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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. I suspect that if Question Time was shown on ITV or Channel 4, there would be adverts for anger management courses.
  2. The nearest post office to K2 receives a dozen letters a week from people who don't know the correct post code for Kirkcaldy.
  3. When asked why he chose to climb Mount Everest, Edmund Hillary said "to get away from people trying to sell me double glazing." He went on to climb several other mountains before finally deciding the only solution was to go live in a cave.
  4. As President of the United States of America, I wonder where Donald Trump finds the time to send these tweets. I have this image of Trump in some room with numerous officials from the White House, the Pentagon and the State Department. He is sitting typing into his phone muttering "NFL scumbags" while somebody is saying "Mister President. Sir. We were discussing what to do about North Korea .."
  5. After Brexit, we could probably get that down to 215%, I'm sure.
  6. One of the reasons that Jeremy Corbyn thinks we might benefit from Brexit is that the EU prevents us from offering state aid to our own companies. Not sure if that is true but suppose it was. The USA is penalising Bombardier because it is complaining about unfair state aid to Bombardier. Wouldn't we encounter similar problems if we offered state aid to any company as Jeremy Corbyn says - assuming that company is looking to export to other countries?
  7. Also, it might not revolve on its axis every 24 hours and go round the sun in 365 1/4 days, or have a moon that affects the tides or even have oceans in the first place. Without the 23 1/2 degree tilt, it will not have the seasons we have. So I think there is a strong likelihood it would be different - although I could be wrong.
  8. If the U.K. government really had a clear plan on how it would all work - then maybe it would happen. At the moment, it all sounds like daydreaming, wishful thinking and right wing utopianism. (Utopianism is not consigned only to the left). We are going to have our cake and eat it! At a practical level - that is not going to work. Please provide some clue that anything has been thought through at a practical level. So far, I have heard nothing that suggests that it has been. Maybe Brexit will a great success but I am not convinced. Convince me. .. and without blaming the rest of the world at the same time.
  9. I don't like the idea that if anyone in the Labour Party is opposed to Brexit then that is seen as an attempt to undermine Jeremy Corbyn as opposed to an attempt to say it is a really bad idea. Not every opinion in the world comes down to being for Jeremy Corbyn or against him. It is a return to good old fashioned paranoia. Probably consulting Kim Jong Un on what to do next.
  10. This is Trump's way of saying "Let's attack the complainers" instead of "Let's attack the complaint". Are these players disrupting the national anthem? No. Are they singing a different tune? No. Are they waving somebody else's flag? No. So in what way is it being disrespectful? Come to think of it. Why is waving the confederate flag not seen as unpatriotic?
  11. By that logic, the United States should fall apart unless everyone has an understanding of what life is like in each of the other states. Do you think people in California are overly concerned about New York State or Texas or Illinois? I think if you asked somebody in California who is the governor of Texas or the Mayor or Chicago - they might not know and more importantly they might not care. Similarly if you asked someone in Illinois what they knew about politics in California. If Germany has a level-headed leader running a level-headed government - then that is all that matters for most people here IMO.
  12. I find this image very disturbing. Where does that table lamp plug in? .. and why exactly does he need it?
  13. Actually, it's the urinals that you really want to avoid.
  14. Yeah, you're right. I stole a "I love Donald Trump" knee pad. That will come in handy.
  15. Actually I understand the whole thing with the national anthem, oath of allegiance and saluting the flag stuff. America is a basically a nation of immigrants and there was a need to establish a common identity to avoid having ghettoes of various nationalities. So, for example, when somebody comes from Italy, they want them to be Italian American, or more precisely Italian AMERICAN as opposed to just an Italian living in America. Of course, this means you see the Stars and Stripes everywhere - including virtually all uniforms (maybe I am exaggerating but it seemed like that to me). It also means the national anthem at virtually any sporting event. Domestic league fixtures - that is only the start. School team fixtures as well! Don't try buying anything in any of the shops at the time - not going to happen. The shop assistants are all standing to attention with their hand on their heart. You could probably run out the shop without paying and half of them wouldn't know what to do. Maybe they would sing the remaining words at double time and then chase after you. Not that I have done this - I am just saying.
  16. The Soviet Union was a totalitarian state but it was definitely better to have Gorbachev in charge and not another Stalin, Khrushchev or Brezhnev. Unfortunately, for him, being more open and less brutal could not overcome the weaknesses of the Soviet Union and it collapsed. I remember several Americans saying, "No, he is still a commie - don't trust him." Fortunately, Reagan and then George H Bush, were prepared to think otherwise. Iran is far from perfect and the elections so rigged that it is not truly democratic by any means. However, I think we should be more encouraging when Iranian leaders do the things we want them to do.
  17. Sometimes Iran has a hardline leader and some times it has a moderate. Personally I prefer when it has a moderate leader - such as Hassan Rouhani (who went to University in Glasgow, as I am sure you know) as opposed to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. However, there are some Americans who can't cope with moderate opponents - "No, no - it's all a trick." If the moderates gain nothing from being moderate - then guess what - the hardliners return. Maybe the Americans prefer that.
  18. Kwasi Kwarteng, Paul Mason and Dia Chakravarty are all keen Brexiteers and I fully expect the angry pointy finger types in the audience too! The usual crap, such as: "We voted to leave - what's the hold up. We shouldn't be paying anything to Johnny Foreigner and they all need to leave. Let's restore the empire and make Great Britain Great again." I think I'll watch Horizon on BBC 4 instead - Goodbye Cassini or something like that.
  19. The inventor of the typewriter made a mistake visiting Kenya. They threw him in prison for a year. Apparently "Qwerty" is a very rude word in Swahili.
  20. Thanks. BTW: I know your name isn't Bud. I heard some Glaswegian calling you Jimmy.
  21. Actually I did go to school in Inverness. That was me trying to sound like an American. Didn't pull it off I guess. Obviously it doesn't convince anyone unless I use the word "awesome". Oh well, how disawesome? unawesome? aweless?
  22. Obviously there are a whole bunch of would-be terrorists at their training camps, who have now just dropped their bombs, knives, suicide belts and everything and said "That's it. I'm out of here. I don't want anyone calling me a loser."
  23. Hey Bud, you mean there are other words for describing stuff. Wow. That's .. er .. um .. can you tell us one of them? BTW - You should ask them why is "awful" a negative word. "Full of Awe" sounds like a good thing.
  24. "Ever since I was a naughty little girl running through the wheat fields - I have been a massive fan of Florentina Football Club. Great win against Bologna, by the way and that was never a penalty. In any case, I am not convinced this 4-4-2 formation is best suited to the club and I would like to see a more attacking style of play. I also think there is a need to improve the scouting system to compete more effective against the likes of AC Milan and Juventus. And finally, maybe it is time for a new assistant manager. That's all I have to say." Okay - not very likely she will say this but it would certainly catch them off guard if she did.
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