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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. You are right, it is nothing to do with spoons. It is to do with an Oxford Don called William Spooner, who was a bit "dyslexic" in the way he spoke. He was frequently teased by his students "you are just trying to get me to say one of those things again." I like the story in the Bill Bryson book "Mother Tongue", where he wrote a letter to a fellow don, saying "We need to have a meeting to discuss Student X who is being very disruptive. P.S. Matter resolved, meeting no longer required."
  2. Oh really. I was sort of thinking a nice war would do the trick - you know - without all the nastiness that seems to have crept into the more recent ones.
  3. Actually, I totally agree - and even in the days of empire it was European countries robbing them blind. I was simply pointing out that turning our backs on the EU and thinking there are massive business opportunities elsewhere might be over-optimistic.
  4. Paul Nuttall has resigned as well. If UKIP are heading for a landslide win in the general election, then that election better happen quick or they won't have anyone left to stand as candidates.
  5. Yes. FPTP is appalling but you are wrong. FPTP allows morons to stand in safe seats and get elected. The only thing that it has going for it is that it creates strong government able to get the country behind it and take decisive action on all the important issues of the day. Oh, hang on. Something's not right about that!
  6. Scottish UKIP leader David Coburn quits UKIP. I wonder if that is relevant to anything being said on this thread.
  7. Some people want to turn their backs on the EU and deal with the rest of the world instead. Maybe it is worth noting that Germany has a higher GDP than all of Africa.
  8. Actually I did consider it as a serious post although jupe1407 handled it well. The SNP are a well disciplined party compared to UKIP, but actually so too are both Labour and the Tories. Nigel Farage has quit yet again! If an election was called, I could imagine him joining UKIP again, and becoming leader again because that is the sort of party they are. People might say that the SNP are obsessed with Scottish independence but in government the SNP have demonstrated that they can deal with matters such as health, education and so on. By comparison, I can't recall anyone from UKIP talking about anything other than the EU. I agree that UKIP would probably not win any seats in Scotland. Also any of the major cities of England, IMO. However, I wonder how they would do in the foaming-at-the-mouth places that voted 70-80% leave. I get the impression there are people who don't care about health and education or at least not as much as getting out of Europe, taking back control and restoring the British Empire to its former glory.
  9. Jo Cox was killed by somebody who thought patriotism and hatred of all foreigners was the same thing. It would be a good idea is all MSM distanced themselves from that idea as much as possible. I am not optimistic about that.
  10. Quite like the idea of embedding a microchip in every Irishmen to resolve the border issue!
  11. Ah but do the EU know about the rest of the world or is that our little secret?
  12. As I understand it - every country that we have a trade deal with at the moment is through the EU because we are members of the EU. If we leave the EU with no deal, then the following day, the UK will be the only country in the world that does not have a trade deal with anyone. That means our safety standards, quality standards and other standards cannot be officially recognised by anyone, even if they believe those standards probably haven't changed since the day before. This will make it difficult, if not impossible, to export anything that requires standards to be met. Am I missing something?
  13. Tim Horton was a Hockey Player who played for a long time with the Toronto Maple Leafs as well as other teams. He was killed in a car accident in 1974 but the coffee chain he started kept going.
  14. Corbyn is totally opposed to these free-lance superheroes who are unaccountable to the wider electorate and who undermine the credibility of an overstretched police force consisting of thousands of hard working men and women trying to make a living wage to feed their families. Police numbers take a serious drop. Hey who cares, when you can get one superhero to do the same thing, take all the credit and never asked to be paid! Can't see Corbyn wanting to imitate any of them.
  15. By the same token, I don't celebrate any goal during the match. Instead I wait until the referee submits his official report after the match that everything was in order and the score line can be accepted as correct.
  16. At some point, somebody is going to say "People just want us to get on with it." I predict Tim Martin at 6 minutes into the show.
  17. Hopefully once we have left, there will be a clause somewhere stating that we will only do trade deals with nice countries.
  18. Couldn't the debate be part of the "I'm a Celebrity Final" Whatever contestant was able to endure these two the longest would be declared the winner.
  19. For Leave to win with a bigger margin would mean lots of people who voted Remain the first time around choosing to vote Leave the second time. While I can sort of understand why people might have voted Leave the first time, I simply cannot understand why anyone would switch to Leave is given the chance in a second referendum.
  20. A faraway person I know little about - except that his cousin played the butler in Batman.
  21. Oh my. Was that the same night you were playing snooker with Bill Clinton. He has a way with women. I am sure he could have got the answer for you.
  22. She is off on tour to hear what the people have to say. At the same time, if anyone actually does have anything to say, she will point out that the referendum result must be respected and there is nothing more to say about it.
  23. 412 against compared to 227 for. This includes 93 Tories who are against. If only she could persuade ALL those 93 Tories to switch their vote, she will win it by 1 vote. Sounds like a challenge to me.
  24. He is another one of those ex-military turned Tory politicians that you are so fond of! He wrote a travel book called "The Places in Between" where he went to Northern Afghanistan and got to see things before the Taliban blew them up. People are suggesting he now write a similar book about Southern Afghanistan.
  25. Rumour has it that there is an episode of Dallas where JR gets shot!
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