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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. .. and they will do hatchet job on whoever comes next.
  2. The original question was what left wing policies do the general public object to. Perfectly good question because the general public actually agree with a lot of things that Jeremy Corbyn advocates but for some reason they also don't agree with Jeremy Corbyn. Seems an obvious contradiction there. You can go down the route of conspiracy theory and paranoia but I don't. So what explains this? I suspect it is the idea that Jeremy Corbyn will not budge on anything. That the world today is identical to what it was 20, 30 or 40 years ago and the same solutions will suffice. Maybe unfair. Maybe untrue. But that is why some people are opposed to him.
  3. Dogmatism. It's crap. For example. Nationalising the railways? I don't have problem with that. Maybe it is solution. Maybe it is not. At the moment there are politicians saying obviously yes and others saying obviously no. Very few in between. I think the general public would be happy with a politician who would happily go either way - as long as the railways get better. Does such a politician exist?
  4. .. and what about an Ebola outbreak at a monkey house in Washington DC? True story. Book is called the Hot Zone. There is a TV mini series too.
  5. Two interesting books are Spillover by David Quammen and The Hot Zone by Richard Preston. They confidently suggest that with any virus at least 10% of the world's population will survive. For example some people are immune to the AIDS virus - although you have no way of knowing it in advance. They also mention that every virus requires a reservoir host - basically an animal that can harbour the virus without getting sick. Often the host is bats. Finally since these virologists know what will make you sick they also know what will not make you sick. They are happy to eat things I wouldn't go near. They think termites are delicious. (Maybe I should have mention that in the Heebie Geebies thread)
  6. If so it will get him focused on climate change. Don't want to lose your newest trading partners to rising sea levels.
  7. Yes. I have met those sort of people. If by some fluke Jeremy Corbyn had won the election they would have ditched him by now.
  8. If Labour keep losing elections they need a solution. One is to pretend there are enough new voters and people who don't normally vote that can be added on to win the next election. That approach was tried twice and failed twice. The other approach is to win votes from people who voted for somebody else at the previous election. For an ideological purist that might be uncomfortable but in reality it is the only way to win.
  9. To be honest I did wonder why the video ends when it does.
  10. Lizard Point (southernmost point) is at latitude 49 degrees and 57 minutes. Dunnet Head (northernmost point) is at latitude 58 degrees and 38 minutes. Kendal in Cumbria is midway between the two.
  11. You mean Rugby Park in Kilmarnock?
  12. Oh yes. That job interview that got very heated talking about the rules to Monopoly. Tempers frayed, it all came to blows, the police were called in and we all got carted down to the station. So ended my attempt to join the Diplomatic Corp.
  13. It's a trap! If you had been able to answer these questions instantly they would know you spent all your time playing games and be of no use to them at all.
  14. 1-2-3 is a different permutation to 3-2-1 but the same combination.
  15. I went for a job interview where I was asked to explain the difference between a combination and a permutation. ☺ Strictly speaking a combination lock should really be called a permutation lock. Similarly "what's the combination for the safe?" Permutation would be more useful.
  16. Actually I can understand the appeal. He knew how to say things that sounded exciting and new, of a better world where there was no more wars or poverty and everybody was nice to everybody else. To a young idealist (and maybe not so young) it was like a breath of fresh air. However in practice, he was utterly useless. Good at the interview. Crap at the job.
  17. What Labour has to do is be a credible alternative government with a leader you could imagine as prime minister. One of the problems with Corbyn is that many people saw him as happy to be Leader of the Opposition and not really wanting some other role. Boris Johnson is unpopular. His big advantage at the election was that Corbyn was even more unpopular and Swinson wasn't taken seriously by anyone.
  18. Only if it is positive. "Banned for ten years" should not be included on a CV. HTH
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