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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. I remember the days when everybody watched Top of the Pops You could have AC/DC and Boney M on the same show Sometimes it was good, sometimes it was bad but chances are you would enjoy at least one song. Then it changed - and was all about boy bands and gird bands - and either you liked it all (because you were weird) or you hated it all. Then it got cancelled. I feel Question Time is going the same way. It use to have lots of questions and chances were you would enjoy at least one of them. Now it is all about Brexit and Donald Trump and Marie Le Pen I wonder if it will get cancelled.
  2. I don't know what all the fuss is about. Apparently we can have our cake and eat it. Sounds good to me. By the same token, if we can also turn water into wine and straw into gold then we can simply tell the EU to get lost. Sounds straightforward to me.
  3. Not a problem. Michael Gove is unaware of any fishermen in Peterborough. .. or Fraserhead - wherever that is!
  4. I recall a scandal years ago where they found that Austrian wine was also very good for this thing.
  5. I heard that somebody did a doodle like this on his voting slip for the general election. He did it in the box for the UKIP candidate and because it fitted perfectly into the box - it counted as a vote for UKIP.
  6. Is President-Elect Trump using his own personal Twitter account?
  7. What I find amusing is when people say "I just love a Scottish accent". I know what they are saying - but I am not sure it would apply to every Scottish accent. I can imagine people auditing for "Lassie come home" with the casting director going "What the f*** was that?"
  8. Have you got a nephew called Ben? Does he take stuff?
  9. Personally I suspect a lot of leavers are not interested in talk about hard brexit or soft brexit. They would prefer the EU to simply disintegrate - where they can then say "Look we were the first to see the writing on the wall." They would love Marie Le Pen to win the French election but cannot say so openly because her party is seen as racist. Similarly they would love Geert Wilders to win in the Netherlands.
  10. I remember somebody who went to a game in Italy and he said you need your passport to get in - and a ticket obviously!
  11. Do you think Paris Hilton gives much thought to the fact that her name is the combination of the capital of France and a housing estate in Inverness?
  12. Hey, I don't know if any of you have watched a program called the Apprentice. The UK version has Alan Sugar on it and the US version has some Manhattan Teuchter, who's name escapes me. Oh dear - my memory is not as good as it use to be - where are my socks? Anyway - a brief summary of the show - two teams - task - losing team - boardroom - somebody fired. In one episode of the US version - the prize for the winning team was "Ten minutes of my time" The winning project leader went up to the apartment for whatsisname and given a great pep talk "My advice - if you want to be a success - then be like me." .. or something like that. Found them! Anyway, every so often, you get an episode where somebody who is desperate not to be fired say something like "Yes, you think I am f***ing useless but put me in charge and I will show you what I can do." The next episode, they are put in charge - and it simply confirms that they are f***ing useless. Anyway, the point I was going to make is this. Oh dear, I can't remember.
  13. Maybe there was nobody else but there was a parrot that did a great mimic of a goat grunting with a Fife accent.
  14. Predicting what people will say on Question Time is easier than guessing the results of football matches.
  15. Expect to hear this: Liz Truss will say "We must respect the result of this election" as in "Oh for f** sake. Americans are so bloody stupid" Diane Abbot will say "I am just worried what a Trump presidency will actually mean." Also expect some angry member of the audience to link it to Brexit and say that ordinary people are fed up with the political elite, it's time they started solving the problems that we have today and stop mucking about. .. and of course the cool non-politician will say "America, what were you thinking?" and get a big cheer.
  16. Will the voters who regret voting for Trump be called Trumpets?
  17. Oh come on. Do you really think an international crime organisation like Spectre would not have covered all these issues at the job interview? I bet he had a leasing arrangement with Spectre and the whole estate reverted back to them when he was killed. Also they would probably have a department specifically for clean up the mess after Bond has been there - I think they would be crazy not to.
  18. I think the makers of The Simpsons must be cursing themselves for giving him the idea to be President.
  19. Are they still gone to send rockets into space looking for intelligent life?
  20. I thought the whole argument for leaving the EU was so important decisions would be decided by the UK parliament.
  21. A recent survey found the spooky coincidences happen more often in October than any other month. Nobody knows why.
  22. I haven't seen the programme but I did know about it. I also remember seeing Payne Stewart playing at Gleneagles not the long before it happened.
  23. You mean there is a machine that can do this stuff?
  24. A recent survey of teenagers in Aberdeen, South Dakota revealed that 35% were unable to name a single city in Scotland. Surveys in Glasgow, Montana and Inverness, Florida came up with similar results. However, teenagers in Dundee, Alaska performed much better. More than half of them said Perth.
  25. Weather men who have to stand in front of a green screen are advised not to wear green - the effect can be quite unusual. In that sense, Jim White would have been an ideal weather man. Then again, we would probably get "Tomorrow will be gloomy - we just lost to Celtic"
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