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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. I did once. Make sure you include comments like "Never again !!" and "Didn't need the last pint !" and "What was I thinking !!!!" If it averages more than 40 exclamation marks in a week - then you have a problem.
  2. It is an acronym for "Engineering, Procurement, Installation & Commissioning". Basically it means "go off and do all of it and give us a call when it's done. We'll be on the golf course"
  3. Monarch Airlines is in financial difficulty because too many republicans refuse to fly with them.
  4. She did not say 52% wanted to remove Polish people. She said she felt she was no longer wanted by 52% of the population. Current rhetoric has created a stigma to somebody being foreign.
  5. You must be doing something wrong. Doing something destructive - no end of volunteers Years ago, I was stripping wallpaper and a friend called round. Before I knew it - he was stripping wallpaper and I was making the tea. In the afternoon, his parents turned up. They got stuck in to the wallpaper stripping and I went off to the pub.
  6. It is something to do with betraying your country - such as lying about an extra £350 million to the NHS if we leave the EU
  7. If this petition could be applied retrospectively - Margaret Thatcher could be charged with treason.
  8. This must be a spoof. Life imprisonment? What's wrong with hanging? .. and a damned good flogging before hand too. Never mind that 48% of the UK and 62% of Scotland voted remain. We were just wrong! (.. and this should include anyone who thinks Boris Johnson has a silly haircut.)
  9. What's the view if somebody moves to a new town. For example, if a St Johnstone fan moves from Perth to Kilmarnock - should they start supporting Kilmarnock or continue with St Johnstone?
  10. Yeah, I remember being asked to boycott Shell because of what they were doing in Africa but I thought I was already boycotting them because of South America or the Middle East or I can't remember. At the same time, all the other companies - more or less identical to Shell - were left untouched.
  11. Stiff upper lip and all that. Dear boy. A return to the days when Britain ruled the waves and taught everyone how to do things right. Failing that - maybe we should just say please.
  12. To me it seemed the referendum was mainly the Tories versus the Tories - with everybody else being ignored For Leave Tories - it was easy - their natural instinct was to oppose an institution such as the EU - regardless of whether it was good or bad For Remain Tories - it was more difficult - they could not be seen to be keen on the EU or positive about it - only saying it would be better to be in than out. I recall speeches by Cameron where he said he was half inclined to leave himself - and that seems true of many other Tory "Remainers". .. maybe they might have wanted to talk to people like adults but it was more important not to upset their own support.
  13. I am not sure that Cameron actually wanted it. I think he wanted his party to stop talking about the EU endlessly. Not going to happen. Some Tories can be as dogmatic as anyone. Even if the EU was perfect, they would still be against it. Yet another layer of government - so they oppose it - end of story. Leave won partly because the Remain camp had too many lukewarm supporters. I guess it would be tricky to be a Tory MP who was dead keen on the EU. However, I totally agree that it is a mess.
  14. In the days of the Soviet Union, Estonia manufactured more shoes for the left foot then anywhere else in the world. .. and in case you are wondering - Turkmenistan had a similar record for the right foot.
  15. In Inverness there are those who claim they supported either Caledonian OR Inverness Thistle but never supported the merger - hence their decision to support one of the old firm instead. Not sure what they would do if Celtic and Rangers ever decided to merge.
  16. Any driver that cannot believe that anyone can drive a stretch of road faster than they can. Especially those who never look in the rear view mirror. I remember following one driver once. He went quite fast on the straight bits of the road but was painfully slow on the twisty bits. Obviously not acquainted with gears.
  17. Actually all the issues seem to relate to the clock, which makes me suspect somebody at lego land, lego world or wherever these things come from. Of much greater concern, the two yellow bricks at the back (or front?) have not been properly pushed down, making this aircraft totally unsafe for air travel.
  18. Let me get this straight. He was 12 at the time, which would make him about 27 now and this is his idea of an airplane. Please tell me he doesn't work for Boeing or Airbus.
  19. You make a good point but I wonder if they use these numbers in practice. "Hey 4, it is after 9 and you are all at 6s and 7s with your homework. Better do it now or it will be what for from 3." "You know when 3 was 9 and it was after 8 he was all done with his 1, 2, 3 and with the 7 or 8 chores he had to do too." "That's the way it was for 3 and 2 too come to think of it. 1 was certainly one for discipline - that is for sure." "You bigger numbers certainly have it easy."
  20. In Polo, you also have to say things like "Oh I Say" and "Spiffing" and "Crikey" I think I would rather be left handed (although I'm not)
  21. In North America, most ice hockey players are left handed. I wonder if that is true of other sports
  22. According to the theory of natural selection being ambidextrous was a disadvantage. In days gone by, a hunter who was better with his right hand would always throw a spear with his right hand and get good at it. Similarly a hunter who was left-handed. However, a hunter who was ambidextrous would sometimes use his left hand, sometimes his right and never get good with either. Then he would get eaten by a lion or tiger or something like that. Maybe less of a problem nowadays.
  23. In recent years, being left-handed does improve your chances of becoming President of the USA Barack Obama - left handed George W Bush - right handed Bill Clinton - left handed George H Bush - left handed Ronald Reagan - ambidextrous Jimmy Carter - left handed
  24. Bryan Adams "Summer of 69" was also about England's World Cup win but being Canadian and only vaguely interested in football, he didn't bother to get his facts right.
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