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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. For goodness sake, as if she doesn't have enough problems! Give her a break. She has just found out that Thomas Cook are refusing to fly her back from Aberdeen.
  2. I would generally agree with these attributes but in a way I would hope they would cancel each other out. He might be too far left but because he is indecisive and inept, he will not be able to push through an agenda that is too far left. Instead he find himself to the left of his own party and thus his role would be more as a guarantor that the party stays true to a fairly left wing agenda as opposed to some Tory-lite agenda. Ever the optimist. That's me.
  3. Chanting the leader's name seems a bit like Hare Krishna. Maybe very appealing if you are within the cult but totally weird for everyone else.
  4. The singing of the dear leader's name after the vote just put a cocked hat on it though. Embarrassing beyond belief. They can have more members than any other party in Western Europe, as was said yesterday, but they need voters. Displays like that have people laughing at them; it's hard to take Labour seriously. The vote was the fudgiest of fudges; imagine trying to sell that on the doorstep. Vote for us. Our leader has three syllables to his first name. When is the last time that worked? Oh shit. I forgot about her.
  5. People who get angry about horoscopes. "It's not a real science!" Oh really. I would never have guessed.
  6. Time travellers. Not sure why. I am just not sure I believe them.
  7. Maybe it is with reference to sandpaper where the extra fine stuff doesn't seem to make much difference at all!
  8. Yes and whenever there is an election in Europe the BBC talk up the chances of any far-right anti-EU party but then go all quiet when that party comes in fifth place.
  9. .. and where will you be if nobody is looking for you?
  10. Seems a bit laborious having to guess. How about a simple algorithm such as Win-Win-Lose . Then you know in advance - for example, case 123, divisible by 3, Lose. Make everything simpler.
  11. You need to use more emojis to make it more obvious you are just having fun.
  12. In a recent interview, Sean Connery stated that he had no idea why he was denied the part of James Bond in "Her Majesty's Shecret Shervice."
  13. Anybody reading this might be tempted to ask if Ghenghis Khan was right wing. Apparently it is a Hitler reference. The Mongols were almost always outnumbered by their enemy so their solution was basically to slaughter everybody at every opportunity. When Hitler started slaughtering lots of people the comparison was established. Also FYI there was a famous Hollywood "eastern" called "The Conqueror" starring John Wayne as Khan. It was filmed near a nuclear test site and half the people involved with the film got cancer and died from it including John Wayne. Anyway, what were you saying?
  14. A monkey in a red badge would not be safe in Hartlepool.
  15. What about that EU directive that says you can't whip your workers if they are not working hard enough? Obviously we need to do something about that.
  16. I wonder how many are paying £60 for a £5 bottle of Chilean wine at their local shop because of "EU tariffs" unaware that the shopkeeper knows they are idiots.
  17. In the original script, the title was Fishfinger, the plot was to steal all the fish fingers in the world and the villain was Captain Bird's-eye. However Shirley Bassey was unwilling to sing the title track Fishfinger, so they had to start again.
  18. Irish comedian Dave Allen may be long gone but his fan club has now acquired a worldwide copyright to the acronym D.A.F.C.
  19. FTFY. Dear oh dear. If you are going to make up a fact at least get some of it right!
  20. Boris Johnson portrays himself as a big Green monster. I expect the DUP have protested.
  21. Yes. It is better to use the whole hand. Who knows. Maybe Brexiteers want to get rid of these excess fingers.
  22. "No. I don't want to be rescued by you. Can you please contact the British Embassy and make it quick. I can't swim".
  23. FTFY. Sorry about being pedantic. You made a valid point about trolls who reply to every post with a complaint but if you really did say this a billion times then you might be accused of the very thing you are complaining about. Just saying
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