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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. There are claims that after Brexit it will be all be up in the air. They want to assure us it won't be!
  2. Some people have a brain the size of a pea. After we crash out of Europe, will anyone be talking about nationalizing the railways, improving the NHS, employing more teachers and nurses, making life better for millions of people in the UK? No. The entire conversation will be about Brexit, our relationship with the EU, our role in the world, our delusions of grandeur, our belief that anybody else in the world cares what we have to say about anything, and maybe some complications in Ireland. We were asked about the EU back in 2016. Fine. How's that going? Everything sorted out - exactly as promised - maybe not. More money for the NHS, again maybe not. Once we are shown what leaving the EU will actually mean - as opposed to all the "snake oil crap" - how is it not democratic to ask if we still want to go through with it.
  3. I thought it appropriate that the front page of The Sun includes a cliff. All that is missing is the lemmings.
  4. So I went and told them about my idea and they said my idea was rubbish and I said no it is not rubbish and they said yes it is and they were just mean to me and I said I still want to be friends with them but I don't want to be in their gang and they said No and they were not very nice and they were just really mean to me and I said I still wanted to play together but I don't like their rules and they said No and I said I was just trying to be friends but they were just really mean to me ...
  5. .. and the day after the vote was won, they said "oh yeah - that - probably not going to happen" and yet nobody cries foul. Seaview property in Aberfeldy anyone? Lowest price guaranteed. .. and a year's supply of snake oil. Any takers?
  6. Of course if Theresa May went to the EU with a plan that the EU could agree to then it is obvious what would happen. Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson, Jacob Rees Mogg and a hundred other low-lifes would accuse her of a sell-out. Maybe she should take a backseat, send them over to Brussels to see if any of their ideas have any mileage and take it from there. Oh, I forgot, they don't have ideas - they only have objections.
  7. Radicals? That almost sounds like a compliment. I think arseholes reads better.
  8. So the EU needs to go away and come up with a proposal that would be acceptable to everyone in her party. Bit of challenge when even she can't do that herself. Look forward to her speech to the Tory conference when she gets applause for complaining that the EU found her Chequers plan unacceptable. Expect Boris Johnson and David Davis to clap the loudest without the slightest touch of irony.
  9. If May resigned they would all be lining to take over but then something would come up. "Bit of a sore knee." "My left elbow is playing up again." "Don't really like the wallpaper at Number 10. Can't see myself living there." They all want to be back-seat drivers but would be absolutely hopeless if they had to steer the thing themselves.
  10. What gets me is that we were told we have this amazing sales team - a deal with the EU will be no problem at all and then we have some smashing deals with the rest of the world too! Okay. No deal with the EU it seems. What next? "Let's strike a deal with India and China." "Oh, no. They want things that we can't agree to. No Deal." "The Philippines, Thailand, Papua New Guinea. Awkward buggers, bloody foreigners, don't they know who we are?" "Okay, no deal with anyone. So what? The world needs us more than we need the world. Let them suffer."
  11. I thought it was "When you're right 47% of the time, you're wrong 53% of the time". Learn something new every day.
  12. I lied about being a brain surgeon because I was being facetious! He does not explicitly say that everybody who goes to university is stupid but his comments imply that because some people are they can all be tarred with the same brush.
  13. He is also very good at combing his hair and when interviewed by a fairly compliant media he does not lose his temper. For some Tories, I guess, that makes him an excellent candidate for PM.
  14. Yes, I lied about being a brain surgeon. How did you guess? It is perfectly true that some people got to university and get a degree that has not been helpful in getting a job. I know someone who went to university and did biology, psychology and archaeology. Was that relevant for the job they are doing now? Possible not. As suspect like everyone, I know some stupid people who went to university and some clever people who didn't but that doesn't mean that everybody who went to university is stupid. He seems to imply it does and then has a rant. It is like saying "I can think of something that is wrong with the EU therefore it was right to vote Leave." Faulty logic.
  15. According to this guy, some people go to university and get degrees that are not very useful for getting a job and they also get a mountain of debts as well. Therefore the smart people are the ones who never go to university. Absolutely right. University is a waste of time and never taught me nothing. I am a self-taught brain surgeon and if this guy needs some affordable surgery - he should just give me a call.
  16. IMO: This is similar to the Litvinenko murder. The Russians carry out the attack in such a way to make it obvious to everyone except the apologists. Then when everybody points the finger at them, they say "No. A big boy did it and ran away". This takes advantage of the fact that Putin is not that big.
  17. What a coincidence! When Ian Fleming wrote James Bond, the character was loosely based on Michael Foot - but I am sure you all know that. .. or am I thinking about Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang. Seriously, what nonsense. How could Michael Foot be of any use to the Soviets? It makes far more sense to have spies within the civil service or the armed foces or wherever, who has access to state secrets that can be passed on without arising suspicion.
  18. I did jury duty once - fascinating case but by law I can't tell you anything about it. Actually I am not even sure I should even have told you it was fascinating - Oops.
  19. Apparently one of the main benefits of leaving the EU and taking back control is that we will be able to outlaw being facetious. We can't do so just now because of some EU directive - or so I was told.
  20. A recent survey discovered there are more signs pointing to Keith than people who actually want to go there.
  21. Labour are quite happy for the Tories to own Brexit. However, if Labour won a general election, they would then own Brexit and it would dominate their agenda and prevent them doing any of the wonderful things that Corbyn would like to do. I wonder when the penny is going to drop.
  22. According to the DMV: A diamond sign always warns of possible hazards ahead Horizontal rectangles typically provide guidance to drivers Therefore you should definitely pay attention to the one on the left but you can safely ignore the one on the right. Hope that helps.
  23. I was going to point out the well camouflaged haggis nest but I guess I'm too late. Oh well.
  24. No need to ask Jacob Rees Mogg. I can do it for you. If you buy some ice cream for £4 and each crossing charges 20% tariff under WTO rules then it will cost £9.95 by the time you reach your destination. If somebody says "No not Tutti Frutti - I want Raspberry Ripple" and you take it back then that will be £24.77. You might get your original £4 back - assuming you have kept all the paperwork!
  25. She wears gloves in public so the police can never get any fingerprints. Otherwise they would be able to solve several jewelry heists. Apparently, the collection of crown jewels has been growing steadily over the years and barely anyone has noticed and those that have are keeping quiet.
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