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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. A second referendum that returned a majority for remain would be like the USA introducing an amendment to their constitution solely for the purpose of cancelling out a previous amendment that had gone horribly wrong. I wonder - would we want to prohibit that?
  2. Was he caught singing " I can see clearly now"? A similar conspiracy theory has it that John Lennon really was a walrus.
  3. Edinburgh city council employed a number of bus drivers who had difficulty remembering their route. Rather than making them all redundant the council had to come up with a solution and they did.
  4. I totally predicted everything correctly as will become obvious when I publish my memoirs in 5 years time.
  5. See all those multitudes that have marched all the way from Sunderland down to London. Will they now march back up again or have they been able to hire a bus to take them home?
  6. Yes but if we want to go around in circles it won't be the EU saying clockwise or anti-clockwise. We decide. Take back control!
  7. Not quite. There are supposed to be some commemorative coins out there now celebrating that today is of historic importance. Not sure for what though.
  8. Ulster say No Ulster say No Ulster say No .. and now we say No to everything too. One big happy family. .. and the man from Del Monte can f** off!
  9. I'm just waiting for some Brexiteer to say "The people of this island need to take back control and not have the future of this country being decided by people from somewhere else".
  10. No worries. She'll simply go down as the worse PM ever!
  11. Totally independent like Singapore which relies on Malaysia for half its water supply!
  12. I wasn't expecting him to be there either. I was reflecting more on those who joined the Labour party because they believed him to be something he is not. Also, regarding the number of Labour seats that voted Leave, in the referendum, I think there would have been thousands of Labour voters looking for guidance from their own party on which way to vote. In the total absence of that guidance they ended up split both ways.
  13. I think of all the people who joined the Labour party when Jeremy Corbyn became leader because they were young, idealistic and optimistic and believed his vision of a better world was possible. They went on this march because it was full of all the positivity that they wanted and the highlight of the day would be when their leader would address the march and give the most uplifting speech in history. .. and then, oops, sorry, bit of a clash with something already happening in Morecambe. Hadn't spotted that until it was too late. Sorry. Oh well, maybe he will be there next time.
  14. He committed this appalling crime because it was "something to do". His boredom threshold must be absolute zero. He will now spend the next 27 years with nothing to do. Almost twice as long as he has lived already. I suspect he will find it insufferable. Hopefully it will be.
  15. Yes. At the moment he is thrilled by his own notoriety but that won't last. I seriously doubt his friends will keep in touch especially if any of them get married and have kids of their own. At some point he will discover that everybody else is having a more interesting life than him and he has nothing to write home about. I think any time he is eligible for parole, the media will report it and like the Moors murderers he will probably be kept in. Personally I doubt he will ever have a life worth living again.
  16. I wish the papers would stop showing his photograph. It is Alesha who needs to be remembered. I don't want to see his face again - unless it is in an open coffin.
  17. I thought romance had something to do with not being alone!
  18. We were on the winning side for two world wars. In the first, we were on the winning side but lost a quarter of our territory when the Republic of Ireland became a separate country. In the second, we were on the winning side but lost an empire. For some, losing the empire and significant influence on the world stage coincided with the rise of the EU (or more precisely its predecessors). There is this belief that if the EU disappeared, we could go back to being a major world power - especially as those continentals would spend all their time arguing and fighting each other. Unfortunately for them, the continentals think the EU is a good way to avoid arguing and fighting each other and are not willing to give it up. How unsporting.
  19. You mean like the House of Commons discussing Brexit to the exclusion of everything else. Yes, I wonder when that is going to happen.
  20. It allows people to express an opinion without being challenged. "Britain will be great again selling unicorn ivory to China which is not allowed under EU rules". Also it prevents any expert coming along and going into detail. "Do you think 'No deal' is worth it to curb immigration?" "Well, I work for the Migration Studies Institute and it really isn't that simple .." "Oh dear, is that the time?"
  21. I am often amazed by those who admire the hours you work more than the work you get done. I can imagine them watching a marathon. "Yeah, there was this one guy who stopped running a lot sooner than anyone else. He just grabbed his trophy and went off home. What a lazy sod." "I was most impressed by the one that came last - glad to see that level of commitment. He was the best."
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