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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. Yes. You are right. Didn't check my facts before I printed them. Maybe I can get a job at the Daily Mail now.
  2. There were 16.8 million people, in the UK, who voted Remain and in England and Wales they are denied a voice. Sure, the Liberal Democrats, Greens and Plaid Cymru are in favour of a second referendum but are any likely to win a General Election. Yes, Leave won the vote by 600,000 votes - less than 1% of the population. If Corbyn still wants to go ahead with Brexit then the obvious question is this: Why vote Labour if you are a Remain voter who seriously thinks Brexit will be a disaster for the UK that will obliterate everything else on Labour's agenda? I think a lot of people, including traditional Tory voters, voted for Labour in 2017 thinking it might be the best way to thwart Brexit. IMO, if Corbyn continues to back Brexit, a lot of Remain voters will not even bother to vote. Brexit is the number one issue and everything else on Corbyn's agenda is a distant second.
  3. Sometimes I think Jeremy Corbyn has the exact same view of the EU as Dennis Skinner, for example. I bet there are times when he wishes he wasn't leader of the party and could then criticise the leadership for not getting us out quick enough. He must be so frustrated that so many of his followers are more pro-EU than he is. When are they going to realise his playbook is out of date and needs updating?
  4. Further correction. He played for Derry City Football Club who are in the League of Ireland Premier Division. Similar concept to Berwick Rangers playing in Scotland. BTW: Ulster consists of nine counties: Antrim, Armagh, Cavan, Donegal, Down, Fermanagh, Londonderry/Derry, Monaghan, Tyrone.
  5. Corbyn would love a hard Brexit. I am not sure. I think he would just like to get Brexit out of the way so we can talk about more important things. Probably sees himself following in the footsteps of Clement Attlee who wanted to get the Second World War out of the way for similar reasons..
  6. So Jeremy Corbyn says Brexit will still happen even if Labour wins a snap election. He is happy to do what the Labour members want - provided they want what he wants. Great. Still going off a cliff but maybe we get to choose a different cliff.
  7. Not entirely. There is probably some House of Commons rule that calling someone stupid leads to immediate suspension from the house. Also, members of the house are addressing the speaker when they speak. No cross-talk is allowed. Instead of calling Theresa May a "stupid woman", he should have addressed the speaker and said "Mr Speaker, she is a stupid woman". Sounds daft but rules are rules.
  8. Westminister is designed with two sides facing each other, as if for a fight. There is an invisible line running down the middle and huge importance is placed on grabbing the mace, or "crossing the floor" and there are people there who are convinced that all the shouting and jeering and the combative nature of the place is a highly effective way to run government. Yeah, acting like a bunch of drunken louts is obviously the best way to do things. None of that namby-pamby, "let's be polite and listen to anyone", semi-circle nonsense.
  9. Total agree. I remember reading a Robert Peston book that talked about this. Somebody fully trained on cancer research, for example, can make more money in the city speculating on the future of companies involved in cancer research than doing the work themselves.. Similarly for every other specialised subject you can imagine. I find it very disheartening.
  10. I still love the expression "As quiet as Aberdeen on a flag day".
  11. Leave means Leave. Talk about missing out on the detail. "Would you like to buy my car?" "Maybe. What can you tell me about it?" "It's my car." "Sounds good. How much?"
  12. Jeremy Corbyn is popular in the Labour Party because of his position on the political spectrum. For example, he is not likely to invade Iraq or Libya or anything like that and he is in favour of nice things and so on. However, he is reading from a script and one that was written decades ago. He doesn't want to talk about Brexit because there was a time when the Labour Party was against Europe, he was part of that and he does not want to be described as a turncoat. We are talking about a part of the politic spectrum where suspicion, paranoia and accusations of betrayal are rife. While I might agree with him on a lot of things, he is just an incredibly weak leader.
  13. Yes and I devoted an entire chapter to it in my new book "Black is White".
  14. "The Millennials" and "The Baby-Boomers" both struggled to secure a record deal and disappeared into obscurity. "Generation X" did much better until Billy Idol left to go solo. HTH
  15. Actually that was more because she had been lured up to Scotland to see Kingussie. She thought she was going to meet a possible future husband. Instead she had to watch a disappointing game of shinty on a cold wet day in January.
  16. I think the idea was to defeat Germany and that would stop Germany bombing the UK and sinking ships and all that. Liberating France, Belgium and Holland was a good way to gather up allies to fight the Germans. Are they holding us to ransom? Are we holding them to ransom? They are simply saying "if you want to do business with us - here are our terms." We are replying "we want to do business with you but our terms are simply a request for you to improve yours." Doesn't seem to be working.
  17. In fairness they also had the Irish Easter risings and a world war to worry about Yes. I got that wrong and you spotted it first.
  18. This is one of those logic paradox things, isn't it? If I am supposed to believe you here - then clearly it isn't true - but then that would mean it is true. Argh.
  19. You are ignoring a hard core Remain vote that is probably stronger than it was before. In 1916, you had idiots like Dave Cameron and George Osborne leading the Remain side so the choice sounded like: "Yeah, it's crap - we need to get out" versus "Yeah it's crap but I guess that maybe we should sort of stay in." There was also a lot of personality politics - blue-on-blue, Eton mess crap. Hopefully, in a second referendum, the Remain argument would be argued better and anyone wanting to argue the case in a lukewarm manner will simply be told to f*** off.
  20. That's not going to work. They have never known what they want except that it is not whatever she has to offer. These are people who have always been disappointed by the contents of their Christmas stocking. It has been a truly traumatic experience for them and they want the whole country to know what it is like.
  21. KingRocketMan II, you need to understand ... Whenever a politician says "clearly" that means it is not.
  22. Hey that's easy. "Brexit means Brexit" means "Brexit means Brexit"
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