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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. Black players are protesting about the "culture" in the USA where there is an accusation of police brutality towards black people. The discussion should be about whether that accusation is true or not - not about the flag or the national anthem. The black players are protesting peacefully and I would say respectfully. They are not rioting or anything like that. They are making a silent protest. If Nelson Mandela or Mahatma Gandhi did something similar - you would admire it. All these complaints about the national anthem and the flag are a smoke screen to avoid talking about how blacks and others are treated in America.
  2. Better show than usual. Missing the angry pointy-finger Brexiteers in the audience that are angry about everything. I guess that is why it was better.
  3. Understandable actually. Donald Trump wants the news to be about whatever outrageous thing he is doing just now - not anybody else. "Hey Harvey, go and your controversy somewhere else - I want everyone to be talking about me."
  4. That simply means the next grant we get from the EU will not be in Pounds Sterling. Big Deal!
  5. In a recent survey, 17% of Americans thought the Bristol Channel was actually called the Swan Sea.
  6. I was surprised that it was actually downtown. The Mexicans probably bought all their guns at the shopping mall nearby and saved themselves the bother of having to carry them all the way from Mexico.
  7. In America, even being on a terrorist watch list doesn't prevent you from buying a gun. Can't get my head around that.
  8. .. and what does North Korea have to do to get noticed.
  9. "Excuse me, when he checked into the hotel, did anything seem a little odd?" "No, not really." "Are you sure?" "Oh hang on. I see where you are coming from. Nineteen is not an even number. Is that what you mean?"
  10. I have been to open air concerts in America. They have signs at the entrance saying "No guns!"
  11. It made sense when America was getting started and had no army, navy (or air force for that matter). Every man would own his own gun to help protect his country from foreign powers and his state from other states. That was the point of the second amendment. Now that America has a sizeable army, navy and air force, it makes less sense. I doubt you'll hear "quick everybody, North Korea is attacking, every man grab your gun." Except in the movies - that is.
  12. Apparently he had ten rifles in his room. I really can't see how that could have gone unnoticed. I can imagine a sign going up saying: "In light of recent events, guests are restricted to only 4 high powered assault rifles per person. Thank you for your co-operation."
  13. The code word is "Awesome". In America it always is.
  14. As well as escaped aliens from Area 51. Serious firepower required against those ray guns.
  15. After Brexit, we will escape the EU ban on flying pigs.
  16. That's okay as long as they don't hog the thread
  17. Just watched Donald Trump on the news. "Puerto Rico is an island surrounded by water." Personally I thought that was the definition of an island but what do I know. Might be useful to know at the pub quiz on Thursday. "Can you name an island in the Caribbean that is surrounded by water?" Puerto Rico.
  18. I suspect that if Question Time was shown on ITV or Channel 4, there would be adverts for anger management courses.
  19. The nearest post office to K2 receives a dozen letters a week from people who don't know the correct post code for Kirkcaldy.
  20. When asked why he chose to climb Mount Everest, Edmund Hillary said "to get away from people trying to sell me double glazing." He went on to climb several other mountains before finally deciding the only solution was to go live in a cave.
  21. As President of the United States of America, I wonder where Donald Trump finds the time to send these tweets. I have this image of Trump in some room with numerous officials from the White House, the Pentagon and the State Department. He is sitting typing into his phone muttering "NFL scumbags" while somebody is saying "Mister President. Sir. We were discussing what to do about North Korea .."
  22. After Brexit, we could probably get that down to 215%, I'm sure.
  23. One of the reasons that Jeremy Corbyn thinks we might benefit from Brexit is that the EU prevents us from offering state aid to our own companies. Not sure if that is true but suppose it was. The USA is penalising Bombardier because it is complaining about unfair state aid to Bombardier. Wouldn't we encounter similar problems if we offered state aid to any company as Jeremy Corbyn says - assuming that company is looking to export to other countries?
  24. Also, it might not revolve on its axis every 24 hours and go round the sun in 365 1/4 days, or have a moon that affects the tides or even have oceans in the first place. Without the 23 1/2 degree tilt, it will not have the seasons we have. So I think there is a strong likelihood it would be different - although I could be wrong.
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