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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. I still think it is unfair to play Scrabble with toddlers. They will know all sorts of words that I don't know. .. or have I got that the wrong way round.
  2. You mean the one about words having to include vowels. I blame the EU. After Brexit, t wll ll b jst fn.
  3. When I went to Alabama there were lots of Members only bars. I was surprised to learn I was already a member of all of them. That was typical of the deep south but I have no idea why.
  4. Michael Portillo was a dreadful MP and I am not that keen on the Andrew Neil show but when Portillo does that show about train journeys in Canada, well, I guess I don't really mind. Maybe Rory Stewart should do a travelogue show about bus journeys in Afghanistan or Tajikistan or somewhere like that. Maybe they should all do a show. Boris goes to Borneo. Who knows.
  5. Better than that. Stormont gets to review their arrangement with the EU every 4 years. Guaranteed bung every 4 years. Why would they object?
  6. The Iraq war was a mistake but Blair still won an election after it. It was not Hussein that ended his rule but Gordon Brown. Corbyn's Labour Party got more votes when it lost in 2017 than Blair's Labour Party got when it won a landslide in 2001 and when it won again in 2005. The problem Corbyn has is that for every person who wants him to become PM there is another person who definitely doesn't.
  7. Naw. They are being rewarded for demonstrating that having a totally dysfunctional government is the way forward. You didn't think Boris thought that up on his own - did you?
  8. If Johnson is doing what Farage wants him to do then obviously the idiots will swing behind him. However if at any time he ignores the puppet master it will all swing back again
  9. Remain voters - faith? Leave voters - facts? Have you written this the wrong way around or maybe someone has hacked into your account.
  10. He doesn't have to get it done. He simply has to keep claiming it. By the same token I am going on a world cruise. It is finally going to happen. First step involves winning the lottery but after that I am on my way.
  11. Oh shit. Where are we going to get Carrageenan after we have left the EU? This whole process has not been thought through at all!
  12. Yeah. I once saw him burp on a bus and not apologise. It's outrageous that someone like that can become prime minister. Actually I am not sure it was him. Somebody with blond hair, 30 years ago and what was he doing on a bus heading for Achnasheen?
  13. In America it is not unknown for members of the services to appear on quiz shows dressed in uniform and get an instant cheer from the audience.
  14. .. and he organised "It's a Royal Knockout" which included members of the royal family, Mel Smith and Meatloaf. The Queen was not amused.
  15. I read about this. How would it work? Would they sign it with an X and write "(his mark)" beside it or maybe "pp Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson"? I would like it if they added a smiley face.
  16. Corbyn is not going to lead a Labour majority government. Minority government at most. In which case, the Lib Dems would be able to specify the terms in which they would support a Labour government. Unfortunately they still remember how weak and ineffective they were in the previous coalition and do not want to go through that again. Since the Liberal Democrats are even less likely to form a majority government, this begs the question: what sort of government do they wqnt?
  17. The whining will continue under all circumstances, whether we leave the EU or not.
  18. I was using chickens as example. Obviously the same thing would apply to other things too.
  19. My point is that it is not Ireland that is being asked to compromise - it is the whole of the EU. Ireland is part of the EU. If you smuggle chlorinated chicken into Ireland, will there be any checks to stop those chickens going on to France. Presumably no - because France and Ireland are both in the EU. The EU do not want the border to become the Maginot line of smuggled imports from the UK into the EU27.
  20. The border in Ireland will become a border between the EU and the UK. It may be located in Ireland but if Ireland is to remain an integral part of the bloc then it is effectively a border for all of them.
  21. I presume this conference is sponsored by Superglue.
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