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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. .. and he organised "It's a Royal Knockout" which included members of the royal family, Mel Smith and Meatloaf. The Queen was not amused.
  2. I read about this. How would it work? Would they sign it with an X and write "(his mark)" beside it or maybe "pp Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson"? I would like it if they added a smiley face.
  3. Corbyn is not going to lead a Labour majority government. Minority government at most. In which case, the Lib Dems would be able to specify the terms in which they would support a Labour government. Unfortunately they still remember how weak and ineffective they were in the previous coalition and do not want to go through that again. Since the Liberal Democrats are even less likely to form a majority government, this begs the question: what sort of government do they wqnt?
  4. The whining will continue under all circumstances, whether we leave the EU or not.
  5. I was using chickens as example. Obviously the same thing would apply to other things too.
  6. My point is that it is not Ireland that is being asked to compromise - it is the whole of the EU. Ireland is part of the EU. If you smuggle chlorinated chicken into Ireland, will there be any checks to stop those chickens going on to France. Presumably no - because France and Ireland are both in the EU. The EU do not want the border to become the Maginot line of smuggled imports from the UK into the EU27.
  7. The border in Ireland will become a border between the EU and the UK. It may be located in Ireland but if Ireland is to remain an integral part of the bloc then it is effectively a border for all of them.
  8. I presume this conference is sponsored by Superglue.
  9. It is impossible for presenters to avoid expressing their opinion at any time. For example if a presenter said "America has crazy gun laws" it would probably go unnoticed because everybody would be in agreement. Nonetheless it is still an opinion. One that I share BTW.
  10. What if instead of arguing the opposite you were more extreme. "I want to leave the EU because I love beetroot soup and the EU makes it difficult to buy real beetroot soup from Russia and it has never tasted the same since we joined the EU and we can"t buy the right garnish because of the Lisbon treaty and the worse beetroot soup I ever had was in Maastricht and these people just don't know how to make it properly". Would that work?
  11. Thanks for that. It doesn't mean the Welsh are all thick but she certainly is. What is the purpose of the EU? To make it easier for someone in Wales to sell seafood to someone in Spain. Maybe it requires somebody in Brussels to work it all out but that's the idea. Oh well after a hard Brexit what then? She sells seashells by the seashore. Not her! And don't ask me to say that in Welsh. Or Shean Connery for that matter.
  12. It is only a record number of defeats because Labour lost the election in 2017 and therefore did not replace them. If anyone replaces the Tories at the next election then the count goes back to zero. However Labour are struggling to convince anyone they would be an improvement on this pathetic government. Maybe unfair but true.
  13. We would also have been up the creek if it was not for the English Channel. Very useful having a moat when there is a threat of invasion.
  14. Maybe not but they don't generally start them either. Usually wars are started by power-hungry leaders who see other countries as the enemy more than as potential trading partners.
  15. Would that still be the case if they don't have any bananas!
  16. Historically, a lot of the wars were between one country that is now in the EU versus another country that is also now in the EU. Strangely enough, those sort of wars don't seem to be happening much now. Not sure why. By comparison, there have been plenty of wars started by mad dictators who see enemies of the people in all directions and like a good war to distract attention away from their failed attempts to run their own country. Just an observation.
  17. It could backfire. They only need to find one leave voter in Gibraltar and suddenly it is "looks like opinion is now swinging behind the prime minister".
  18. Parliamentary procedure. Everything they say is being addressed to the speaker even if they are looking at somebody else. Cross talk is not allowed.
  19. Yes, he probably does understand it but the question was "can you explain it to my viewers". He obviously thinks his viewers are as thick as mince.
  20. Is this one of those optical illusions where somebody takes a photo of 11 judges and it looks like there is actually 12?
  21. What fun. Nobody has hardcopies of their TV licences to tear up so I guess crowds will descend on Great Yarmouth town centre with their iPads for a simultaneous clicking on the cancellation option. "Right everybody click Cancel ... Now! Oh damn, it says 'Are you sure?' Right everybody click Yes .. Now! Oh damn, it says 'server is down'. Damn, damn, damn".
  22. Hey, we have fulfilled the people's will. Parliament has taken back control from some unelected bureaucrat. Job done.
  23. Okay but it doesn't have to be treason. Any "off with his head" clause would do just fine. Liven things up a bit.
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