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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. Apparently some people say that if you do any kind of manual labour at all then you are working class. Presumably that includes Formula 1 racing drivers as well as all those highly paid footballers and other sportsmen.
  2. We are now approaching that time of year when for an entire month the prime minister thinks people are saying nice things about her. "I love May - always sunny and warm." "Sorry dear - not you."
  3. I think that people should just call them out and say: "What do you want? What is your solution? How do you plan to square the circle? Never mind that nobody else can make this work - what would you do? The Republic of Ireland is not going to leave the EU because the DUP would like them to - and in fact that is the most poisonous suggestion imaginable - so again what do you want? How do you plan to make this work?"
  4. Does it work better when you are out of the country?
  5. Theresa May is the weakest Prime Minister that the UK has ever had but Corbyn is weaker still. It is like watching a penalty shoot out where both the keepers have gone for lunch and yet neither team looks like scoring into an open net.
  6. I think a lot of Tories like to think of themselves as the pragmatic party. At times, they will suggest this means doing whatever it takes to look after the economy. In reality it means doing whatever it takes to look after the Tory Party. I think May and others realise that Brexit is going to be a disaster but cannot find a way to cancel it or limit it that does not result in half their voters flocking to UKIP. It is amazing that the narrative of UK politics is being defined by a party with no MPs at Westminister. It is also about "taking back control" from unelected people in Brussels and this is being said most loudly by unelected newspaper owners. IMO: Brexit is just right-wing utopianism - the EU is an extra layer of government and even if it was perfect - it would be better to be out. You also have the likes of Jeremy Corbyn who is happy to go along with this in the belief that if people have a go at right wing utopianism and discover they don't like it then maybe they will go for left wing utopianism instead. In the meantime, the economy goes down the pan.
  7. Actually tripartite indicates "three of .." Presumably top, pair of shorts and one sock. Hmmm,. Not sure what the words is for "Four of .. "
  8. Is she banned from court actions in Scotland? If not, you could be in trouble.
  9. All these charts are using too much blue. Need to leave some over for making passports.
  10. If they voted Sinn Fein, I doubt they voted DUP as well. Haven't researched the matter. Just a gut feeling.
  11. .. and that ties were made by some country in South East Asia
  12. A recent survey found that 43% of Americans thought hybrid cars were manufactured in Madagascar.
  13. .. or as Theresa May would say "What's in the box is in the box."
  14. I totally agree with this. I believe the term is "useful idiots."
  15. Similar mindset to the following: Sometimes soldiers sent behind enemy lines are issued cyanide tablets in case they are captured. Maybe there are some of them who afterwards say "okay, I wasn't captured but it would be a shame to have these go to waste."
  16. Just watched a bit of Brexit debate on the television. One person voted leave because "I found out that our fishermen can't just fish where they like because we are in the EU."
  17. .. and New Zealand have cancelled any trade deal because of some boxing match. Imagine that.
  18. The House of Lords, the Monarchy, Proportional Representation in Ireland, the astonishing political influence a bunch of unelected newspaper owners have and the amount of news coverage that somebody like Nigel Farage gets even when his party has no MPs.
  19. Okay, suit yourself. I am simply reminded of the contestant on Masterchef who failed the ingredients round: Ham and Pineapple pizza followed by pepperoni and custard.
  20. Is it just American crime shows or is there not something like a "statute of limitations" that applies here? "How did you come to be in this country?" "My grandmother smuggled me in." "Where is she now - can we speak to her?"
  21. I agree. It is called bullying and could just as easily have been about mushrooms, celery or anything. Having said that, I am not Jewish but if anyone tried to force me to eat a Ham and Pineapple pizza, they would get a pasting - it is revolting!
  22. "Oh look - there's Jeremy Corbyn. Looks like he forgot to comb his hair today." "Oh there you go again. Colluding with the right-wing press against the first true socialist leader the Labour Party has ever known. Someone who is prepared to make the fundamental changes this country so desperately needs - but that is not good enough for you, I guess. I suppose you prefer a leader who wants to engage in illegal wars, be a complete poodle to the American President and not really do anything here that makes any real difference for the people who need it most." "Actually no. I was going to ask him if he wanted to borrow my comb."
  23. I wonder if anything is being done to track down the 53 idiots who love this Facebook post.
  24. If Jeremy Corbyn really wants to be prime minister then he needs to act the part. "Regarding Russia, what would you do?" "Well I wouldn't do what they have done." "Never mind what anyone else might do - what would you do?" He doesn't need to be a strong leader. He doesn't need to make that decision on his own. He can discuss it with his colleagues or anyone else for that matter. Then when a consensus is reached - he can be the spokesman and say "This is what we suggest." Maybe this is what he is already doing but it doesn't come across like that. More like he has turned up without his notes and saying "This Russia business - it really is a puzzle - isn't it."
  25. Theresa May has looked more statesmanlike precisely because she is able to talk about something other than Brexit. A lot of European countries realised that what happened in Salisbury could have occured in Strasbourg, Stuttgart or Stockholm or numerous other places whose name does not start with an "S". The UK's problem with Russia is everyone's problem with Russia. The EU have also had the chance to say "look, this is the benefit is being part of the club." Jeremy Corbyn's response was weak. If he was not going to be supportive of the government, then he should have been forcefully suggesting some other course of action. But he never seems forceful. "Not sure you are doing the right thing here." "So what would you do?" "Not sure but not this." He just never does enough to really convince anyone that he really wants to be prime minister and he is already in his dream job.. He likes to tell Theresa May that "people are suffering" but some people think it would be better if they could do something about it. I agree with Jeremy Corbyn on a lot of things but he constantly comes across as weak, weak, weak - even compared to Theresa May! This issue of anti-semitism is ridiculous. People in the Labour Party who are anti-Jewish should be expelled from the party as Hitler-loving fascist pigs. Racism is racism is racism.
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