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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. It's outrageous. Only the other day, I was in the pub explaining how an acre can be easily defined as an area that is a furlong in length and a chain in width. Seems straightforward enough to me. By comparison, a hectare is 10,000 square metres. How is anyone supposed to make sense of that!
  2. Incredible, isn't it. A party with no MPs is able to dictate the agenda. So much for "take back control".
  3. Quite, this should be a safe place for normals, free from contrary vile opinions. Oh Normals. That makes sense now. I was going to ask "Who's Norman?"
  4. If Gina Miller had not insisted that MPs have a say in matters, there would not have been a vote last week and May's deal would now be happening,
  5. Almost everywhere that had an airport and actually encountered people from other places voted remain. The rest did not. I assume you know why people from Hartlepool are known as the Monkey-hangers. In short, somebody came to town with a monkey when the country was at war with France. The locals had never seen a Frenchman before, assumed the monkey was a Frenchman and hanged it as a spy. Embarrassing story for Hartlepool but IMO Brexiteers are operating at the same level.
  6. I haven't watch this show but I totally believe you. I find Diane Abbott totally frustrating but I also recognise that she gets more hate mail than any other politicians in the House of Commons. My big problem is this - why the same people again and again and again and again. Do they ever, ever, ever say anything that you couldn't predict a month earlier. What a massive amount of boring predictable crap. Invite somebody on to the show who is going to say something new - something original - something thought provoking.. No. We can't do that. They might say Brexit is crap and make it incredibly obvious that it is.
  7. Can we just deny the vote to anyone who doesn't know how to spell "received"?
  8. He should represent those who elected him as an MP, on whichever manifesto he stood. Not on how they voted in a referendum which (pre-vote, at least) was not party political. Maybe, just maybe, there's still a few voters out there who care about the NHS, education, social care, and social security... Oh, you mean other stuff! That's a blast from the past.
  9. I don't know the names of any UK ambassadors to anywhere. I don't know the names of any of our UN delegation. Sometimes I know the names of some civil servants but not most. Most people don't have any direct need to contact their MEP but that doesn't mean they don't have a job to do.
  10. A lot of them are cowards. They represent Leave constituencies and therefore assume that most of their voters have a deep seated hatred of the EU. Maybe. Alternative, they might be fed up with their situation and want to vent their anger - only it is being misdirected at the EU instead of the UK government that is causing all their misery. Does anyone seriously think life in any of these places is crap because we don't have a trade deal with Bolivia or Bangladesh or Burkina Faso?
  11. hmm. Maybe we should start talking about the EU
  12. It is a long time since I looked who would be on the panel and thought "that will be worth watching". Diane Abbott? Isabel Oakeshott? If they didn't turn up, you could just edit in their opinion expressed from previous shows and I doubt anyone would even notice. The same for countless other repeat offenders.
  13. Is this some reference to the Shoreham air show crash that is currently going through the courts just now? I hadn't thought of the comparison before but now that you mention it ..
  14. When I get on a plane, I generally know where I want to go but I rely on the pilot to get me there. If the pilot decides it can't be done, because of a thunderstorm, lack of fuel or anything else, I would just have to accept that.
  15. Perfectly true. The other question is this. If Brexit was the reason for the decision - would you want to make that public? Probably not. If you did - you would suddenly be thrown into the political dialogue going on just now. Not sure the shareholders would like that. Better to say "technical difficulties" or "unforeseen circumstances" and then quietly disappear.
  16. "Oh Brexit. Definitely not. Got up this morning. Looked at my horoscope and it said 'Today is a good day to close a factory'". Hope that clears things up.
  17. You weren't very helpful. It's right next door to the Rodeo.
  18. If you don't fancy Dublin, Galway is 2.5 hours away by motorway. It use to take a lot longer before the motorway was built. Also, my experience of trains in the Republic was disappointing. The train went through cuttings for most of the journey and you don't see anything. The exception is the train from Dublin to Belfast which was much more scenic. IMO: Dublin seems to have two city centres. One surrounds O'Connell Street and the other around Grafton Street.
  19. Kinsale is very near Cork and is a nice little place. (Cork airport is on Kinsale Road). Also, in my experience, Cork and Kerry get milder weather than the rest of island
  20. You could also mention that Ireland is part of the British Isles but I would suggest you don't.
  21. This reminds me of someone who met an American tourist in Inverness. "Oh, I use to live in North America too." "Really. Where was that?" "Toronto, Canada." "Oh Canada isn't in America." .. and they say the stupid ones don't even have passports!
  22. Absolutely. Just saw Owen Paterson on the news doing exactly that. "17.4 million people voted for my idea of Brexit - whatever that might be." Total contempt for the idea of a softer Brexit.
  23. Yes. After Theresa May's stunning victory on Tuesday night, they now know when they have met their match. Not sure if that is entirely correct.
  24. I think her attitude has been defined by her time at the home office. I remember her trying to deport some cleric and the European courts constantly knocking her back. In that case, get rid of those interfering busybodies. She tolerates the EU as long as it does not interfere with anything she is wanting to do.
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