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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. Any driver that cannot believe that anyone can drive a stretch of road faster than they can. Especially those who never look in the rear view mirror. I remember following one driver once. He went quite fast on the straight bits of the road but was painfully slow on the twisty bits. Obviously not acquainted with gears.
  2. Actually all the issues seem to relate to the clock, which makes me suspect somebody at lego land, lego world or wherever these things come from. Of much greater concern, the two yellow bricks at the back (or front?) have not been properly pushed down, making this aircraft totally unsafe for air travel.
  3. Let me get this straight. He was 12 at the time, which would make him about 27 now and this is his idea of an airplane. Please tell me he doesn't work for Boeing or Airbus.
  4. You make a good point but I wonder if they use these numbers in practice. "Hey 4, it is after 9 and you are all at 6s and 7s with your homework. Better do it now or it will be what for from 3." "You know when 3 was 9 and it was after 8 he was all done with his 1, 2, 3 and with the 7 or 8 chores he had to do too." "That's the way it was for 3 and 2 too come to think of it. 1 was certainly one for discipline - that is for sure." "You bigger numbers certainly have it easy."
  5. In Polo, you also have to say things like "Oh I Say" and "Spiffing" and "Crikey" I think I would rather be left handed (although I'm not)
  6. In North America, most ice hockey players are left handed. I wonder if that is true of other sports
  7. According to the theory of natural selection being ambidextrous was a disadvantage. In days gone by, a hunter who was better with his right hand would always throw a spear with his right hand and get good at it. Similarly a hunter who was left-handed. However, a hunter who was ambidextrous would sometimes use his left hand, sometimes his right and never get good with either. Then he would get eaten by a lion or tiger or something like that. Maybe less of a problem nowadays.
  8. In recent years, being left-handed does improve your chances of becoming President of the USA Barack Obama - left handed George W Bush - right handed Bill Clinton - left handed George H Bush - left handed Ronald Reagan - ambidextrous Jimmy Carter - left handed
  9. Bryan Adams "Summer of 69" was also about England's World Cup win but being Canadian and only vaguely interested in football, he didn't bother to get his facts right.
  10. The New Horizons probe to Pluto was the fastest ever but took 9 years to get to Pluto. It would take 5,000 years to get to Alpha Centauri if it was heading that way. Imagine their people showing up here with all their VHS tapes because they thought we were still using them,
  11. Normally I would cheer when we score a goal. This season, it looks like I will have to set my sights lower. "Oh great - we won a corner - Hooray"
  12. You would need to ensure that it can't be seen from Donald Trump's golf course.
  13. I tend to agree. Generally when I watch the telly it because I really want to watch it - otherwise I switch it off. For others, the telly is always on - so they think nothing about talking at the same time - otherwise when would they talk. Even worse at the cinema. I really hate people talking there.
  14. Will it be RellaRella? Not sure where I got that idea from.
  15. Totally agree with this. Also, they also shout at you for not guessing where they are about to go. "You nearly took my nose off"
  16. It has detected that you are easily offended and stopped you getting in - exactly as it should.
  17. Missed opportunity there! Real live haggis - easily mistaken for rabbits .. and a haggis nest that looks just like a castle. She would have been thrilled.
  18. You know I am beginning to think there are real flaws in the whole story. For a start, I can't believe that being bitten by a radioactive spider is suddenly going to give you superhuman powers.
  19. You simply need to point out to her that logically speaking there can only be one thing that is worse than everything else - so which one is it. Is it: a. Traffic issues b. Hair in tea c. Something else .. but of course she will probably reply ".. but there is nothing worse than people having a go at the way I speak."
  20. Never mind, I was able to save it for you. Maybe he was trying to save you some blushes, and I can understand why. Was this the one? (BTW: What boobs are you talking about?)
  21. Especially, if she thinks it is something to do with the Spice Girls!
  22. Look on the bright side. If you had done the same thing with the boiler suit, people would be talking about you.
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