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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. "Look. We would definitely decide whether we should discuss our position regarding a discussion on whether or not we should indicate an opinion on how to proceed with important matters of the days which may or may not include our relationship with the EU if that is what we decide to do. I thought I explained this all already."
  2. Actually it is not snobbish. Even if Edna and Brian said things you agreed with, it is not as if you can have an in-depth analysis of the situation with anyone standing in the middle of the high street. "Edna. If we went for a Norway Plus arrangement as opposed to WTO rules, how do you envisage that impacting on the economic outlook over the next ten years?" "Brian. How would you mitigate the short term complications from changes to immigration policy and how would you negotiate a trade deal with India, Brazil or China that did not involve more people from those countries being allowed to come here?" I think I would struggle a bit there.
  3. Hey, what happened to "No holiday is better than a bad holiday"?
  4. Yesterday on the television, I caught a glimpse of a program called "Rip-off Britain" presented by Angela Rippon and others. One story was a man who wanted to book a family holiday. He found a website that showed him a big house in the country - it looked like a palace. You could almost imagine a butler coming out to greet you. He booked it for a week. When they actually got there, it looked nothing like the pictures on the website. More like a broken down barn. The paint was peeling off, the doors were stiff, some of the windows were broken, there was no electricity and no hot water. They had a miserable holiday but decided not to complain. However, it took months to get the deposit back and even that required legal action. Later the man saw reviews about the place. They all said "Stay away - this person is a crook". Sure enough the owner was known to the police and had been involved in numerous other scams. This sort of program receives a steady supply of such stories. However let's change the story slightly. Imagine a friend finds out about the planned holiday, already knows about the place and gives them advanced warning. You would then expect that friend to be thanked. End of story. Relating this to Brexit, I think there are a lot of people who wouldn't thank you at all. "We've booked this holiday already so I guess we just have to go through with it." "I asked everybody if they want to go and they all said yes. Do you seriously want me to ask them again?" "You say the place is just a broken down barn but that is just your opinion. We want to stay in a palace. We are going." Seriously I wonder how many people are going to enjoy their time in Brexitland.
  5. Only if and when he decides what side he wants to campaign for.
  6. Yes. Hopefully we can avoid campaigners who want to try "Vote Remain - it's not entirely crap." Cameron and Osborne spring to mind and maybe Corbyn too.
  7. IMO, in 2015, if Labour had any leader other than Jeremy Corbyn, it is quite likely that Remain would have won. Concerning Brexit, Jeremy Corbyn stood up and in a loud authoriative voice said "I'm not sure either way about this". Leadership? No.
  8. I think she will turn up in a top hat and tails, sing "thank you for the music" and then dances herself out of the chamber.
  9. Does anyone think Theresa May has already written a victory speech for this one?
  10. I especially love the small samples they use. Reporter: "We're here in Inverurie to gauge opinion." Person 1: "I think it is a good thing." Person 2: "I against it." Reporter: "And there you have it folks - a split community." On a separate note, my favourite vox pop was when Mikhael Gorbachev received his freedom of the city in Aberdeen. A reporter interviewed a couple in the crowd. "This is amazing. We didn't want to miss it. We've come all the way from Stonehaven."
  11. The Chinese have already secured a lot of assets and trade deals in Africa. They announced a further 60 billion US dollars of investment only a few months ago. The UK cannot compete with that level of investment. Also, China is popular with a lot of African dictatorships because they are not going to "spread the rule of law" or criticise human rights or tell them how to run their country. They are simply there to do business. I can't imagine there are many countries that want the UK to show them how to do things right.
  12. Yeah. It is like someone threatening to give you their winning lottery ticket.
  13. For new drugs, drug companies will prioritise applications for approval to the EMA because Europe will be a bigger market than the UK. Also, a no deal scenario means a refusal to recognise each other standards - until you have a "deal" that includes recognizing each other's standards.
  14. welsh /wɛlʃ/ verb offensive past tense: welched; past participle: welched fail to honour (a debt or obligation incurred through a promise or agreement). "banks began welshing on their agreement not to convert dollar reserves into gold"
  15. .. and next week, if I decide again that I don't want to talk about how my players performed, I will voice my views on deforestation in the Amazon basin.
  16. Neil Warnock on Brexit: ‘I can’t wait to leave. To hell with the rest of the world’ • Cardiff manager attacks government’s handling of Brexit talks • ‘I can’t wait to get out. We’re better off out of the bloody thing’ So the manager of a Welsh football team that plays in the English Premier League doesn't want to have anything to do with people from other places. What a perfect metaphor for Brexit rage.
  17. Maybe it was John Tyler, 10th President of the USA, who was born in 1790. Obviously he is no longer around but his grandsons are still alive. Just a thought. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/how-two-of-president-john-tylers-grandsons-are-still-alive/
  18. I assume you are referring to any bus. If, on the other hand, you meant "that bus" (i.e. the referendum bus) then that would be the greatest plot twist ever.
  19. "I just want to know if immigration will fall." "No." "That's outrageous. I think .." "No hang on. You said you just want to know and now I have told you. You didn't say I just want to know and if not then blah blah blah. You said you just want to know. That's all. Nothing more. Now please shut up."
  20. They had a referendum on that back in 2005. Don't tell me they are having another one.
  21. Some people on here tie themselves in knots when it comes to Anna Soubry. "She is a Tory therefore I can't say anything nice about her." I don't have the same problem. Anna Soubry thinks Margaret Thatcher was a wonderful person, a wonderful leader, a wonderful prime minister and a wonderful role model. I suspect I would disagree with her on a lot of things. However her role in the EU debate is not about me or people like me. She thinks it would be better if we stayed in the EU and so do I. Maybe for completely different reasons - it doesn't matter. Her target audience is Tory voters, people who have no problem with a lot of the things that people on this forum oppose. She wants those Tory voters to support a second referendum and then vote Remain. A Tory voter voting Remain is just as useful as any other voter voting Remain. Some people still get upset. "If I agree with her on one thing, then I agree with her on everything." - No. The only person who agrees with me on everything is me - and even then I sometimes change my mind. If Winston Churchill was willing to sign a pact with the Devil to defeat Hitler then I would say the same about Anna Soubry regarding to EU. Not sure if she would like the comparison.
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