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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. No need to ask Jacob Rees Mogg. I can do it for you. If you buy some ice cream for £4 and each crossing charges 20% tariff under WTO rules then it will cost £9.95 by the time you reach your destination. If somebody says "No not Tutti Frutti - I want Raspberry Ripple" and you take it back then that will be £24.77. You might get your original £4 back - assuming you have kept all the paperwork!
  2. She wears gloves in public so the police can never get any fingerprints. Otherwise they would be able to solve several jewelry heists. Apparently, the collection of crown jewels has been growing steadily over the years and barely anyone has noticed and those that have are keeping quiet.
  3. Just finished reading a very large book about the Vietnam War. Basically it involved bombing the enemy or anyone who might be the enemy. The second category was more or less everybody.
  4. To be honest, would you really want to stay longer in Gateshead than you really had to? 30 minutes is a long time.
  5. Ah, so the Jews are to blame for this country not having the government it needs. Wasn't there somebody in Germany who tried that approach? Is it possible to be both Jewish and opposed to everything the Israeli Government is doing? I would have thought so.
  6. Yes but people would say "Did he not know he would be catching that train? Does he not have staff who could have made a reservation for it? Is there nobody in charge of planning his schedule?" He might not be PM but he needs to give the impression he could easily slip into the role.
  7. Yes. Almost everyone who travels by train has had that experience. I still recall standing on a crowded platform in Perth, only for the arriving train to be already full. "That's okay, I'll catch the next one in two hours time." My point is that nobody would expect it to happen to a Prime Minister - unless their handlers are grossly incompetent. People expect the Prime Minister to be the one who tackles the problem instead of being the one to suffer it too.
  8. For Labour to succeed, Corbyn needs to act like the Prime Minister in waiting. One of the worse stunts he ever did was allow himself to be filmed sitting on the floor of a train in order to discuss overcrowding on trains. Even if it was a valid point, the truth is that no Prime Minister would ever be filmed sitting on the floor of a train. There would be people alongside him to ensure that he had a seat and failing that they would try to stop him being filmed. In any case, nobody filming would expect him to co-operate and say "look at me - I am a victim." This is the sort of clumsiness that he does again and again and again.
  9. That's it. Corbyn is unable to set the agenda and define the narrative. If he talks about anything else - he is dragged back to the issue of anti-semitism. However, people will watch on and wonder why this issue cannot simply be killed off - why the Labour Party gets bogged down on a definition of anti-semitism. He should really be saying "any member found guilty of anti-semitism is bringing down the reputation of the party and should be expelled. End of story. Let's start talking about more important things."
  10. It is better if we leave with no deal in place for the simple reason it would have no lasting effect and the sooner the unqualified MP's realised this the better. Remember 23 hours 59 seconds 31st December 1999 when every boffin announced the end of the world as every computer would crash, result NOTHING.The same 23 hours 59 seconds 31st March 2019, nothing will happen. The ONLY consideration presently on the table and only with Germany and France is how will they jointly finance the missing £350m per week suddenly gone. The other members and especially Greece are parasitic takers not givers. Does ANYBODY really believe we will have no aircraft flying, empty hotel beds, empty restaurants, empty bars, unemployment will be crippling. The British tourist props up the majority of these economies. The biggest single business in the world and we created it. By a referendum the British democracy decided to withdraw and gave this government a problem, unprepared for and certainly did not want. We do not live in a democracy as the majority are those who do not vote. My son who lives and works in Prague was told when we announced we where leaving that his job is 100% safe. Fear ye not, it is only the media who have nothing better to do over their G&T's. Yeah. It was the same thing about Apollo 13. Everybody making a big song and dance about it. The controller in Houston should have just sent everyone home and let the astronauts make their own way back. Gravity would have done the trick. It's amazing how people get in a fuzz about nothing.
  11. The millennium bug was disastrous for me. My video recorder stopped working!
  12. This is all fine and good but what's happening with the tooth fairy? Is she going to need to apply for work visa or not? IMO: I can't see this "hostile environment" agreeing to one.
  13. Because Plan 'A' for Brexit was always that we leave, other countries follow and the EU collapses completely. We would then be leaders of the "told you so" group of countries that have chosen to leave. Unfortunately for that plan - the Dutch declined to elect a fascist to run the country and then so did the French. "Oh blast. What's Plan 'B'? Oops, we don't have a Plan 'B'" The Brexiteers are frustrated that the EU27 are sticking together. Hardly surprising. After all, the British seem to be the only country in Europe with fond memories of the Second World War.
  14. I agree a car is just a car. BTW: Is it the new Audi Mark VII with triple chrome plated alloy wheels and twelve cylinder twin feed synchotronic fuel injection turbo cross-blend engine? Asking for a friend.
  15. I thought airport security was one of these places where you can't use your phone. They must have been screaming at him. I bet he was pulled aside and stripped searched as a potential terrorist. Does he mention anything about that?
  16. Of course the EU is going to struggle without us. It would never have got started without us - oh okay it did but once it was started they were dead keen to get us in - except for the veto by de Gaulle that is but in any case, I am sure they were always pleased whenever we turned up and described them as a bunch of idiots. Boy they're going to miss us!
  17. You do realize I wasn't being entirely serious.
  18. Alternatively, couldn't we just get Kim Jong Um to nuke us? There is a good chance the bomb would be highly inefficient and there would be a lot of unused uranium left over that we could then grab hold of. Problem solved.
  19. Can't we just Putin for some of that Polonium he was splashing about London?
  20. I don't mean to be pedantic but I think you could probably make Uranium by bombarding some other element with neutrons and it will then decay into Uranium. We're only talking a few atoms here. Will that be enough?
  21. I was under the impression that Northern Ireland was colonized to create a wedge between the Gaelic speakers of the North (i.e. what is now the Highlands of Scotland) and the Gaelic speakers of the South (i.e. what is now the Republic of Ireland). Typically these settlers were Protestants from the Scottish lowlands for whom the countryside of Northern Ireland looked similar to where they were from.
  22. Nothing is a justification for a return to the bomb. However, I think the reason there is relative peace in Northern Ireland is because a lot of people who would like a United Ireland are able to tolerate the current situation. You can go back and forth across the border several times a day and barely notice that it is there. If the border becomes noticeable again, with some roads closed off and other closely monitored, then that will be enough to change attitudes. Some people would say "why should we accept a divided Ireland when even a workable solution was sabotaged for a cause that we never voted for." Obviously this will include some nutcases for whom words are not enough. That is the problem.
  23. Franco banned the sale of coleslaw. It is a political statement.
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