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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. Derry and Londonderry are two completely different cities that by a strange quirk in the space time continuum just happen to be located in the same place.
  2. .. and especially when this is being said by politicians who would have insisted on another referendum if the 2016 result had gone the other way.
  3. Okay, I get it. Somebody said to the players "if we are going to succeed - then consistency matters." Totally agree with that - but further clarification needed.
  4. They could improve Question Time instantly by applying an instant ban to anyone who uses the expression "Oh but you know." No more Nigel Farage or Diane Abbott. If I already know - then why are you needing to tell me.
  5. The other two on the panel were Edward Gardner (Conservative MP) and Polly Toynbee (SDP candidate).
  6. Interesting to look at the list of all episodes. One of my favourites was with Ken Livingstone and A.J.P. Taylor. One question was about London Underground and A.J.P. Taylor started laughing. Robin Day: "Excuse me, did you want to say something?" Taylor: "No. I just want to laugh." Later when Robin Day asked him for his opinion, he replied "I have no opinion. It is of no interest to me at all." He held a lot of opinions that people would strongly oppose but when it came to the London Underground, he had none.
  7. Maybe it is not the right thing to say but sometimes I think climate change and rising sea levels can't happen quick enough.
  8. .. but "Glen Garry Glen Ross" is your favourite film and "California Dreaming" by Lawrence Donegan is your favourite book! Just joking If sales is simply nudging things along - persuading someone to buy something they were probably going to buy anyway, then your job is simply removing hesitation and it is fine. If it is about selling somebody something they don't actually want but they just want you out of their lives forever - then yes I can see your point. I am particular amused by the "Unsale" - i.e. when you were about to buy something but the salesperson is so obnoxious - you decide not to. I think these people should get a negative commission when that happens.
  9. When I was growing up, it was seen as seriously uncool to like Queen but I saw the film and thought it was great. The pace of the film was great and I didn't think there were any long boring bit. I imagine Brian May and Roger Taylor will be happy with the result. Obviously Freddie Mercury is the star but the film is also about the whole band. We all know Freddie had an extravagant lifestyle but unlike Sacha Baron Cohen, I am pleased this was not overdone. I am amused at the suggestion that his attempts to go solo were a disaster and he really needed the band. I wonder if anyone had a say in that. It would be great if they could do a similar film about other bands but I think egos would prevent that.
  10. Great. So if we now work 24/7 to process all these people before 29th March, that is still less than 1,000 people per hour. Why the panic?
  11. .. but is that possible? "Easiest challenges in history" Chapter 1 Page 1 Line 1
  12. An example of that was in Canada, where Pierre Trudeau joined the Liberal Party in 1965 and became Prime Minister in 1968.
  13. Maybe I could cope with that if there was then a plan for how to go about it but there is no plan and never was. It was all wishful thinking. "We can have our cake and eat it." "They need us more than we need them." "No hard border in Ireland." "An extra £350 million for the NHS." The Tories can't even agree amongst themselves as to what sort of Brexit they want. As soon as anyone comes close to agreeing anything - there are immediately cries of betrayal. The referendum should ask: "So what do you think of our clumsy effort and do you still want to go ahead with all this?" Remember these are the same brilliant negotiators who are going to deliver all sorts of wonderful trade deals elsewhere.
  14. Of course they realise there needs to be a border but they like to pretend otherwise. Ideally, they would like the EU to impose a border on the EU side and then say "Look, we were quite happy with an open border but they insist on all their rules and regulations and red tape. This is precisely why we decided to leave."
  15. This must really be cramping your style. "I have a bad feeling about this match. 2-0 to whoever" Oh yeah, like that is going to happen. I bet you are going to be enormously relieved when we finally do get beat 2-0. Oops. Well you know what I mean.
  16. Yup and in less than a month the iceberg was gone but the Titanic was still there to be found years later.
  17. At one stage during the Second World War, the Nazis had captured 95% of Stalingrad. Not sure how that is entirely relevant but I will get back to you on that.
  18. Right. They need to sell lots of doughnuts and yet nobody goes to the nearest police station. .. or is that just in America?
  19. I think this is what the Brexiteers cannot understand. Basically, they assumed that the UK would decide what was going to happen and then the Republic of Ireland would just have to go along with it. After all this is what has always happened in the past. However, the Republic have said "We don't want to be in your gang, we want to be in this bigger gang, who let's face it, are nicer to us than you." Brexiteers cannot see how the republic can have the upper hand - it just doesn't make sense to them.
  20. Imagine being told you are intransigent by the DUP! That's like Donald Trump calling you a loudmouth.
  21. In that case, I suggest we set off a rumour that the sun is expected to go supernova on March 28th. Problem solved.
  22. No, this guy doesn't live in a cave, he more likely lives comfortably in student accommodation in Edinburgh or St Andrews. The BBC loves them on QT, young Scottish Tories whose loathing of their nation knows no bounds. I hear what you are saying but in my opinion there must be tourist boards throughout the UK who are horrified when they hear "Question Time is coming to town." Maybe I am wrong but I suspect you could visit any town that has hosted Question Time and not come across a single wombat that is typical of the audience on Question Time. Maybe they are grown from petri dishes.
  23. Where do these people hail from, as I never seem to meet them ? Are they kept in a cupboard somewhere ? Or do they spend their time running through farmer's fields ? Utter arseholes. I totally agree. They could have Question Time in Dumbarton and there would be people on the program that you have never seen in your life. I think H.G.. Wells called them the troglodytes. My suggestion: Look for some caves.
  24. Buzz Aldrin got very excited when he was shown how the lunar module would insert itself into the command module. He had to be shown five times. They only agreed to show him a sixth time if he took his hands out of his pockets.
  25. This comes as no surprise to me at all. During the Cold War, Walker crisps was infiltrated by so many KGB agents, you would not believe it. People simply have no grasp of much these superpower rivalries affected everything. "Yeah you were able to put a man on the moon but your prawn cocktail crisps are crap!"
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