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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. I checked on this research. Apparently it should actually be: "Salted Oats is good for your liver - in fact it is the best." They said it was a very poor phone line and they could hardly understand a word.
  2. Despite its name the periodic table is with us all the time.
  3. You decide it is time to go home and all of a sudden an airplane appears It is open deck but you get on board anyway There is no runway but somehow it manages to take off Suddenly you are at your destination and need to get a taxi When you get in, the driver is an old school teacher you thought was dead You are not the only passenger - Sean Connery and Mick Jagger are also there - they are off to buy a goldfish Then you are suddenly home - Sean and Mick are not there although you don't remember dropping them off At your home, somebody has built a pub on the back of your house - as if that can be done overnight. Inside the pub is that obnoxious guy from work except he is not obnoxious and is offering to buy you a pint. Then you wake up and say "What the hell was that dream about?"
  4. Here is an interesting one that somebody asked me to post on their behalf. I have never: Hit it off with the chairman Accepted the financial contraints of the club Developed an alternative style of play if Plan A is not working Hidden the fact that I wanted to move on
  5. I thought you said you were responsible for the JFK shooting. Did you just make that up? Why should I believe you now?
  6. I have never provided a sensible answer to a thread like this!
  7. .. and they are the same wheelbarrows - specifically designed for building forth road bridges.
  8. Entered the kingdom of Narnia via the wardrobe. I always get claustrophobic long before I find the secret passageway Had lunch with a mad hatter or a Cheshire cat Been abducted by aliens Played an active role in a time travel paradox – although maybe I have and just don’t know it Played golf in my pyjamas Taken a surfboard on the Glasgow underground Read poetry at a KKK annual convention Sang Waltzing Matilda in German Wrestled with a sabre tooth tiger Asked my friends why they keep making these suggestions
  9. .. and what about nuts, bolts and washers. Getting a chance to do some joinery sounds interesting but I like women for other reasons.
  10. Nope, you have got that wrong. The extra month will occur after August and before September and will obviously be called Sexember.
  11. Marie Osmond appeared on Saturday Kitchen and said her idea of Food Hell was a Killie Pie.
  12. Your re-collection of D-Day must be different from mine. I think they used boats.
  13. Not sure if I have my figures right but it something like this: Travel around the world = 40,075 km Travel 10 times that distance will get you to the moon. Travel 400 times that distance will get you to the sun Travel 300 times that distance will get you to Neptune Travel 100 times that distance will get you to Alpha Centauri Travel 160 times that distance will get you to Betelguese Travel 150 times that distance will get you to the centre of the Milky Way Travel 250 times that distance will get you to the Andromeda Galaxy Travel 40,000 times that distance will get you to the edge of the universe
  14. If it had gone supernova, Zaphod Beeblebrox would have told us!
  15. Too right. Discipline in the chip shop has gone to the dogs. I can remember when you said "Haddock and Chips, Sir." I blame the parents, the teachers and the EU. The sooner we take control of our own affairs the better - and that means proper behaviour and civility in the chip shop, the way it use to be in the good ole days. Oh dear, where has my medication gone.
  16. Oh blast, I only have apricot jam. Will that do?
  17. I saw a vacancy for a Chipmeisterubenfuhrer. Would that be of any interest to you?
  18. I am also watching "The World at War" I don't know who wins so don't tell me.
  19. I also plan to watch the Titanic tonight. Somebody said something happens to the ship. I don't want to know.
  20. Yeah. I am trying to do catch up on Dallas (Original Series) so if you know who shot JR - don't tell me!
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