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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. For me, the terms toffs and posh describes people who vote Tory, send their children to private schools, have a chateau in Switzerland, a timeshare in the Maldives, executive membership to the local golf club, regular visits to some club that still debates whether women can be members, tributes to whoever has just been born and is ninety-seventh to the throne, still getting Christmas cards from the laird of some estate that represents the dukedom of some county that no longer since regionalism. Now you are saying it simply boils down to how you describe your cheese on toast. Mind-blowing!
  2. I used to think that Welsh Rarebit was actually Welsh Rabbit. I couldn't understand how you could start with a rabbit and cook it in such a way that it ended up more like cheese on toast.
  3. "Hello Boris. It's Jeremy here. No not that Jeremy. .. and no not that Jeremy either. What do you mean, you don't anyone else called Jeremy. Thanks a lot. Anyway - it's me. Jeremy Kyle. Anyway I am dead keen to get my show back on the air and I was thinking we could do each other a favour. Celebrity special and all that."
  4. I suppose Theresa May will be mildly relieved that the UK is not like America. On the two occasions when America acquired a new leader called Johnson, the previous leader had been shot.
  5. Labour are demonstrating that they are ready for government. At a time of national crisis - they will do what needs to be done. Prevericate. For as long as necessary!
  6. Oh blast. I was going to say tropical diseases but you beat me to it!
  7. Watching that debate, I found myself agreeing with Rory Stewart more than with any of the others. Not in terms of anything he said but the way his head went down when any of the others were talking in a "what a load of shite" kind of way. Boris Johnson might be good at after-dinner speeches but is that what is required for a Prime Minister. Finally, I would like to say that the format of this debate was a million times better than Question Time - not difficult. No morons in the audience saying something obvious that will get a loud cheer. Yawn.
  8. Ross County used to have a player called Tony Inbhir Pheofharain. Where's he now? (Also, the Gaelic for Anthony is Blàir)
  9. A friend of mine likes to tell the story of somebody from the Ordance Survey going to a pub in Skye and asking the locals for the Gaelic names of the nearby mountains. These appeared in the next edition of the OS Map but were later removed when it was revealed they were obscenities.
  10. Yet another confusing poll that indicates that there are people who would currently vote Labour but would switch to Tory or Brexit if somebody, anybody became leader of the Tory party. I don't know which of the ten will become leader but I suspect one of them will.
  11. Pitcairn Island in the middle of the Pacific is regarded as part of Kent. When accusations of sexual predators came about, it was some officers from Kent constabulary who had to out and investigate - and arrest almost every adult male on the island. I suppose it makes a change from shoplifters in Canterbury. On that note, I wonder if there is probably somebody in Tarbert who has to make a routine visit to Rockall to see that nothing criminal is going on. You never know!
  12. No it is not. Area of England = 130,395 km2 (53.6%) Area of Northern Ireland = 14,130 km2 (5.8%) Area of Wales = 20,735 km2 (8.5%) Area of Scotland = 77,933 km2 (32%) Area of Scottish Islands = 10,372 km2
  13. I wouldn't be so sure. A lot of them are "storm out of the room" quitters who accept a role only if they can make a dramatic resignation when the Brexit talks hit an impasse. Easy to do if you are Minister in charge of baby-wipes but not so easy if you are the Prime Minister. Some have entered the contest to indicate that they want to be Prime Minister one day but not while Brexit is still on the go. Expect several to quit the race because of a bad back or a sore tooth or something to do with the family cat.
  14. Central casting are struggling with this one. Undertaker in a spaghetti western or Dr Frankenstein's assistant.
  15. They also think the EU is undemocratic and will be using their vote to express their disgust. I doubt they can even spell irony.
  16. Waiting until the month of June to avoid all the obvious jokes!
  17. There are also dozens of Tory MPs who campaigned for Brexit, not because they really wanted it to happen, but because it would improve their popularity in the Tory Party. Boris Johnson is an obvious example.
  18. In all fairness, Mary Scanlon was been asked a question that was specifically about the Conservative party and answered it in a way that made it very obvious that it was her party - especially as she used the word "we". That was very different to other members of the audience who were clearly plants but pretending to be ordinary members of the public. It was interesting watching the question about the Jeremy Kyle show, where each member of the panel had their say. It reminded me of Question Time of old. However, when it came to any discussion about anything where there had been a referendum, suddenly it was a non-topic and we are not supposed to talk about any more. Seems bizarre to have a political talk show where you are not allowed to talk politics if it is on something where a decision has been made. If we had a referendum on every other topic then this show would then have nothing left to talk about.
  19. Now there's an idea. My sister refuses to buy unsalted butter. I find it intolerable. Oh dear, I guess I am too late now.
  20. Occasionally there have been shows where he has helped people find relatives they hadn't seen for years. If it was that sort of show it might be okay. However, it is far more likely to be people who storm on stage, swearing and cursing at everyone. Easily the most dysfunctional families around. I have always found it a puzzle that these people despise each other but still agree to appear on the show together.
  21. Farage can say "we need to leave the EU now" and even if he provides no detail whatsoever people will vote for him. Once we are out of the EU there will an abundance of tariff-free snake oil.
  22. Actually maybe not so stupid. Cats have tails and so do monkeys. Have I seen anything similar on a dove? Can't say I have. Maybe I am missing something.
  23. Thank you for this reply. It was able to effectively dovetail into point I was making.
  24. Does PowerPoint have a bouncy ball option similar to sing-a-along songs?
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