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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. In 1892, Danish inventor Tomas Porn established his own company Porn Industries specialising in farm equipment. Today the company is still a market leader mainly thanks to the Porn 2000 combined harvester which is more than a match to its competitors. Recently the company has decided to embrace the modern age and has established a website. Unfortunately although the site has received an enormous number of visits - very few have resulted in any extra business.
  2. James Bond was written by the same person who invented superglue.
  3. They bullied him into holding a referendum. They bullied him to run a lousy campaign and ultimately they beat him. Reading about his sour grapes does not excuse all the mistakes he made or make me think better of him. A truly weak leader.
  4. They say the people of Inverness speak the Queen's English so presumably she said "righ' enough, there you go."
  5. All this talk of a bridge and nobody has addressed the most important question of all. What colour are they going to paint it?
  6. What is the name of the book? "A big boy did it and ran away (Yeah that was me)"?
  7. Oh dear. You sound like one of those smug people who voted Leave.
  8. Maybe if we just had a ban on monkeys that would sort them out. Actually, come to think of it, just take them to the zoo and ask them to point out the Germans, Italians, Swedes, Greeks and so on. This could all be easier than we thought.
  9. We leave the EU on 31st October and live happily ever after. Are you needing more detail than that? Why?
  10. Wrong unit of measure. The current units are milliBus and microBus.
  11. There is a country called Montenegro. What do you prefer to call it?
  12. Maybe a younger queen would be more spritely about this.
  13. Yes you are wrong. Trump set the benchmark for this.
  14. Oh no bo jo loses mo jo as jo jo decides to go go.
  15. Alternatively Boris could be commonly used in a different way such as Boris Cream for treating hemorrhoids. Might be more appropriate.
  16. These examples are Nouns. You have really Borissed this
  17. Some voted Leave 3 years ago and feel we need to get it done and out of the way so we can back to normal life. Absolutely no idea what leaving the EU (especially without a deal) will actually mean in practice.
  18. You can't filibuster in the Lords. You can't filibuster in the Lords. You can't filibuster in the Lords oh no no no. You can't filibuster in the Lords. Repeat 10 times, add in a chorus and then repeat 10 times again. Job done!
  19. What sort of world do they live in that not being whipped is seen as a threat? Personally I would have thought it would be the other way around.
  20. The role of the leader is to lead. Either say "We should definitely stay in the EU" OR "We should definitely leave". Every time looks like Labour have established a clear position he goes and says something that makes it unclear. This is not about whether he is on the left of the party or the right - it is about leadership - giving the impression you really have a plan and know exactly what needs to be done.
  21. Clegg was keen to have to have the FTPA because he didn't entirely trust the Tories and were worried they would call a snap election and throw him under the bus. They were happy to agree knowing full well they could throw his party under the bus later.
  22. If the Labour Party had given clear guidance to Labour voters to vote Remain then it is likely the referendum result would have been different. Otherwise why both campaigning. In that sense any leader but Corbyn would have been better.
  23. At the moment there are lots of places in Ireland where you can cross the border and not even know it. Last year I drove from Armagh to Monaghan and did not spot it. Lots of people in Ireland can accept a border if it is as invisible as that. As soon as it is made visible - everything changes. Especially if anyone has to be stopped and asked questions. Maybe nobody intends to return to violence but somebody might think the symbolic destruction of a border post would be okay. Unfortunately they are not very careful and somebody gets killed. "Can't have that. Let's get back at them." The Troubles were littered with hundreds of cases of tit-for-tat. .. and all for something that the majority in the North don't want and the majority in the South don't want either. That is how it will all return.
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