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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. WelshBairn says his Google local news has switched to Perth in Western Australia. Don't know why. Never hear much about the place so it would interesting to know what passes as local news there.
  2. Oh dear. Do you think he will take a sulk and cancel the state visit? Hopefully Yes.
  3. As I recall, Farage did say he would ask for a re-run if it was close - which it was so - so the way I see it - everybody wins!
  4. There are so many politicians saying there will definitely NOT be a second referendum that I am now convinced that there will be one.
  5. I suspect if you booked into a hotel in Barnsley, you might hear a different story. "Oh yeah, him. Not surprised he was on Question Time. He comes here for his Sunday Lunch and acts same way if we serve him a vegetable he has never had before."
  6. I understand what you are saying but if you made a visit to Yorkshire, it is entirely possible you will meet a lot of normal people and not a single member of the "foaming at the mouth" brigade that regularly appear on Question Time. I was down in Yorkshire at the time of the EU referendum and went to York, Scarborough, Harrogate and Leeds. These are all places that voted Remain. However, if you watch Question Time or read certain newspapers - you might think no such places exist. 16.8 million people have simply disappeared.
  7. I think it like cancelling a direct debit where you can't remember what it is for or when you started it. People voted Leave because they were told there was no downside. We would save money, the EU would no longer to tell us what to do, we would have more say on who could come here and the EU would be desperate to strike a deal with us that would be better than what we had before. If the final deal offers none of these things - I suspect some people might change their mind.
  8. They might want to know which school you went to.
  9. We will return to the days where sailing ships ruled the waves and everybody could quote Rudyard Kipling. We might even bring back scurvy.
  10. Basically, Palestine would become the Middle East equivalent of Cromartyshire.
  11. I can still remember when Ronald Reagan was seeking re-election and the Democrats were trying to choose someone to stand against him. You had Democrat Senator Gary Hart saying, "I would move the capital to Jerusalem in a heartbeat." to which one of the other Democrat candidates said "Not if I do it first." It seems Trump does the outrageous stuff that others only threaten to do.
  12. I think this regulation alignment is similar to the following: "We have decided to invite you on stage to sing your own songs." "That's great." "The only thing is, we will be singing our songs at the same time, so your songs will have to use the same words, music and tempo as ours or it won't work." "So how exactly will these be my songs." "Well we will say our songs are our songs and your songs are your songs even if they are totally identical." "Oh well, in that case, take back control, let's do it!"
  13. Actually Britannia does still have an Empire on which the sun never sets but since it consists of remote islands like Pitcairn, St Helena and Tristan de Cunha it probably doesn't have the same impact that it use to have. Nevertheless it is nice to know where we will find our exciting new trading partners.
  14. Whenever somebody from Hollywood has to scout possible locations for films such as "The Hills have Eyes", they cheat. They check the voting pattern for each area first.
  15. Oh dear, this whole process is taking longer than expected. According to the original timetable, by now we were supposed to have exciting trade deals with every country on Earth and starting to have talks with both Venus and Mars.
  16. Let's face it. As soon as they get close to any kind of deal - somebody will scream "sell-out". Typically it would be Nigel Farage (and "the great betrayal of the British public") but it could be any other member of the Brexit brigade. Today it is the DUP. Tomorrow it will be someone else. David Davis argues that the Irish border issue will depend on whatever trade deal with strike. Does that rule out the "no deal" scenario? I am at a loss to see how a "No Deal" scenario would resolve the Irish border issue.
  17. According to the book "Did David Hasselhoff end the cold war", the twelve stars of the EU flag are a symbol of the Virgin Mary. Just the sort of thing to upset the DUP.
  18. So ITV are standing by Simon Cowell even though the current series of the X Factor has the lowest viewing figures ever. Here's a suggestion. Swap the audience with Question Time. I would love to see the Brexiteers answering what they thought of the latest Little Mix album or whatever. I also like the idea of the angry pointy-finger brigade having to sit through an hour of X Factor Night - Eurovision theme. Just an idea.
  19. I think if you had a referendum offering to double everyone's salary, you would have a lot of economists, business leaders and politicians telling you why it could never work. However a lot of people would still vote for it anyway because it would be really nice to have the extra money and if it really wasn't possible then why did you offer the referendum in the first place.
  20. I recall one referendum somewhere in America where the local government wanted to increase local tax by 4% to cover the increased cost of everything. Being America, with various anti-tax people involved, somebody demanded an amendment so that the choice was: A: Increase local tax by 4% B: Leave it the same C: Lower local tax by 4% They had the referendum and guess what. Option C won.
  21. They are also saying it is not so windy down there, there is a lovely beach to walk along, the water is nice and warm and so you just need to ignore all this talk about parachutes or some other means to break your fall. Once you get down there the pain will be worth it.
  22. Bloody useless. Only 30 days in November. Did it not change automatically.
  23. The Brexiteers expected the Republic to leave the EU at the same time as the UK. "Come on, we're leaving - grab your coat." I think they are surprised that the Republic is choosing not to do so. "It's in your own interest to leave at the same time as us." "No. Actually, it's in your own interest as well as ours not to leave at all." Previously, because the UK had a much bigger population - it could push the Irish about. They joined the EU at the same time. Now it is the Republic of Ireland in combination with 26 other countries that has the bigger population. Personally, I can't see any politician in the Republic agreeing to leave the EU to be part of a UK economic zone. Maybe we should have a joint EU referendum: "Do you think the UK and the Republic of Ireland should leave the EU or remain in it?" Add the combined total. Of course, that will never happen, although it probably would solve all the problems.
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