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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. Okay. He was a customs official. But before I went back in time in my Hotpoint Aquarius Mark 5 he was a teacher. I guess I must have changed things.
  2. Go back in time and persuade whoever to let Hitler go to Art college after all. Second World War averted and in some art gallery somewhere somebody is saying "what a horrible painting. Who on Earth is AH?"
  3. Hitler's father was a teacher. Go back in time, bang on his door at 3 in the morning to discuss time travel and maybe it will interfere with his plan to have a night of passion with his wife. Problem solved. Except that you return to a future where there was no Hitler and therefore Donovan had no need to invent a time machine.
  4. Hotpoint Aquarius? Tell him it has to be a Delorean or he can get lost.
  5. Who is almost as nice as the hip replacement guy.
  6. It is difficult to stand up to your boss if nobody else does and especially if it is your first job. My first job was great. I enjoyed being at work and I enjoyed not being at work. Also they were hostile to overtime unless some client was paying for it. My second job was crap. Everybody routinely did overtime even when work was quiet. Some people didn't take all their holiday allocation. You were expected to come in on bank holidays and it is almost seen as disloyal to actually want a home life. Now I am self employed which is brilliant.
  7. Unfortunately the answer is people in their first job who have been told it is normal.
  8. If not for the Second World War we would never have had Rhubarb Crumble.
  9. You remember wrong. The Cold War was some tiff with the Soviet Union and had lots of highlights like the Berlin airlift and the Cuban Missile crisis and all sorts of other stuff. World was on the verge of apocalypse but thankfully it didn't happen. I think you might be thinking about the Cod War.
  10. Do you think it reflects a strong work ethic to be in the office even if you have nothing to do? Maybe for some jobs but not all. In my experience it is often about an employer who takes a slack attitude to overtime as in "we will pay it if you do it but we won't check if you actually needed to".
  11. I have no objection to people doing extra hours when extra hours are required. With some jobs it goes with the territory. However I have met plenty who do it in a "look at me" manner. One person I knew worked crazy hours all the time and constantly boasted about "burning the midnight oil". One day he asked me "why are we so inefficient?" I had to laugh. His whole mode of operation encouraged inefficiency.
  12. It is called presenteeism. Some people think hard work is all about the hours you work and not about the work that you do. I imagine they are scornful of the lazy winner of the marathon who spends less time running the race than any of the other finishers.
  13. Of course I know where Brussels is. In the supermarket next to the peas and the carrots and all that stuff. What a silly question.
  14. I don't think people are stupid but they are easily swayed on any issue where they have no real opinion of their own. This is why film critics have a job. They express an opinion on a film you haven't seen so you can decide if you want to see it Similarly all other critics (books, food and so on). People using TripAdvisor or similar sites look at reviews by other people they have probably never met. In the case of Europe, I think a lot of people had no real opinion on the EU and that is why they were so impressionable. A hostile press in England played a big part in that.
  15. Oh oh I can help. I know how it goes "God save the Queen. The fascist regime. They made you a moron. A potential H bomb." "God save the Queen. She ain't no human being. And there's no future and England's dreaming." ... Bit of visionary that Johnny Rotten and his birthday was Brexit day!
  16. .. and they missed out the apostrophe. Lock 'em up.
  17. I especially like the bit at end: "So best evolve or leave." Imagine being told by a neanderthal.
  18. Then again there is always the possibility that Boris Johnson is more interested in power than anything else. He will make concessions to the EU left, right and centre but as long as these are all reported as great victories then his base won't care at all.
  19. Are you suggesting there are no quasi fascist in the UK?
  20. In that case, they should change the shop name to "Previous".
  21. The actor Jason Lee who did "My name is Earl" is also a professional skateboarder.
  22. OR "People will remember me for my hair and not what is beneath it". .. Unless Trump gets there first.
  23. Maybe she has seen the film Alien. The special effect of the creature in the egg (just before it leaps out and attacks Kane) is just Ridley Scott's hands inside a pair of kitchen gloves.
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