left? The important thing is to ensure that the Tories own Brexit. If it is a success they will get the credit regardless. If it is a failure in any way then it is useful for Labour to have a leader who never thought it was a good idea in the first place.
  19. I suspect most of the electorate don't care all that much if Keir Starmer is on the left of the party or the right. What they are looking for is a credible leader and a credible Prime-Minister-in-waiting. Jeremy Corbyn never did that well. He knew how to appeal to his base but not beyond. On the issue of Europe, Keir Starmer often spoke well while Corbyn sounded bored like he was reading from a script that he didn't really believe in. The manifesto was full of good policies but it came across as a wish list. For Labour needs is a leader who appeals to Labour voters without being massively unappealing to non-Labour voters.
  20. The return of the Roman Derby - Ireland versus Scotland (Thistle). Hopefully another chance to say "Vicimus". Haven't been saying it much recently.
  21. You seem to have a very kind and understanding manager. "Excuse me, Sir, I need to leave early to go look for my cousin. He has built a time machine out of an old tumble dryer and now we don't know where he is." "Okay. On you go." Amazing.
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